Today we finally had our first ultrasound. (at 12 weeks) baby is healthy and a gymnast already (the doc had to move constantly to see everything perfectly)

Seeing your baby for the first time even the second time around is magical. We realized we were further along than we thought (by 1 week) so I'm technically done first trimester.

Oh and and important one is THERE IS ONLY ONE BABY IN THERE. yay!!!! Phew!

I asked them if they could see the sex of the baby. For Mavrick they were able to tell us at 70% it was a boy and clearly they were right. This time around she said she could see at 70% again and said it was a .... GIRL!!!

yes it's still super early and I don't want to get overalls excited in case they are wrong but oh my! How excited would I be if it was a GIRL. fingers and toes crossed!