Hellobee Boards


February 2015 Postpartum Chat

  1. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    Gah, cluster feeding. Nonstop eating over here. And I heard breastfeeding cramps are awful the 2nd time but horrendous might be a better description.

  2. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @dagret: they were horrendous for me too Luckily I think it was only about 3 days? I can't remember now. We're having a cluster feeding day/night as well. She's been eating non stopped for hours! I'm pretty sure there's nothing left in there..

  3. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @LAZB: I love that pic

  4. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts

    Sitting up with lo sucking away, so I thought if post here now! at his 3rd day check up, the nurse thought he looked jaundiced so took his blood, and later we found out his levels are very slightly elevated. Not bad enough to do anything drastic, luckily, but I was instructed to nurse at least every 2-3 hours and have him nap in the sunlight a couple times a day, so I have been constantly setting my alarm and waking him up to nurse since we found out last night. He's a pretty sleepy baby at least right now, so sometimes it can be challenging to get him to be awake enough to eat, but he's doing well and I think we will find a good improvement at his ped check up tomorrow morning.

    Nursing was SO PAINFUL for the last couple days. I'm pretty sure he has a shallow latch, but I haven't found a way to get him to go deeper, I've tried a bunch of different positions, but he's such a little guy that I suspect his mouth is just too small right now. The hospital sent me home with a nipple shield because one of the nurses thought it might help with another problem we were having, and I tried it for the first time this morning and oh my gosh my life is changed. Not only is the pain pretty much gone, but he's not as overwhelmed by my new milk flow and latches easily on the first try now! Last night I was up almost non-stop trying do hard to nurse, but he kept pulling off me and crying I think because my milk was just too fast for him. The shield is working wonders, though. For those of you experiencing sore nipples, I recommend trying a shield! I'm not even using nipple butter in between feedings because I just forget to!

    Now that my milk is in full force, I seem to be battling engorgment, anyone else have this too? I've had to pump to relieve the pressure a few times when A couldn't finish me off, and then I realized I wasn't really sure what to do with the milk.... I don't plan on introducing a bottle until about 6 weeks per my birth center's advice, so I really don't have any reason to save the milk right now. But should I be saving it?

    Ok, There's more I want to write but I'll do it at his next nursing session in a couple hours, want to sleep now that he's done!

  5. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts

    Ok he's back, so here I am again! Tonight is going so much better than last night

    The other thing I wanted to ask you ladies is what you are doing about soreness around stitches. I ended up with a 2nd degree tear, so not too bad, but I also have a cold with a killer cough I can't shake and it's pretty much the worst thing ever to cough, my stitches hurt so bad!! My mom went out and got me an inflatable donut, and that's helping keep me more comfortable when I'm sitting down, but the coughing is horrible. For you 2nd time moms, how long did it take for your stitches to stop hurting?

    My mom is here and taking such good care of me, allowing me to really just concentrate only on baby and get more rest than I would otherwise. I am so thankful she is here, it would be very difficult for me to keep up with any housework at all otherwise. I don't know how some of you ladies are able to do it!

  6. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @Circusbee: Nursing has been a major challenge for me too, a lot of pain and tears. It's getting better but my nipples are still sore. I'm trying to set up a meeting with an LC, I'll have to see what she says about a nipple shield, it sounds like it's working really well for you!

    I ended up with an episiotomy and have a lot of stitches. I'm so sorry you have a cough, I can't even imagine. Its been a week and only now are my stitches feeling better. It's definitely not pain free but it's manageable. Also don't be afraid to ask for stronger pain meds if what you have isn't working. I suffered through a few really miserable days before getting some but even just one dose made a huge difference.

  7. HeartAbandoned

    clementine / 933 posts

    @Circusbee: I used Dermoplast pain relieving spray, diapers filled with ice inside my sexy mesh panties, and took my prescription strength Advil religiously to try & stay ahead of the pain (2nd degree episiotomy for me). The diapers were maybe my favorite part. DS is my first, and I exper at least discomfort for probably the first 3 weeks. I hope you get some relief soon! As for the extra milk, personally I would save it to get a jump start on my stash!

  8. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @Circusbee: glad tonoght is going better for you if you think your let down is too strong for him, you could try pumping for a few mins before you feed him. Then maybe if he's not overwhelmed with your letdown, maybe he can latch better. I know sometimes there's just so much milk everywhere that g sometimes has a hard time staying latched.

  9. Kbee

    kiwi / 560 posts

    @Circusbee: So glad to hear BFing is getting better for you! It was an uphill battle for us too. But sorry to hear about your stitches I have stitches from a first degree tear, and I will say that yesterday was the first day that I realized I didn't feel much pain anymore (11 days postpartum). I agree with @Aria, definitely use pain meds! They saved me the first week home from the hospital. And definitely freeze the milk you pumped!

    Is anyone introducing a paci anytime soon? Our hospital was very big on telling us to wait 1 month (the average time it takes to establish breastfeeding) to avoid nipple confusion. But it seems like a lot of parents introduce one earlier. I feel like we have a pretty good handle on BFing now, and I'm at least considering introducing a paci in the next week or two (when he'd be 2-3 weeks old), I'm just not sure yet. I don't want to mess anything up, but it seems like it would help soothe him during the times he's trying to shove his fingers in his mouth!

  10. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    Sorry to hear so many of you are having lady bits discomfort, I'm very grateful to have gotten off easy in that department.
    I am jealous of those with a huge supply though. I had an over supply for the first week, but the last couple of days I feel like my boobs are always deflated, and it has me questioning if I am producing enough. L is constantly nursing it seems like, especially during the day, maybe that has something to do with it?

  11. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @MrsB2012: thanks I do too

  12. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @Kbee: we introduced the paci to my son at 2.5 weeks bc he was hospitalized with a breast abscess and had a very high suck need - and I was exhausted and needed sleep more than he needed my real nipples.

  13. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @LAZB: that's totally normal. If he has lots of wet and poopy diapers, your supply is fine.

  14. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @dagret: good, that makes sense. It seems I'm good at overanalyzing some of this stuff.

  15. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @LAZB: there's also a 2 week growth spurt at 2 wks which is probably he's cluster feeding again and you are feeling like you don't get a chance to "fill up."Kellymom.com is a great resource for breastfeeding questions.

  16. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts

    Ugh I spoke too soon...A has been nursing for the past 2.5 hours. I am exhausted.

  17. Kbee

    kiwi / 560 posts

    @Circusbee: I dread the cluster feedings. Hopefully it didn't last too much longer for you and you got some rest.

    @LAZB: @dagret: I've been going to kellymom.com a lot in the last week or so! Very helpful.

  18. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    Hi everyone! Been meaning to post in this thread for days but after having been home for a week I really, finally understand how there's no time to finish a cup of coffee even when all you do is walk around your house all day!

    Baby Luke just had his first doc's appt and at 9 days old he's back at his birth weight plus an oz, which makes me feel really good. Our feeding experience has been far different than I imagined. It took a really long time for my milk to come in so we supplemented with formula from the beginning. When I got home I started pumping to stimulate my supply and while that's been going well, we did not have the patience in the early days to continue practicing latching with him, so he's been getting pumped breastmilk plus supplemental formula - I'd say at this point 80% BM, which is awesome, and I love that DH can feed him, but I'm wondering if it's too late to get him back on the breast. I got some nipple shields today so hoping that will encourage him… right now he just gets so mad when we try Understandable after all the bottles...

    After our insane birth story, I'm happy to say that my recovery has been not so bad. I had a 2nd degree tear and have made it through on Motrin, with bleeding subsiding substantially in the last couple of days. I never, ever ever thought I would have a med-free birth but I kinda feel like everything worked out for the best in that respect.

    DH is going back to work on Monday and I am dreading it. Mostly because I feel like I'll have to take on all the night wakings alone to let him get rest. Is that how it works?? I am super nervous.

    Oh, I should mention that I think he's the best thing ever Here he is post-meal, I know that smile is just a coincidence but it makes the long nights worth it!

  19. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    @loopedd: I feel you on the pumping/bottles...that is what happened with my first. I tried for the first 4 months to get him to like nursing but I gave up after that. I honestly wish I quit sooner...I was much happier just pumping than fighting that battle. But i think it is definitely possible!

    As far as night wakings go, once dh went back to work he did the 10 pm feeding and the first morning feeding and I took any in between. That gave him a solid night sleep and it gave me the opportunity to go to bed a little earlier and to sleep a little later. It worked out great for us.

  20. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @loopedd: he is so cute! And that's great that he's already over birth weight! We just went to our "two week" check up, and L is exactly back at birth weight at 12 days old, I was relieved.

  21. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @loopedd: oh my gosh he is so so cute!! I am totally dreading DH going back to work too. I just made her one month pediatrician appointment today and I realized I'm going to have to get her there by myself. I'm so nervous!
    And you can ignore this if you've already done it, but have you met with a lactation consultant? I just met with one the other day and it was the absolute best thing I could have done for myself. I was dreading every feeding and she fought it so hard, but things are so much better now. Either way it sounds like you're doing a great job!

  22. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @Mrs. Lion: I actually have been looking through your blog posts about EPing in case that's the route we go down. Sounds like a good plan for when DH goes back to work, maybe we'll try something like that! How is Little Lion liking his new sister??

    @LAZB: Thank you! So glad L is back at birth weight, it feels like such an accomplishment!!

    @Aria: Oh I'm so glad to hear that an LC was helpful! I haven't done so but the nurse we did our baby classes with offers consultations so she's my go-to if need be. I used the nipple shield for the first time tonight and he did latch onto that for like 10 min, so hopefully we can use that to ease into things. I've also had a nice nap, courtesy of DH, since I last posted, so I'm feeling more optimistic Hope you are staying warm!

  23. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts

    How's everyone doing? I'm up nursing right now at 3am but it's right after I got an almost 4 hour stretch of sleep so I'm happy! Last night was pretty bad...

    I'm thinking I need to write down A's birth story soon before I forget the details, but it's making me soooo emotional to think through it. I've talked through it exactly twice so far and both times were really hard. It's not even that it was so dramatic, it was just very difficult for me to go so far off my plan even though I knew it was a possibility, and I feel a lot of regret about getting an epidural, because I know now that I could have gone without it. This rush of hormones and emotions is still non-stop for me over here, even though I feel like I'm pretty close to healed physically. Also- never in a million years did I think I'd say this, but I kind of miss being pregnant?? I was putting away some clean maternity stuff and getting all sad that I can't wear it anymore!

  24. Aria

    persimmon / 1121 posts

    @Circusbee: It's been a rough night over here. Up every hour and a half to nurse and then at 5 she decided she just wasn't tired any more. We're still awake at 8:30. She's making up for the five hour stretch she gave us the day before.

    I'm sorry you're still struggling with the way labor went. I know I was not expecting an induction and it's not the way I wanted things to go so I understand.

    For those of you with guests who are staying a while, what do you do all day? C just sleeps when she's not eating and I feel like my parents expect her to be awake and entertain them all day.

  25. Kbee

    kiwi / 560 posts

    @loopedd: What a cutie! Seriously, those REM-sleep smiles get me through the hard times

    @loopedd: @Aria: My DH has been back to work, and I and to take D to the pedi for his 2-week check-up alone yesterday. I was terrified too, especially since it was about 17 degrees here yesterday (which never happens here!) but we made it! I was 10 minutes late though...oops.

    @Circusbee: It can be really hard looking back on things, I feel the same way about mine. I keep telling myself the result is the same - I have a healthy baby and that's what matters! And yes, I also miss being pregnant! Pregnancy was pretty good to me, and feels like a breeze compared to some of these hard days/nights.

    BFing was going well for us for a little bit there, but just about 2 days ago something changed and almost immediately my left nipple became red, swollen, and so painful. It hurts.like.hell. when he latches on and nurses, and throbs the rest of the day. I know my milk flow has sped up, so I'm not sure if he has changed his latch to reduce how much milk he's getting, or if I have something like thrush or mastitis?! Whatever changed, it only happened on the left, so I honestly have no idea.

    Also, it seems we now have a baby with lots of gassiness and fussiness. He was an angel baby until the day he turned 2 weeks old (3 days ago), and since then has been screaming his head off almost anytime he is awake. The pedi yesterday confirmed it was due to gas, and said his stomach is still too small for what he is eating, and he'll be like this until his stomach stretches out. Thankfully we can get him to sleep at night, but during the day he is starting to resist naps. DH has been back at work, and it's been really really hard. I keep telling myself it will get easier...

  26. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    @Circusbee: @Kbee: I miss being pregnat too! I know I'm nuts
    @Kbee: L has been fussy too, and it looks like she's uncomfortable because of gas. That's good to know about the stomach stretching out. @Aria: we don't have guests, but if we did they would be bored! L sleeps a lot, although she's stayed awake much longer the past few days. I'm also half naked most of the time, I would hate to have to put on real clothes haha.

  27. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @Circusbee: I totally, totally understand your feelings about the differences in what we plan vs. how the birth goes. The hormones are the extra whammy in terms of processing how we feel about things too. Last night I cried to DH that I was afraid both L and I got substandard medical care because we weren't at the hospital I chose. Cuckoo I know, and I wish I had answers, but I'm right there with you. I'm resisting writing down the detailed birth story, too.

    @Aria: Rough night here too Well, early morning like you. He's snoozing like an angel at 2:45pm of course!

    @Kbee: I feel like pediatricians must be used to brand new parents being 10 minutes late and build it into appointments! We have a newly gassy baby too. I feel SO bad for him. He's the opposite of yours -- it hits him all at night! DH is really good at bicycling his legs and getting it out but L still seems so sad.

    We'll survive, right?!

  28. Circusbee

    apricot / 390 posts

    @Aria: we really don't do much at all. I've just been taking it easy and resting a lot when I'm not nursing, and baby saves his most alert times for overnight my mom doesn't seem to mind, though, and has been enjoying running errands most days as well as resting a lot herself. It's a really big help to have her here, since she's really the one keeping the house clean and the laundry done at this point.

    @loopedd: we better survive!! Even though I knew better, it was tough to not think of maternity leave as "vacation," but I get it now... Haha!!

    I'm planning to get out of the house more next week by going to a breastfeeding support group and maybe meeting up with some mommy friends, and I'm really looking forward to it even though it takes so long to get out of the house!

  29. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @Circusbee: nice that you got a 4 hour stretch! Sorry to hear that you're strugging? ( is that the right word? It's a motn nursing session, I can't think properly haha.) with how your delivery went. I hoe as time goes on that you can look back on your delivery and be ok with it
    And no, I don't miss being pregnant haha. I love that I can sleep on my stomach, drink sangria ( what is it about being a mom of 2 that makesy want more wine and beer haha.) However, I missed being pregnant after #1 does that count?

    @Aria: ugh, your night sounds bad, hopefully tonight is going better for you

    @Kbee: glad to hear your outing went well! How's your nipple? Maybe it's a little breastmilk clot? Have you tried a hot compress? Is it just the nipple or is there surrounding redness?

    Looks like we're done this nursing session! I'll try and finish up next one

  30. Kbee

    kiwi / 560 posts

    @loopedd: I hope we survive! Seems impossible sometimes but surely we will!

    @MrsB2012: I haven't tried the hot compress yet. There is some surrounding redness, and is very sore all around that area.

    We've had some other BFing issues arise just in the last 12 hours, he basically won't nurse from my right side at all now. So I've been pumping from that side and using a bottle to supplement what he's getting from my left side. I'm not sure how we went from everything going well to complete disaster so suddenly, but here we are. Thankfully I contacted a LC yesterday and she is about to head over here now. Hopefully she can help!!

  31. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    I've been pumping once a day to start getting some reserves going for when I go back to work. I know I'll have to do more soon, but can't get myself to do more just yet.
    I've only been pumping for around 6-7 minutes after a nursing session, and I get between 1-1.5 oz. is that a long enough time? I don't want to drain the side I didn't nurse from because I want to make sure there is enough when L wants to eat again.

  32. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @Kbee: It's funny how quickly things turn on a dime right? I think I've got him all figured out and then the next day he's a different baby! Hope the LC helped.

    @LAZB: I'm no expert but from what I've been pumping, 1-1.5 oz in 6-7 min is about where I'm at when I DON'T feed him first, so I'd say you're doing very well!

    May I say thank god for nipple shields? L has nursed wonderfully today for the first time ever and I am so. stoked. Who knows how long this will last but it has boosted my confidence so much. Also I figured out how to put on my Boba wrap and I am delighted to having him snoozing on me with my hands free! This will be invaluable when I'm alone. Starting tomorrow… eek!

  33. autumn865

    persimmon / 1147 posts

    @Circusbee: I hear ya about the overactive letdown. I had it for DD1 and now DD2. I just try to watch her and when I see her starting to struggle and gulp I pop her off, put a towel on me to catch the milk and burp her good. Also be careful of pumping. I pumped to relieve engorgement with my first and only created an oversupply that made my let downs worse. Good news is with DD1 when she got bigger she loved the quick let downs as nursed really fast!@loopedd: What a cutie! We use the swaddle me swaddles too. It's the only ones that DD doesn't break out of.
    @Circusbee: I sometimes miss being pregnant too. Being pregnant in the end is really hard but nothing compares to life with a newborn.
    @Kbee: I can never understand why they resist naps when they're so obviously tired! Those times I put her in my Solly wrap and she usually passes out.

  34. Kbee

    kiwi / 560 posts

    @loopedd: I LOVE the Boba wrap! He conks out in that thing (well, he did prior to this fussy period), and I can get so much done. Glad to hear that the nipple shields are working - victory! I hope your first day without your DH at home goes as smoothly as possible!

  35. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    @Kbee: We're a few hours into our DH-free day and doing okay! We had agreed that I would take most of the overnight wake-ups but L had a terrible night so DH helped as much as he could. I have no idea how he is functioning at work right now! Got L in the Boba as I type and hoping he'll stay snoozing for a while. How is your fussy guy today??

  36. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    @loopedd: glad nursing is going better for you!

    @autumn865: @Kbee: I've been using a woven wrap for G and I love it. It took a bit of learning, but I have the one way to wrap down pat now. I'm going to a babywearing meetup on Wed so I can figure out how to use my ring sling which is a lot less work I think.
    Ive been putting G in the wrap and then G in the stroller and going for an hour walk every day. It's a workout pushing the stroller up the hills around here!

    @loopedd: glad your first DH free day is going well!

    G is already over a month old, how crazy is that?! It's going by so fast! I'm finally starting to get a routine but it's taken lots of time. I'm starting to have some difficulties with my toddler so that's kinda annoying haha. I think the newborn is sleeping better then my toddler! We kinda had a deal that dh would take the toddler at night and I get G as I need to feed her.. but dh is getting kinda lazy on his end and it's driving me crazy.
    G has really sensitive skin, it's sad. She has a rash on her face, and is getting a horrid rash on her bottom from her diapers. I switched brands and I think it's helping, but I'm wondering if I"ll need to switch to cloth diapers. Is anyone cloth diapering here?

  37. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    @MrsB2012: I use cloth!

    Wow so much going on! I need to catch up just wanted to say hi and congrats mommas! Hope you are all getting some sleep!

  38. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    @loopedd: a big amen on the nipple sheild! Life saver!

  39. LAZB

    pomegranate / 3904 posts

    I'm impressed that y'all are all using wraps, I can't seem to figure them out.

  40. Kbee

    kiwi / 560 posts

    @loopedd: Glad your day is going well! We are actually doing really well over here. It was a difficult night, but starting this morning he started magically becoming less fussy and nursing really well. So today has been much better! I'm not sure what exactly was going on, maybe a growth spurt, or our LC suggested maybe he was fighting a little virus or something.

    @MrsB2012: I keep hearing about ring slings but don't know much about them. Are they supposed to be easier/better? I'm having such a hard time with one newborn, I can't imagine a newborn and a toddler. Hopefully your DH will step up and help out a little more to help save your sanity!

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