Is anyone elses child super rigid and gets upset easily because of it? DS is 4 and is so rigid we can have 3-4 small breakdowns before we even make it downstairs for breakfast.

This morning we were playing and I was calling him a Baby (insert name of animal) One time I forgot to say baby before the animal and he flipped out. This is normal for him. It takes so long for him to get out of it and let it go.

This happens on a daily basis where any small infraction like that can set him off. Why didn't you put my bowl with the face down facing me? Why did you put the bowl on the table and not the counter? Why did you put my spoon in my bowl? I can name so many but honestly I cant even remember them any more.

I keep telling him he cant be this rigid but of course thats a moot point. He is also constantly worried about whether I am happy or sad. He will ask why arent you happy and even when I tell him Im not unhappy he starts to rbeak down with You need to be happy You need to have a smiley face Show me a smiley face. Most of the time I am happy or fine when it starts but I really am not at the end

To say Im exasperated and at the end of my rope with these things is an understatement.