Does your 2 year old tantrum unreasonably? Mine would want his daddy repeatedly and then when he comes and I leave he starts asking for me repeatedly crying and jumping up and down. He'll do the same thing with things as well. He'll ask for yellow tissue and I'll give him a tissue from a blue tissue box (I know he asked for yellow but we don't have "yellow tissue") and he'll say "no!!!" And then what feels like forever later I'll ask him if that blue box of tissue is "yellow tissue" he finally says "yes." Seriously?! I don't remember my oldest being this unreasonable at this age! It's crazy! I think if we had my youngest first we would be one and done because the thought of having another just like him would just be too much.

How do you handle tantrums like this? I've tried time outs but I would have to do it with everything he tantrums about so he'll be crying all day long. He's actually lost his voice from crying so much these last few days.