There is a TED talk about doing one new thing for 30 days as a way to reach larger goals. This kind of approach is perfect for me because I tend to make sweeping changes that last for all of, oh, 3 days. I am going to eat vegan, exercise everyday, clean everyday, keep up on my paperwork at work and be present with my family in the evening! Day one- this is awesoooome! Day 3- Screw it and pass me the lil' debbies.
I always do better when I scale back the scope of my goals.

The challenges can be small, like drinking 60oz of water everyday for a month, or medium, like biking to work, or huge, like write 1,666 words a day in order to meet the goal of writing a novel in a month.
I am going to start a 30 day challenge in September. My fitness/health and the chaos that is my house are always my two areas of need, but I think, this month, I am going to pick a fitness/health habit to work on: do my yoga everyday for 30 days.

I am hoping the benefits will just ooze all over my messy life! (and I am already thinking: I should add a water intake goal and a cleaning habit goal and,...but I am not, nope. One thing at a time).

What one thing would you pick?