I've been having pain in the lower left side of my abdomen for about 10 days. For the first 6 days it was a dull ache that I have gotten during previous cycles, though never for that long. I remember having it several years ago before I was on BCPs as well as in the cycles since going off BCPs in September. On the sixth day of pain, it began throbbing so I went in to see my GYN on Thursday. She suspected an ovarian cyst, but an ultrasound Friday ruled that out.

Now she thinks it is probably endometriosis. Part of me thinks that it isn't that because I typically have short, light periods. On the other hand, my mom had it when she was young and that does increase your chances of getting it. I also do have some of the other symptoms. Of course the only way to know for sure is to do a laparoscopic procedure. My doctor prescribed progresterone to get me through the rest of my cycle (just a few days) and then wants to monitor through the next cycle. We are also TTC so hopefully we will get pregnant next cycle and not have to worry with the lap. I'm really hoping that it will not impact our fertility (it did with my mom). At this point it's been going strong for 10 days and is getting worse.

Sorry for the rambling, just wondering, does anyone have experience with endo? What is your pain like? How long does it last? Have you had a lap? Did it affect you TTC?