I have a 4 week old baby girl and I'm worried about sleep. From day one she really hated being put down (don't all babies!?) so she spent lots of time sleeping in our arms. We are sometimes able to put her down in the day (we have a 'sleep nest') but not always. At night I ended up co sleeping because as soon as I put her in her sleep nest in the crib which is next to the bed, she wakes up screaming.

Anyway, now im worried that she has already gotten too used to this and won't ever sleep in her crib. I keep trying to put her in it but she wakes up and I'm so tired I always just bring her to bed. I realise she is still so young.

Has anyone else co slept for the first few weeks / months and then been able to transition to a crib? How did you do it? At what age?