My LO is 5 days old and due to heart defects and a perforated bowel, has been in the NICU/PICU since birth. As such, I have been pumping to get my milk in and and get a stash going for when he is able to start feeds. The lactation specialists had told me to shoot for 8 15-20 minute sessions a day, but I am finding it difficult to get in that many sessions each day with everything going on and my own exhaustion. For those of you who are or have exclusively pumped, do you think it is more important to get more/longer pumping sessions in, or is the final volume more important as I am building my supply? I have been able to get almost 1 oz per hour between pumps over the last day or so by going longer at each session, but I don't know if this is enough to make sure I have a good (and not super excessive) supply for my little guy once he is able to eat and hopefully transition to BF.