Hellobee Boards


Is it possible to get ahead in my career as a working mom?

  1. Modern Daisy

    grapefruit / 4187 posts

    I totally feel for you and this is exactly why i hate reporting into women. I'm in insurance and it's the same thing here although much more family friendly in general. It will be harder to get ahead, but stick to your guns on the schedule. Make it clear that you go home at x time every day so if people need you they either need to ask early enough or wait until tomorrow.

    I have the opposite time problem, everyone is out the door by 4:30 but they get in REALLY early. I have a 1 hour commute and rely on the train schedule, so on days DH is traveling Ican't even get into the office until 9am since day are doesnt open until 7:30. I've never once apologized, but i did explain this to my boss when i first started.


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