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Did you share LO's name before birth?

  1. meganmp

    persimmon / 1420 posts

    We were TG but told our options, simply because I get drivencrazy by, "We know but don't want to tell". If we we're going to have kept it a secret, we would have said we didn't know yet.

  2. dolphin

    pomegranate / 3768 posts

    We shared if people asked. Wasn't a big deal to us.

  3. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @macintosh: We didn't and I'm SO glad! We had a nickname for him in utero and called him that, but saved his name for after he was born. For one, we wanted to meet him and make sure it fit! For another, I have friends and family who have had super late-term losses, unfortunately, and I was pretty superstitious. I wanted him to be here safely before I shared his name with everyone-thankfully he is! Also, since everyone knew he was a boy, it felt special to have the name be a surprise on his birthday. We loved doing it this way!

  4. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    @Astro Bee: My work threw me a baby shower. One of the "games" was baby name suggestions. My favorite? "Richard Gere".

  5. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    We didn't with R, and plan to do the same this time. Part of it is that I worry she'll come out and I'll feel like the name we have picked is all wrong. Part of it is not wanting any crap from our families about it. Waiting may not guarantee they'll keep their opinions to themselves, but it should help. But mostly we like having the surprise, and having it as a secret for ourselves. It's nice.

    And it sounds weird, but I'm really glad we waited with R. Announcing her name for the first time at the same time we told that she had died feels like it made it more real to people that this was a baby that we lost, not "just" a pregnancy.

  6. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    We did. I didn't make a big announcement or anything, but if anyone asked I told them. Honestly it really annoys me when people play the "oh we know but we aren't telling" card. If you don't want to share, for the love of God just lie. lol. When people are all weirdly secretive about it I sort of can't help but refuse to comment on the name at all when the BIG REVEAL finally happens. Like at that point I'm excited about the kid, I don't really care what you call it (because honestly, no one cares about what we name our kid as much as we do). If you would've told me a few weeks ago before I had a baby to be excited about I could've been enthusiastic about your name choice.

    ETA: Before we were decided and were still weighing our options I did avoid the topic with certain people I expected to be annoying about giving their opinions. But once a decision was made I really didn't care what anyone thought.

  7. sunny

    coconut / 8430 posts

    We weren't 100% sure until she was born, but we shared our #1 pick (which ended up being her name) with a few friends.

  8. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    We hadn't really settled on a name until a couple weeks before but wanted to give ourselves the space to change our minds of she didn't look like her name when we met her. We told a couple we know and love because they were gonna be out of the country when she was born but also told them not to hold us to it! We never called her by that name until I was laboring/she was born. It was fun to announce her arrival with her name and I think we'll do the same with any future kiddos.

  9. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    We told, but dh didn't want to at first. But then his bff got it out of him and he gave up wanting it to be secret haha

  10. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    Nope. We are team green, and we will not be sharing our name choices at all.

  11. Rocker2014

    persimmon / 1367 posts

    Yes, we shared E's name before she arrived. She's named after her grandmothers, and we told our moms on mother's day. We also never received anything but positive comments from people.

  12. lamariniere

    pineapple / 12566 posts

    We didn't. I wanted to be able to change our minds if the chosen name didn't fit. Also, for DD, we only had a short list when we arrived at the hospital!

  13. Ree723

    grapefruit / 4819 posts

    We were TG both times and didn't have a set choice for either sex going into it. We had a short list for each both times, but we were keeping our options open. So there was no 'oh it's a girl, her name must be X', everything was a surprise!

    ETA: I forgot to answer the question, we shared some of our short list with a few select people (ie my mom, my sister, and DH's parents) but that was it.

  14. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    I shared it when people asked. No big announcement or anything.

  15. GrapeCrush

    grapefruit / 4823 posts

    with our first, we told everyone once we had settled on a name. we didn't make any sort of announcement, but did share if people asked.

    with our second, we couldn't come to an agreement on one name...I had my top choice, and my husband had his, so we knew it would more than likely be one of those, but weren't sure which. we did not share the choices. we chose not to share the choices because we didn't want to be swayed one way or the other. mine was a little bit more different/uncommon than the one my husband chose, so we figured people would try to sway us to one or the other. we didn't pick her name until we were in our recovery room, but once we both saw her when she came out and we were shown her(I had a C-section) we both knew which name it was(and it was my husbands choice, hmph! lol) and sure enough after she was born and people asked when the other choice was we got a lot ofs 'oh, you made the right choice!'...hence why we didn't tell.

  16. MrsBananaGrabber

    apricot / 309 posts

    My parents guilted / bullied us into telling them our name choices, and now I'm really wishing we hadn't. My dad hates the boy name and my mom hates the girl name, and neither one is the type to keep their opinion to themselves. Even though they both swore they would not criticize or even mention our name choices ever again, they're both constantly complaining about what terrible names they are and why we should change them.

  17. clover

    kiwi / 557 posts

    No one knew except DH and I. We made that choice after sharing a few general names we liked and MIL criticizing them. It was just easier to keep it to ourselves then called family and texted friends after he was born. DH's aunt actually told us not telling the name was ridiculous but she is a very open and outspoken lady so keeping anything secret to her is against her nature.

  18. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    We were team green last time and shared our top choices with family and close friends. Turns out we had a boy, and didn't like any of our names when he was born so it didn't matter anyway.

    No one has really asked yet this time but I'm not sure what we will do. I've shared our top girl names with my best friend (they are the same as last pregnancy) but I don't know how I feel discussing names with people this time. It was kind of awkward last time and I got a few "oh don't name the baby X, I have had a patient die with that name, or a student who was difficult etc..." and it's just annoying.

  19. Ra

    honeydew / 7586 posts

    We did! Everyone was really supportive and we never received any negative comments about his name.

  20. littlebug

    honeydew / 7504 posts

    We didn't even have his name decided until the second he was born. But we shared our list of possibilities with my sister and brother-in-law. They loved all of our options, and their favorite was the one we ended up choosing!

  21. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    If people asked, we told them - it wasn't a big secret. No one said anything but positive comments and we got some nice suggestions for middle names.

  22. cranberry

    apricot / 305 posts

    I didn't vote because we didn't decide for sure on DD's name until she was born, but we did share our top choices with anyone who asked.

  23. cascademom

    coconut / 8861 posts

    Nope. His name wasn't decided until after he was born.

  24. LuLu Mom

    GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts

    First baby we shared, I wanted to "stake claim" because we knew several others having girls within weeks of us.

    This baby we are keeping it a secret because DH wants some element of surprise. I've shared it only with my other March mommas. However, the name won't be a "huge" surprise as it's one I've wanted forever and before getting pregnant always said how much I wanted to use it & it was a top contender for DD. So, when our friends/family hear it they won't be in complete shock! ha

  25. Ms.Badger

    clementine / 918 posts

    We shared when people asked both times. Everyone seemed to love Lucas from the very beginning so it was no big deal. This time when I told my parents what was our leading candidate at the time (and now about 99% sure) both of them seemed iffy about it, but a few weeks later my mom called and told me that she now LOVED the name Jonah and if we changed our minds she would be sad.

    I like that when they hear the baby was born their first thought won't be judging the name. It was also important to me that the name had been "vetted" so that, even if people just didn't love it, that maybe something weird about the name occurred to others that didn't occur to us would be brought up before it was legal and difficult to change. Plus, our families are pretty easy going and say things more like, "Oh, well I don't think I would have chosen that" instead of trying to change our minds. When we tell people, after they ask, we always hedge our bets and say that it still could change.

  26. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    I don't feel the need to make a social media announcement, but if someone asks, I don't mind telling them. I guess I don't see it as this big secret but to each their own. Now...if only DH and I could agree...

  27. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    we haven't chosen our name yet (ugh) but i am soooo bad at secrets and i tell almost anyone who asks what our list is! haha. i'm confident enough in my love for the names that other people's opinions don't really affect me. both of our moms don't like our #1 contender but it doesn't bother me really.. they'll love it once they know her, i assume.
    i went for lunch with two other preggos on the weekend and both of them know but aren't telling! SO ANNOYING. i said ugh why couldn't u just lie and say you don't know???

  28. Mommy Finger

    pomegranate / 3272 posts

    Last time we told our parents and a few close friends. This time, only a few very close friends know.

  29. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @loki: they'll get over it My mom was a bit iffy on our LO's name. Not so much that she disliked it as she liked our second and third choice better. After we decided she asked a few times "are you suuuure you don't want to call her [second choice name]?" and I'd just say YEP. But once Fiona was a few months old my mom said she had come to really love the name and couldn't imagine her with any other.

  30. loki

    pear / 1787 posts

    @Mae: good to hear! i figured once it was associated with a little one they love, they will grow to love it too!

  31. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    We shared the name as a potential name but considering my husband and I couldn't agree on any other names, the name we shared ended up being it! Generally, I don't like to share ahead of time or officially name baby before he/she arrives!

  32. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    We told both times. We are secure in the choice of the names so nothing anyone said would affect our choice. Also, I'm pretty sure that anyone who is rude enough to say something negative about the name before the kid is born, is just as likely to say it after the kid is born.

  33. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    We did both times with just my family a d both time have gotten negative reactions. So hopefully next time we don't make the mistake sharing again.

  34. soyjoy222

    coffee bean / 47 posts

    We were team green and did not share. We actually only 100% decided on a boy name and were unsure about a girl name, so good thing we had a boy. I did tell my mom our boy name and she kept it secret, but other wise no one else knew. Just wanted to avoid comments/opinions.

  35. fairy

    persimmon / 1343 posts

    I shared it but only if people asked. It was surprising how many strangers asked! So it was a little weird that some strangers knew but not some family and friends just because they never asked. It wasn't a big deal to tell people but I just got tired of having the same "how did you come up with the name" conversation over and over.

  36. owlteach

    apricot / 390 posts

    We've told from the moment we named her. Honestly, I was getting tons of naming advice before we announced. Once we did, no one has said a single negative thing about it.

    Naming her was huge for me though, because that's when she went from being a parasite that made me super sick all of the time, to the baby that we had been working for and dreaming about for over a year.

  37. Kimberlybee

    grapefruit / 4997 posts

    We shared it at the baby shower and I started calling her by her name since she was in my womb. We loved the name for her since early on so it was fun to share it with family and friends.

  38. Little Misters Mom

    kiwi / 567 posts

    We used a family name, so we decided not to share so it'd be a bigger surprise when the baby was here. I'm glad we did, seeing my uncle's face when he met the baby and learned his name was really special. Deep down, I also didn't tell so I'd be able to change it if I had a last minute change of heart.

  39. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    Not really...because we hadn't decided on it until after she was born! We did share her middle name though and a few choices for first name, but honestly they weren't met with the greatest reactions and I definitely wouldn't share anything next time!

  40. MrsKMM

    apricot / 263 posts

    @macintosh: I don't have a helpful answer, but am in a similar situation. DH and I have had names picked out for years. So, immediate family knows, and maybe a couple of friends. He doesn't want to put it on FB or tell extended family until LO gets here. I don't really care either way.

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