I'm currently 33 weeks and just had a growth scan ultrasound. Our baby's head is measuring 5 weeks ahead and in the 98th percentile. He's only measuring in the 70th percentile for overall size. This wasn't really surprising to us as my DH has a very large head (like, he has to special order his hats). My OB is having me come back at 36 weeks for another ultrasound, so she's not really recommending a course of action yet.

It's starting to worry me a bit, because I know my MIL went through a very long labor trying to push out my DH, and then needed an emergency c-section because his head was stuck. I feel like that would be the worst possible outcome - I'd rather schedule a c-section than have it be an emergency situation. But I also know late-term ultrasounds can be very inaccurate. And I'm also taller and built differently than my MIL, so who knows if I would have the same issues.

Did anyone else experience this? What did your OB recommend, and what was the outcome?