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How many hours were you in labor?

  1. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    Induction started at noon (I think) and I had a failed induction when I failed to dilate passed 6 cm. Babies were born at 4:40 and 4:42a.

    I don't know if that means I was in any active labor. I had an epidural at 4cm (I think) and didn't feel any pain before or after the epidural. They think with me PPROMing at 28 weeks that my uterus was tired.

  2. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    DS: 11 hrs from first contraction (prob when active labor started bc I don't even remember the mild early labor ones) to baby. Included 1.5 hrs of pushing.

    DD: 3 hrs 45 min from when I realized I was in labor to baby. Included 2-5 pushes total.

  3. PawPrints

    pomegranate / 3658 posts

    About 2 hours.

  4. MrsSCB

    pomelo / 5257 posts

    I can answer this question as of today! Showed up at the hospital at 5:45 am, was ready to push at just before 1 pm, and baby arrived at 1:47

  5. Smurfette

    GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts

    @MrsSCB: congrats!

  6. Portboston

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    36 hours of back labor. about 31 of that was active and about 10 of it was with an epidural.

  7. Foodnerd81

    wonderful cherry / 21504 posts

    @MrsSCB: yay! Congrats!!

    DD1 total labor was about 25 hours- woke up with mild contractions. But they really didn't get intense and very painful until 9 pm, which is when I think active labor started. So is put it at 10 hours of active labor. Was only at the hospital for 4 hours or so before having baby in arms, I think I pushed for about 45 minutes.

    DD2: so much faster!! Like less than 4 hours from, oh more contractions, just like every night, wonder if this is it? To baby in my arms. Was only at the hospital for about 45 minutes before she was born. Pushed maybe 3-4 times.

  8. MrsSRS

    nectarine / 2987 posts

    DS: went into labor Friday, DS was born the following Monday
    DD: 8 perfect hours

  9. lawbee11

    GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts

    @MrsSCB: Congrats!!! But I hate you

    21 hours for me.

  10. pregnantbee

    grapefruit / 4717 posts

    @MrsSCB: Woohoo!! Sounds like it went great.

  11. SweetiePie

    honeydew / 7463 posts

    Induction at 37+2.
    Started at 11pm on a Sunday, finally dilated to 10cm around 2pm on Tuesday. So that was like 39 hours? Pushed for 2+ hours. Finally had C section and he was born at 8:08pm on Tuesday.

    So from induction to baby born it was 45 hours.

  12. skipra

    pomegranate / 3350 posts

    Hard to say exactly. Induced with my first and it was a 3 day process. I had a few contractions overnight between day 2 and 3 but they petered out before starting Pitocin late in the morning. From start of Pit to birth was about 6-7 hours.
    Contractions with my second started mid afternoon but not painful or consistent for a full 24 hours. Total from start of contractions was maybe 28 hours but painful contractions maybe 5 hours.

  13. Mrs. Cotton Candy

    blogger / cherry / 142 posts

    Around 18 hours, I think, from the time I checked in at the hospital until Little CC was born.

  14. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    #1: what i thought was my water breaking--> 13 hours till we went to hospital, still not really in labor, 27 hours at hospital to get to pushing, ended in cesarean.
    #2: 5 1/2 days of prodromal labor, and about 4 hours from "this is labor!" to baby in my arms. I wonder if I knew better, would #1 have been the same time course with lots of prodromal labor first?

  15. Periwinkle

    pear / 1879 posts

    If I count from the time I knew I was probably in labor to the time LO was born, it was about 11 hours. But active labor was more like 8 or so with close to 3 hours of pushing

  16. Periwinkle

    pear / 1879 posts

    @MrsSCB: congratulations!!!!

  17. Magna Doodle

    pea / 13 posts

    10 ish hours. Potocin started at ~6pm and she was born via emergency section at 4:32am, but I was complete and pushing at about 3:45am.

  18. Anagram

    eggplant / 11716 posts

    LO1--25-27ish hours? I don't really know when to start counting active labor as opposed to early labor contractions.

    LO2- 2 hours. It would have been plenty of time, but the first hours was just cramping and I wasn't sure it was "real", and then the last hour was me driving myself home from work and then us going to the hospital just in time to push, so the end was dicey. I have a 1 hour commute though.

  19. sapphire

    nectarine / 2173 posts

    24 hours with my first. Pushing was 4.5 hours of that. It was about what I expected except thought pushing would be 1-2 hours.

  20. jape14

    pear / 1586 posts

    Induction (at 41+1) start-to-finish was about 13 hours. Active labor (from when doctor broke my water) was about 6-7 hours, but I got an epidural an hour into that. I pushed for just shy of 2 hours.

  21. irene

    nectarine / 2964 posts

    around 24 hours? My contractions started when I went to bedaround 11pm. I didn't sleep the entire night while my husband snored right next to me. It carried on the next day. My contractions was 5 minutes apart at 3-4pm. I called my husband, who was at work, to come home and take me to the clinic. We were checked into the hospital at 7pm as I was banging my head on the handrails on the hospital bed. Had baby just passed midnight. Pushing took 1/2 hour.

  22. winter_wonder

    persimmon / 1479 posts

    Contractions started on a Wednesday morning (2 am)....ended with a c-section on Thursday at 1:30 pm it.felt.like.forever.

  23. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    About 41 hours from "yep, this is real" to baby. The first 12-14 hours was very inconsistent though -- I'd have a handful of close, strong contractions, and then they'd taper off for 20-30 minutes before picking up again. 27-28hours of consistent, active labor, including 5+ hours of pushing.

  24. iheartleopardprint

    apricot / 343 posts

    From first contraction-
    DS: 2hr20min
    DD1: 14hrs (slightly posterior and chin deflexed)
    DD2: 50minutes

  25. wheres_c

    pomelo / 5789 posts

    18 hours of labor before deciding on a c section.

  26. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    About 20 hours, ending with a c section. No telling how much longer it would've taken if her heart rate had been normal.

  27. AprilFool

    nectarine / 2591 posts

    Both my labours were 12.5 hours from first sign to birth. With #1 the first sign was contractions and second was my water breaking with no contractions. Active labour was 4.5 hours and 2 hours and 10 mins.

  28. lamariniere

    pineapple / 12566 posts

    10ish hours for my first.
    45 minutes with my 2nd.

  29. T.H.O.U.

    wonderful clementine / 24134 posts

    Induction started around midnight. Labor started at 2 and she was born by 4:30

  30. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    27 hours, with 33 minutes of pushing. Serious contractions started at 1am at 40w+7, finally had her at 4:30am at 40+8. I was TIRED.

  31. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    22 hours but the first 8 I was at home and totally fine.

  32. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts

    DD1 - 15 hours, 1.5 pushing, spontaneous labor at 38+1
    DD2 - 4 hours, 3 pushes, induced at 38+5

  33. nana87

    cantaloupe / 6171 posts

    It was 36 hours from when I was admitted to the hospital to lo being born for an induction at 37 weeks (low fluid, but lo was still high/cervix was closed), though in the end I only pushed for 20 mins. timeline went something like this--
    2pm admitted
    6pm cervidil started
    6am cervidil taken out, hadn't done anything
    7am pit started
    11am ish nothing happening, I'm still like 3 cm, insert foley bulb which is super painful/uncomfortable. the nurses and midwife all joke that I'm smiling too much
    3pm? contractions start geting painful
    5pm or so I ask to be checked again bc this is getting real! I decide that if I'm not close then I'll get an epi...aaaand I was only FOUR cm. Epi it is!
    7pm epi inserted, I take a glorious nap
    12am I'm at a 10! yay! Midwife says they'll come back in awhile, let me labor down for a bit longer...
    1:45am they come back and I start pushing...I push for 20 mins before lo is born!

  34. yin

    honeydew / 7917 posts

    28 hours with LO1 and 4 hours with LO2 (from start of first contraction until delivery). I pushed for 2 hours with LO1 and only 15 minutes (or less) with LO2.

  35. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    31 long hours from first back contraction until he was out.

  36. ElbieKay

    pomegranate / 3231 posts

    Water broke at 10pm, first contraction hit hard at 2am, got to the hospital by around 9-10am, spent the afternoon in a lukewarm tub, finally caved and got an epidural at 7pm, started pushing a little after midnight, baby was born at 1am.

    So, 17 hours of unmedicated labor followed by 6 on an epidural for a total of 23.

  37. looch

    wonderful pear / 26210 posts

    13 hours from the first contraction to the actual birth.

  38. CoffeeMom

    cherry / 239 posts

    DD - 31 hours of labor, 6+ hours of pushing. Ended in c section.

    DS (5 weeks ago) - 6.5 hours of labor, 20 minutes of pushing. VBAC

  39. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    #1- contractions started at 4am Wednesday and she was born 2:26am Friday. So...46 hours?
    #2- water broke at 3am, but contractions didn't start until 4:30pm, he was born at 10:57pm- so active labour was about 6.5 hours.

  40. snowjewelz

    wonderful kiwi / 23653 posts

    I don't really know when to start counting since I was induced.

    Checked in at 8pm, officially started induction around 1am, pushed out DD at 11pm.

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