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How many times did you go to the hospital before you actually delivered?

  1. Dr. Pepper

    apricot / 461 posts

    I didn't go in with my first until they said I had to be induced at 42 weeks.

    My second I went in on 6/13 at 11:30pm (yup- 1 year ago today) and the on call resident doc pretty much laughed at me for saying I hadn't felt baby move all day except for one movement at 12:21pm. He doppled babies heartbeat and said that since he had a heartbeat he was fine. He sent me home. The next morning I called my OB who wanted a BPP and NST. I went on my lunch break (I work at the hospital) at 11:45am. I delivered my baby by 12:41pm by super stat emergency c-section. I was told another hour or two he would have been a stillbirth.

    Moral of the story- go in as many times as you need to go in and trust your mommy instincts!

  2. 2littlepumpkins

    grapefruit / 4455 posts

    @Dr. Pepper: How scary!! Glad everything turned out ok.

  3. StbHisMrs

    pomegranate / 3329 posts

    1st - zero times, went into labor at 35 weeksx stayed for 4 days, sent home for 3 hours, came back and delivered 5 hours later. Morphine, and a lot of contractions, thanks to tricare no induction.

    2nd - I lost count. Kidney stones, preterm labor at 28 weeks (luckily mostly stopped with a magnesium bag, and some shots) continual contractions, and another round of kidney stones. After all of that, I was induced a day after my due date.

    3rd - Twice, preterm labor again, not enough progression, light bedrest and she came 3 days early (only one to have water break naturally!)

  4. Pumuckl

    pomegranate / 3601 posts

    1st and 2nd - never
    3rd (twins) - once due to preterm labor at 31 weeks

    The other times it was only to deliver them

  5. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    1st-one time around 38/39 weeks due to what I thought was amniotic fluid but it was not
    2nd- just for delivery

  6. littlejoy

    pomegranate / 3375 posts

    I had a homebirth, but I did think my water was leaking around 26 weeks ... I went to get it checked out. All was fine, and I ended up delivering at 39 weeks with no "false alarms" to the midwife beforehand.

  7. mrsrain

    nectarine / 2115 posts

    Twice with both. I had PIH at the end of both pregnancies, and had to be monitored a couple of times.

  8. MrsBrewer

    coconut / 8854 posts

    Only for delivery.

  9. lioneyes

    persimmon / 1286 posts

    twice. once was at 31 weeks when i had a weird pain, they monitored me for 2 hours then sent me home. the other was at 35 when i had been having false labor for 2 days and wanted some relief. after 2 hours of monitoring and listening to the woman next to me be in active labor) I demanded to go home at 4am. the next morning I had an OB appointment and was finally in active labor, and went back to the hospital at 10am to have DS.

  10. maddyz

    persimmon / 1270 posts

    With LO1 my water broke and that was it. With LO2 I had pre labour for weeks (timeable but mild contractions that would fade away after a few hours). There were LOTS of texts to the midwives saying "maybe, i'll let you know, never mind..." The funny thing was when it was time there was no doubt.

  11. Mrs. Marshmallow

    blogger / apricot / 389 posts

    Thinking it was go time? When it was go time.

    I did have to go to the hospital twice to meet my midwife to get Rhogam shots.

  12. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    I went with my first to get my RH shot and then they "detained" me over night bc my bp was high.

    None for my second, only went the day I was scheduled to be induced.

  13. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    With my first I didn't have to go for any medical reasons until it was time for my induction. I did go a handful of times for classes, a tour, and to pre register.

    With this pregnancy I thought I was going to end up at the hospital yesterday, but I just went to my OBs office instead. Everything was ok thankfully!

  14. mrswilson2012

    grape / 93 posts

    None. The only time I went to the hospital was when I was actually in labor.

  15. Mrs.Pinecone316

    persimmon / 1316 posts

    None, I was admitted when I went in in labor.

  16. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    Once with my last because he stopped moving. That was a Friday and my water broke the next day.


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