So silly to even think this but my daughter was a huge breast feeder and loved the boob.... so I guess I figured my second would be one too.... my son is 9 days old and it has been a fight from the get-go
He was in the NICU for 4 days where he was given a bottle the first two days before my milk came in he nurses with the shields some sessions are okay and some sessions he just roots and cries the whole time I feel bad and usually end up giving him breast milk in a bottle I had the nurse / lactation consultant come to the house yesterday for a visit she said that Anatomy wise he was fine to breastfeed but just seemed aggravated that the milk wouldn't flow I know I have tons of milk I can pump 3 to 4 ounces from each breast within 2 minutes of pumping

I'm hoping it gets better but I'm leaning towards just exclusively pumping it's exhausting to sit on the couch trying to breastfeed for 45 minutes to an hour just end up giving him the two to three ounces in a bottle