Hellobee Boards


February 2015 Labor and Deliveries!

  1. Kbee

    kiwi / 560 posts

    @dagret: Congrats!! Welcome to the world, Ruby!

  2. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    @dagret: congratulations!!

  3. Mrs. Rabbit

    blogger / clementine / 750 posts

    @dagret: Congratulations!! Wishing you a fast recovery!

  4. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @dagret: aww I love the name Ruby! Congratulations!!!

  5. Mrs. Rabbit

    blogger / clementine / 750 posts

    My daughter, Madilyn Rose, is here!!! She was born yesterday, 2.13.15 and was 9lb, 1 oz I went into labor Thursday night and had her the next morning just before 8. I never thought I'd have a med-free birth, but it all happened pretty quickly (but not too fast...totally had time to make it to the hospital!).

  6. avivoca

    watermelon / 14467 posts

    @Mrs. Rabbit: Congratulations!

  7. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    Oh my goodness I missed so much the last few days!

    @Circusbee: I hope your induction went well and you're snuggling your baby.
    @loopedd: Wow! Congratulations!
    @Mrs. Rabbit: Congratulations! What a pretty name!
    @dagret: Congrats! I'm glad she made it here safely.

  8. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @Mrs. Rabbit: congratulations!

    Thanks everyone!

  9. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @dagret: @Mrs. Rabbit: congrats!!

  10. MrsTal

    clementine / 901 posts

    Hi ladies!

    I've been MIA on the February board but I wanted to pop by and let you know that August was born Wednesday 2/11 after a scheduled induction due to size and pupps. Everything went really well and we have been home for two days now. He is perfect and we are so in love!

  11. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    @dagret: @Mrs. Rabbit: congratulations on your baby girls!!!

  12. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @MrsTal: congrats!!

  13. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts

    Tiny A was born on the 12th at 5 am, a peanut at 6 lbs 5 oz and 18" long! Hardly anything about his birth went according to plan, but he's here and we are both safe and healthy so we are all happy. I'll have to write up a detailed birth story later once I stop crying at the thought of it. Thanks for all your support, ladies! Can't wait for the rest of these little ones to make their appearances!

  14. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @Mrs. Rabbit: how wonderful! So glad you finally had your sweet baby and wowee jealous you made it med free! Congratulations!

    @MrsTal: aww congrats! I saw his photo when I was lurking on the pregnant after IF boards and he is so sweet!!!

    @Circusbee: congrats on your little nugget. Sorry you didnt get what you hoped for birth but glad all went well in the end. Enjoy the snuggles.

    So exciting to see all the feb babies cropping up.

  15. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    @dagret: @Mrs. Rabbit: @MrsTal: @Circusbee: congrats!!!

    Wow, so many babies!!!!

  16. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    @MrsTal: @Circusbee: Congratulations on your newest family members!!

  17. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    February 2015 Babies
    January 18th - @HeartAbandoned: Baby C
    January 21st - @MrsB2012: Georgia
    January 23rd - @autumn865: Claire Elise
    February 4th - @Kbee: Baby D
    February 5th - @Ndepet Scout
    February 8th - @Aria Charlotte
    February 10th - @Loopedd Luke
    February 11th - @Mrstal August
    February 12th - @Circusbee baby A
    February 13th - @ Mrs. Rabbit Madilyn Rose
    February 14th - @Dagret Ruby

  18. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    She's finally here!! After a 4th trip to l&d, this time with more frequent and painful contractions, the midwife and nurses took pity on me and asked the on call doctor what to do. He said it would be fine to go ahead with our c-section! Little miss Lyla Grace was born at 11:28 tonight at 38+3 and weighed 8 lbs 6 oz. She is perfect and we are so in love thank you ladies for all the prayers and support. I appreciate you all so much!

  19. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @Mrs. Lion: Congratulations!

  20. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    @Mrs. Lion: How wonderful! Welcome Lyla Grace!!

  21. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @Mrs. Lion: so glad she arrived, and safely! Love the name Lyla.

  22. Kbee

    kiwi / 560 posts

    @Mrs. Lion: hooray!! Congratulations!

  23. twodoghouse

    honeydew / 7230 posts

    @Mrs. Lion: Congrats! Love her name!!

  24. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    @Mrs. Lion: so happy for you!!!

  25. Beanie132

    cherry / 102 posts

    @Mrs. Lion: yay! congrats!!

  26. reyorra

    apricot / 288 posts

    Howard "Howie" Grant was born at 11:45pm on Feb. 14. Our big boy weighed 9lbs 10 oz and measured at 21in. Delivered naturally with no meds in just a few pushes. I actually was told to stop pushing so the doctor could cut the cord from around his neck, otherwise it migh have just been one really long push. I couldn't have done it all without my husband who let me squeeze his hands and kept reminding me to breathe! Hoping to get better at breastfeeding, but not too concerned about it.
    Big sister came to visit in the hospital yesterday and that visit went better than I expected. When dada brought her to the hospital, Howie was with the nurse and pediatrician in the nursery, so it was just mommy in the room. We had time to reconnect and meet her new baby doll before baby brother came in. We had both kids on the bed and compared baby brother to the baby doll before mommy even picked baby brother up. It was a wonderful experience!

  27. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    @reyorra: congrats! Love the pics!!

  28. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @Mrs. Lion: congrats on your healthy little girl!! You made it!

    @reyorra: he is adorable! Congratulations

  29. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @reyorra: congrats! What's the age difference with your two?

  30. cmomma17

    honeydew / 7811 posts

    Oh wow! Congrats mommies on all the new babies!!! So exciting! hope everyone is recovering well.

    Who else is still waiting to deliver?

  31. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    @cmomma17: I'm still waiting! Due in 9 days, so could be a while...

  32. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @reyorra: Congrats! He is so sweet!

  33. cmomma17

    honeydew / 7811 posts

    @mrs. tictactoe: I'm waiting and waiting with you. It's snowing here right now so I'd actually prefer not to go into labor tonight!

  34. reyorra

    apricot / 288 posts

    @dagret: 2 years, 1 month and 8 days between them

  35. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @reyorra: we are in the same boat - mine are 2 years and 3 wks apart. Only I had a son first and a daughter second.

  36. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    @reyorra: adorable! Congratulations!!

  37. reyorra

    apricot / 288 posts

    thanks everyone! We're home now, and big sister just came home from daycare, and is not as cool with the situation as she was at the hospital...hoping that keeping her home tomorrow will be the right decision (my husband's thought is that she needs to see mommy at home and that things are mostly the same, just with a new family member).

  38. Iced Tea

    persimmon / 1310 posts

    We are expecting to meet our daughter within the next 24 hours. My girl wanted a unique birth story, I think. We are in the midst of an ugly ice storm and live an hour and a half from the birth center. So after a few hours of consistent contractions this morning, we made the call to head toward the birth center before the weather could get even worse. It took 2.5 hours; thank god for heated seats because they made my back pain tolerable.

    We are now passing the time at a hotel near the birth center until I'm further along. Every restaurant is closed (as is most of the city), so it's a good thing I packed some snacks!

  39. cmomma17

    honeydew / 7811 posts

    @Iced Tea: good luck!! great story for your baby's entrance to the world!

  40. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @Iced Tea: good luck!

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