Ok, Mamas. My son just turned one and I've been reflecting a bit on the past year. I've been spending time with lots of friends/family with younger babies and I notice that none of them are like my son was at their age.

My son was constantly screaming, crying, hated to be held but refused to be left alone, and always trying to escape whatever position he was in. Breastfeeding was terrible, he left big scars in my nipples and he could never, ever get enough. Switching to formula at three months helped, but did not fix all his issues. I never cuddled with him unless he was asleep (only tightly swaddled) and he barely slept for the first 6 months at least. It was pure hell. I cringe when I think about the newborn and infant days. I can't think of any positive memories between two weeks and six months. But as a first time mom, I thought everyone went through this. The other babies I see are quiet, content, not constantly moving or ninja kicking their parents. I felt like I was wrestling a wild animal that never stopped fighting. There was never any sitting quietly on laps or content baby sighs or anything like what I see other babies do.

Has anyone else had a very, very difficult baby? Did they grow out of it?

At one year, my son is the most glorious, beautiful, happy little dude. So strong, always moving (still), but he's sweet and his "wildness" comes out in more constructive ways. I think he'll always be a little bit harder to handle but he's whip smart and loves people. Things are clearly better now but I feel like I was in shock at how bad it was, and no one seems to understand what I mean when I describe what he was like as a newborn/infant.

Has anyone had a similar experience? I feel like I barely made it through, so this one year milestone feels huge and so very happy!