Hellobee Boards


How did you decide when to TTC?

  • poll: Do you have a "before we ttc" checklist? What's on it? (I can only add 9 things, so please comment)
    No list--we'll wing it/we winged it! : (22 votes)
    10 %
    Get a [different, better, full/part time] job : (18 votes)
    8 %
    Finish school/education milestone : (28 votes)
    13 %
    Buy a home (or rent a better/different home) : (28 votes)
    13 %
    Get married : (40 votes)
    19 %
    Pay off debt(s) : (21 votes)
    10 %
    Save a certain amount of money : (24 votes)
    11 %
    Complete travel goals or experiences : (24 votes)
    11 %
    Reach a certain age : (7 votes)
    3 %
  1. PennyLainne

    cherry / 133 posts

    Our Plan was to buy a house, get married then start having kids.
    Well we are both so anxious it turned into buy a house, start trying for babies, get engaged and then elope (still haven't gotten to the elope part yet)! We decided to mix it up a bit!

  2. Rescuemom10

    pear / 1965 posts

    Got married, we bought a house, I got a better paying job, and now just wiating until next year. We feel comfortable with next year because we feel we are def old enough (28 & 30) and established enough. Next year we will have one less car payment which I dont know why but DH is so "fixed" on that. But says lets wait till my Jeep is paid off. Haha! We live comfortably right now, and I think he likes that too much and wants to make sure if we are going to spend more on one thing lets get another thing off our plate. Haha! I guess I get it, but whatever. MEN! Haha! I mean, he doesnt have to watch his spending much, and I totally think that once we have children of our own our spending and mentality on what we buy and what not will change because your priorities totally change. He SHOULD know this, he already has a child. I have a ever so sweet 8 year old SD. I dont know, I think he is just enjoying this time being married and having fun because in his first marriage they got married so young and had a baby quick. So yeah...

  3. mrsmcgyro

    coffee bean / 37 posts

    We're waiting on my husband to finish school so we can relocate closer to my family, and then we'll start trying.


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