My daughter was born at 35+1. She was 6 lbs 13oz and is now 6lbs 2oz. She has been about that since we came home a week ago. She's 10 days old today.

She is EBF. Goes no more then 3 hours between feeds whether I wake her or she wakes. But It seems like she only nurses for 15-20 minutes normally. Sometimes up to 30. Or sometimes she will nurse off and on for an hour (this happens probably 1-2x a day)

I just started tracking in an app with today's first feed so I can have more precise information.

She has plenty of wet diapers and had some jaundice that is slowly going away now. I know she's getting plenty of milk cause she leaks a little bit and I see it in the corners of her mouth, I've got quite a big supply.

Should I be concerned by this? Do some babies just gain slowly?