Just looking for some advice on timing.

CB Advanced OPK identified my four most fertile days as Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I double checked yesterday with regular digitals and got a smiley face. Today it was negative so I thought we were good and done.

But I woke up with more EWCM than I had yesterday and now I feel pinching around my left ovary.

So even though the OPKS indicate today isn't a fertile day, I feel like maybe I ovulated today and we should BD tonight.

This cycle has been tough for me emotionally though (didn't BD Thursday as I was too upset about the whole thing) and today DH is shattered and has a cold. We did BD Friday, Saturday and yesterday. So part of me thinks we're covered and the other part thinks we really should finish what we started. Urgh.

Based on the OPKS and physical signs, do you think we need to include today..