Has anyone had their LO go thru Infant VEP testing?

I was not familiar with it, but DS2 was just tested on Monday for his 6 month well-check. The nurse gave me a handout with the most basic explanation stating that it is to test the muscles of the eye to determine if the child has a lazy eye.

DS2 did the testing, but DS1 was throwing a temper tantrum during it, and I think DS2 got distracted. I knew that our pedi would explain the results with us, so I didn't ask the nurses any info about it after the test. Well, with DS1's increased tantrum and all the other questions we had about DS2, we both completely forgot about the test results. I remembered right before we left, right after DS2 received his vaccinations from the nurse (so he was screaming while I was asking). The nurse was shocked that the pedi didn't go over it, so she gave me a printout of his results and said "Oh, he definitely did NOT pass."

So, now I have NO explanation about the test or the results, and we have to go see a specialist. To me, finding out these results comes out of left field. DS2 has never shown any signs of having a lazy eye or any visual impairments. He tracks objects with both eyes at the same pace, will follow everything around, ect...

We found out some other disturbing news about some other issues we were concerned about, and then DS2 had very minor surgery yesterday, so the last few days have been incredibly stressful. If anyone has any insight, I would greatly appreciate it!!