This is more for those who have the entire 2+ weeks off for school. How are you surviving the winter holidays?

Our school was closed since Dec 17, and school resumes on Jan 3.... and I have to say this has been quite a difficult journey! I guess we didn't plan it well (and I thought I did, which is the problem). We did fine during Thanksgiving, so I undermined this long one. We were on an overseas trip from 19th to 24th, and basically stayed home since. We were dead tired for the first few days we were back, and DS was focused on playing with his new toys he got from Christmas for a few days, and it was fine. He started getting bored on Wednesday 28, and I had so many things I wanted to do (and I am still super tired) and I didn't feel like taking him out. I only have one child, so he constantly nagged and want me to stay and play with him, which I really don't because I have other things I want to do around the house. Finally I asked my neighbor to drop off his kid over and they played an hour. Today we went out with a friend to the aquarium, which was super crowded, and came home and dropped DS off to my neighbor for an hour before dinner. Tomorrow my friend and her DS is coming over for New Year's Eve dinner. Still, I wish it was structured better so we (I, haha) won't be so miserable. I can't wait for school to start on the 3rd!

How are you surviving the holidays? Are you pulling your hair our like me or are you enjoying the time you are having with your family? What did you do / plan to make your holidays go smoothly? Did you drop your child off to a day camp of some sort so you can get some time for yourself? I need tips so I can be better equipped for the next winter.....!