It's not like I think this is all that likely - at all - but still, a small chance of something really bad happening is still really bad. My parents' generation worried a lot about nuclear annihilation, now people don't seem to think about it much, but all those weapons are still there. Basically, someone ordered by the president inserts a floppy disk, types in some authorization codes, and billions of people are dead. Trump just seems so easily provoked - it reminds me of the 1960s movie Dr. Strangelove, about a rogue general who starts nuclear armageddon to defend his manhood. And I can't imagine that if Trump becomes the world's most powerful person, he'll start behaving in a less narcissistic or more measured way.

Sorry, this is not a happy post. DH was saying last night that it's going to be an interesting year, with TTC, he's looking for a new job, etc, etc. And all I could think was "yeah, and in six months Trump could be president" - and then I could not fall asleep. Life is full of risks, and Trump being president is one that scares me to think about...