So... I totaled my car on Tuesday. I was at fault and I feel SO, so stupid. There was a car in my blind spot. No one was hurt thankfully but this is going to set us back a lot of $$$.

Car insurance said they wouldn't change our rates until June, when our plan gets renewed. I'm so nervous what is going to happen. If you had a car totaled, esp. if you were at fault, how much % did your insurance go up by?

Background: I had a very minor fender bender in Sept 2013 (not my fault) and in Oct 2015 (at fault) and my insurance went up from $100 to $450 because of two claims in 2 years Even though they were VERY minor, only $100-$300 of damage to my car each time and $500 or so to the other car. Now this will be my 3rd claim in 4 years, UGH. I did get them to re-set my $450 rate back down to $100 through accident forgiveness, but that was only once.