Does anyone have any experience with ingrown nails with ther LOs?

DS is 3m and has his 3rd, 4th, and 5th ingrowns currently.

One on his ring finger, other two on his big toes. I've been cutting his fingernails as needed, but never his toes so far, the toe nails are super soft and still "flake" away.

He's in pain when he hits them, anything I can do to help? The toes "flake" back so that there isn't a lot of toenail for me to try to round off for him or access to try to help it.

Feeling bad, I used to be ingrown capital of the world until I had surgery on my toes last year, the pain is awful and I'm bummed for him he has to go through it.

Soaked his toes today and tried to get the corners out best I could, but the nails are so short I don't think I accomplished anything for him.

Any tips, appreciated! Maybe this will solve his awful sleep too (haha oh I wish)