Getting the LO ready in the mornings for daycare has not been fun (understatement). She's approaching 2 so I think this is pretty standard behavior. Things I've tried that do not work:
1. Remaining calm/no raised voices
2. Not rushing her/providing transitions
3. Acknowledging her emotions and feelings
4. Letting her pick out her outfit
5. Letting her pick out another outfit when she changes her mind about the first one
6. Bribing her with TV, You Tube, a toy, food, anything
7. Walking away and hoping she'll just come around to it
8. Telling stories/making it seem fun
I'm sure I'm forgetting something but you get the idea. None of these things are working. I read this on Baby Center and I would want to try it except that it is winter and I would feel bad having her outside with no clothes on right now.
"I think the advice regarding giving your child a choice is absolutely funny. It may work for kids who actually want to put clothes on. My child would prefer nothing more than to wear her blankets. She throws an absolute fit if I try to unravel her from her "blankies" and put clothes on. We even had a marathon time out session lasting 40 minutes long. Since then I remain calm and distract her with TV, if we are staying home. But if we are going somewhere and she still refuses, I calmly grab her clothes, shoes and socks, and put them in the car. I put her in the car seat with no clothes on and then when we reach our destination she always wants out of the car and I say, "But you have no clothes on, I guess we will have to sit here." She always decides to get dressed just to get out of the car."
Another interesting option from Baby Center:
"We have this problem, and on the days where we need him up & out quickly, I've started putting him to bed in his day care clothes -- sweat pants and a long sleeve t-shirt. It has changed our mornings during the week. It works for us!"
I think this would throw her off, though. She is so used to picking out her pajamas for bed each night.
What are the tactics that work for your toddler?