We're finally home from the hospital and feeling so discouraged. It was a miserable experience. Basically we're out $3000 in copays and got no resolution. They said he had an ALTE but don't know why, and since they didn't witness much reflux I should take him off reflux meds and just give him Maalox as needed. Even though he lost weight and started vomiting in the hospital, so he is worse off now than when I took him in the first place. They say he has a milk protein allergy but don't want to discuss it other than that I should try giving him WCM at 9 months.

We were all so miserable being stuck in the room with the other baby who had no parents there and was crying day and night, which set off her monitors constantly. Imagine being stuck in a tiny dark room with a newborn who you can't soothe, and having a second newborn whose breathing you had to monitor 24/7. I'm dreading knowing that this is where he has to have two implant surgeries in a year.