Hellobee Boards


Have you ever experienced sex/gender disappointment?

  1. Mrs.Panda

    nectarine / 2358 posts

    We were lucky, wanted a girl and got a girl. Next time I truly don't care, they both have pros to them.

  2. ChiCalGoBee

    nectarine / 2028 posts

    @.twist.: I was the same way. I actually spent a decent number of weeks during the pregnancy coming to terms with it being a boy.

    I had a dream super early in the pregnancy that my late MIL told us the baby was a girl, so (as silly as it sounds) I was surprised and disappointed to find out it wasn't. Of course a healthy baby is 100% the bottom line, and I love my little guy more than anything in the world! I've always wanted one of each (always!) and I love having a big brother, but it puts a lot of pressure on #2 being a girl. Obviously we have no control, though!

  3. SugarplumsMom

    bananas / 9227 posts

    We just started TTC, but to my surprise, both DH and I are secretly hoping for a sister for DD. But really, I'll just be happy with a healthy pregnancy and baby.

    For DD, I was also secretly hoping for a girl

  4. stargal

    pomegranate / 3890 posts

    For my first, honestly didn't have a preference. For my second, had a slight slight preference for a girl bc we had a boy already (feel terrible saying that) bur we have 2 boys and ut is honestly the best thing ever. I love having two sons more then i can explain, i feek so complete and happy with my boys. I cannot imagine anything different, seeing them together melts my heart snd i hope they will be best buds. Seriously, i always want to tell boy mommas who are disappointedd, that dont worry its seriously the most amazing thibg to have a son. I feek so happy to have my two.

  5. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    And we won't, ever, have any disappointment.

  6. getjazzy

    persimmon / 1179 posts

    We were team green but I just knew it was a boy. I wasn't disappointed at all when he was born, I was happy he was here and healthy and my heart burst immediately. When I was pregnant though, I struggled a bit. Especially since at one of my OB appointments there was an older lady in the waiting room and she asked what I was having. I said I didn't know, and she said "Oh I hope it's a girl. At my age, my daughter is my best friend. My husband is gone and my son has his family but my daughter is my best friend". It stung HARD because I worry that when my son gets married he will become closer to his wife's family and "leave" me so to speak. It happened to DH, and his brother.. but I have to remind myself it's because his parents pushed themselves away from us. Still though, it's something I worry about!

    I'm pregnant now and will be team green again. This time I'm less worried because I know how AWESOME having a little boy is and if it's another boy, I will be so excited for LO and LO2 to have a super close bond.

  7. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    I was upset at first to find out I was having a boy. Part of it was that I got a glance at the email with our test results and thought it said girl. So all day long I thought girl, and then when DH and sat down together to read it, I was kind of in shock. And then I was really upset with myself for being upset.

    For my next pregnancy I go back and forth on what I want. I would still really like to have a daughter, and have that relationship in my life. I feel like a daughter tends to stay closer to her parents. I talk to my mom all the time on the phone as an adult, but I feel like when my son is an adult we won't have that same relationship. But at the same time, I would love for him to have a brother. I'd love to see the two of them grow up and be close to each other. And I admit, I'd love to dress them in coordinating clothes .

  8. Mrs. Toad

    persimmon / 1095 posts

    Slight preference for a boy, got a boy. Love my little guy.

  9. chanada

    cherry / 147 posts

    Yes, for our first we were team green and got a boy. I wasn't too disappointed then. Although I always pictured myself as a mom of at least one girl.

    Then we found out #2 is a boy and I was pretty upset about it. DH was a bit disappointed too. I felt awful for feeling that way but was like the idea of having a daughter was gone because we will stop after two. I know its generalization for boy and girl, seems like moms and daughters have more in common.

    Now, I've gotten over it. Having same gender sibling would be great for DS.

  10. hellobeeboston

    honeydew / 7235 posts

    No. But I admit I was hoping for a boy first (and dh really was) and we had a boy... If we have another I'd be totally fine with either and so would he!

  11. Torchwood

    pomelo / 5607 posts

    I said I'd report back on how I felt once we knew, so here ya go. We're having a girl (! ! !), and I'm SO happy. And seeing how happy and relieved I was to find that out, I would say I definitely would have had some major disappointment if it'd had come back boy. I just wanted a girl my whole life, and I was so happy we were having one last time. Not having one now would have made having lost a girl a lot harder. Plus, like I think I said, we have all the girl stuff already, so financially it's easier. And we got these itty bitty sparkly shoes that I was so looking forward to putting on a baby, and I still can! (Without my family worrying I'm gonna make a boy gay or something ridiculous.)

    I feel guilty even admitting that (though not sure why, since LO will never know and she IS a girl so she won't worry I was disappointed in her). And it seems absurd, since I plan to practice gender neutral parenting, so she could easily wind up not liking pink (my favorite color) or sparkles (I have sparkly everything!) at all. And I would totally have loved a boy just as much. But yeah, I'm really happy she's a girl.

    And just for the record, DH is happy too, but he honestly doesn't have strong feelings one way or the other. He was all, "I'm happy as long as it's healthy," and I was, "way to make me feel guilty for caring!" Thanks DH.

  12. NurseDMB

    kiwi / 643 posts

    @autumnlove: No. I have one son and neither DH or I cared about gender. I will admit I will be hoping for a girl next time around, but that's because we only want two kids.

  13. FannyMae

    persimmon / 1461 posts

    With my first pregnancy I was completely elated to be having a girl, though I wouldn't have been any less if she were a boy. We have had 5 girls in a row born in our immediate family, with our daughter being the youngest.

    I do feel a heck of a lot of pressure (not really upfront said to me, just on the peripheral) about having a boy next to level the playing field in our family. After my 2nd prengnancy ended in miscarriage I do think about "it could have been a boy" a little bit, and I will get the results in a few weeks. Feels like some kind of reverse whacky gender disappointment.

  14. GrapeCrush

    grapefruit / 4823 posts

    With our first, I admit that I briefly was sad that we weren't having a girl, because I so much wanted a daughter. Then I saw how happy DH was that he was having a son, and I just thought to myself 'we're having a BABY!' and was excited for my little guy. With #2, I was hoping and hoping that it was a girl, so much that I waiveree on being TG, since I was afraid if we found out early that it was another boy I'd be really disappointed, but deep down I knew it was a girl, and she was. Then, the weirdest thing happened...after we found out 100% it was a girl, I was a little sad that DS wouldn't have a brother. We are more than likely done at 2, but if we were to have a 3rd, we'd be TG and I wouldn't have a preference

  15. Espion

    pomegranate / 3577 posts

    No preference either way. I wouldn't choose their gender any more than I could or would choose their personalities. I'm excited to see if E is getting a little brother or a little sister next week! I can't believe we made it to the finish line as team green!!

  16. jedeve

    pomegranate / 3643 posts

    Maybe for a minute? But I love having two boys! And I would kind of want a third to be a boy, too! I think part of me would miss out on some special things later in life if I only had boys. But for now I love it.

    And I kind of want a third boy just to piss off all the family who keeps buying fold clothes or talking about "when you have a girl." Um, yeah sorry. I don't make babies for you to dress up. And I like my kids as is!

  17. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @jedeve: I laughed at your last part because I'm pregnant with my second and everyone is always going on and on about how they hope it's a girl! If it's another boy, I feel like people are going to be so disappointed. From what I've seen, people with one girl already don't seem to get as much pressure to have a boy as the other way around. Or maybe I'm just sensitive at this point.

  18. yin

    honeydew / 7917 posts

    DH's uncle predicted my future kids for me, and he told me I would have two boys and a girl. If the first is a boy, then the next would also be a boy and then a girl. Sometimes I think he knows I'm pregnant before I do.

    I wanted a boy for my first but very much open to having a girl too. My priority was having a healthy baby (ran into some health concerns early on with DS1). With my second I felt like I was going to have a boy and went with that expectation. I secretly wanted to have a girl but felt like the chances were slim. I have two boys. I love it! Plus I have three nieces to fulfill my girly needs.

  19. AprilFool

    nectarine / 2591 posts

    With my first I had no preference but I know that there will be some disappointment no matter what sex #2 is. It will be my last baby and while I will be happy with whatever we get I will be sad about what I miss out on. Either I won't get to be a mum to a boy or I won't get to give LO a sister.

  20. MrsKMM

    apricot / 263 posts

    Honestly, yes, and it makes me feel bad. I reeeally wanted a boy. From the start I had a gut feeling it was a girl, and I was right. When I got the phone call (did the blood test), I cried happy tears, then sad tears, then happy tears again. I've totally gotten used to her being a girl (I'm only 17w) but I may have cried a little in a store when we passed the boy clothes. But don't get me wrong, I'm so happy she's healthy and growing, and now all I can think of is fun girl stuff! it just took a little getting used to!

  21. erinpye

    pomegranate / 3706 posts

    Nope! I didn't care either way either time. I am now a happy mom of 2 girls, and couldn't imagine it any other way.

  22. babycanuck

    pomegranate / 3105 posts

    I'm really worried about this. I'm pretty sure I'm one and done and I really want a girl, DH really wants a boy. My gut is telling me this is a boy and I'm paranoid I won't connect or that I'll be regrettably disappointed.

  23. yellowbird

    honeydew / 7303 posts

    @babycanuck: I already commented on this thread, but I did have gender disappointment this time around when I found out I was expecting a boy. Well, he's here now and he is the best thing ever. I feel crazy because I just couldn't imagine a different baby. It's okay to have disappointment, but know that it will go away eventually!


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