And I am a MESS. I know people do it everyday. And I know (in theory) it's supposed to get better. But I'm sitting at my desk at work and I'm so sad! When I left she was screaming. It was awful. She's so used to quiet mornings and the 3 kids at the daycare providers house were so excited to have her there that they were just too intense. They were handing her toys (she's only 4 months old), petting her head, etc. Really sweet and friendly but still, too intense. I was so uncomfortable but didn't want to tell the kids to back off.

Ugh, it was so tough! I just had to vent here. I tried venting to my mom but she didn't answer and all she said via text was "stay strong". K, good talk mom :o/ hahaha

For those that have been here before, when did you start to feel ok with dropping your LO off at daycare? And when did baby become more comfortable with it? If she cries everyday I'm just going to quite my job and we'll live out of our car, hmpph!