Has anyone's child ever had experience with hallucinating from a fever? My 2yo woke up with a 103.5 last night, which is high but he's had higher. The strange thing was that he was shrieking with terror. I picked him up and settled on the chair with him and he lay against me for a few minutes. All of a sudden though he sat up and looked at the arm of the chair and looked scared. Then he started scrambling away and crying and finally shrieking in terror again saying "away away". This continued through the night on and off, with the lights on and off, in his room and mine, in any position I held him. The doctor said it sounds like hallucinations (we don't think it was night terrors since he was talking to us, responding, drinking water, etc.) from the fever but it continued (though not as great in severity) even after Advil and his temp lowered somewhat.

Anyone experience anything similar to this? Sorry if this post is all over the place - I am still pretty shaken up from last night.