So my sister asked me to take a road trip to Pennsylvania in my teeny tiny subcompact car with her, my nephew, and my toddler in the back because she wants to pick up this doll-sized dog from either a shelter or breeder.(she doesnt' have a car - lives in city!) I don’t know the type of dog or the specifics. My first reaction is : a toddler and a new dog in a tiny car on a long road trip. RUN AWAY! NOOOOOOOO! She has ZERO experience with dogs. I have close to zero. I dog sat with my DH for my MIL and it was so stressful lol. I told her I’d get back to her on that. (I’m hoping this is just a passing whim.)

Is this crazy or totally doable? Toddler is 16 months. Hates the car seat lol.