I spend a lot of time thinking about my weight, and policing myself, and I'm so tired of it but I don't know how to stop. I feel like every day is a running thread of "I should go to the gym, ugh, I don't feel like it, well if you're not going to go to the gym you really shouldn't get a chai latte, but I really want one, but that's an extra 200 calories -" and on and on and on.

I suspect part of it is how I was raised - my mom was (and is) constantly going on diets and going "Ugh, I'm so fat" (and my mom is not fat), and talking about her weight. They still do it in front of my boys and it makes me crazy: "Oh no, Nana can't eat that, she's already too fat" "Oh, Santa eats all the cookies and that's why he has a big fat tummy".