I'm at my MIL's for Thanksgiving and it's a jolly packed house. We have friends here, a couple; the husband and DH went to college together. DH's friend's wife is from Italy; let's call her Giuliana. She is obsessed with my LO. She wants to hold him all the time, she has asked to come see me feed him (I told her that he would be too distracted to eat if she was in the room), and she has asked to come see me pump (I laughed and said "oh no, you wouldn't want to see that). To be nice, I invited her to come see me bathe him and get him settled for the night. The next night when I left to bathe him she made sure to be there again. Even though I like bedtime to be quiet and soothing, I am willing to have her there for a few nights.

I am however upset when she wants to take LO even when he cries to come to me. It's a really stimulating environment here and his naps have been compromised. I sometimes just want to keep him with me in a quiet corner, but she always comes to get LO to take him where everyone else is. He cries for me and she tries to distract him. I am so timid; I know I should just say something, but I freeze up every time. I just make sure I'm close so LO can see I'm with him.

What should I do?