The older my daughter gets (5 currently), the more she's developing a penchant for drama, and it's making it harder to tell whether she's bouncing back from an illness or actually still sick. Case in point - she was very sluggish all day Saturday (unusual for her), and by late afternoon, had a 102 fever coupled with a sore throat. Got diagnosed with strep on Sunday morning, and I think there may be a virus in there as well because she's raspy and has a bit of a phlegmy cough. Fever broke on its own midday Sunday, she's been on antibiotics since Sunday evening (first dose), and we kept her home yesterday and again today. She's sleeping fine, eating fine, drinking fine, playing fine, still a bit raspy, but otherwise healthwise she seems OK, but she refuses to leave the house and keeps complaining that she's still sick and acting clingy, but it also feels like it may be more drama than actual health because all other indicators seem normal. So we're trying to decide if we should send her back to preK tomorrow and normally we'd just use the "no fever for 24+ hours, no physical complaints" rule, but I can't decide if she's trying to tell us something here or just being extra clingy and thus dramatic (and the clinginess has been in high effect lately regardless of illness). Would love outside perspectives.