After three months with no AF, I got the official diagnosis of Lean PCOS today. We were going to hold off going full force on TTC until early next year. But after it became apparent it might not be as easy as we'd hoped, we threw the waiting out the door last weekend when I got my first positive OPK. (In retrospect, it was probably a false positive, but we weren't taking the chance. )

I've done some reading on the subject in the past month, but I'm still pretty new to this. Anyway, OB/GYN did bloodwork and everything that came back so far is within normal levels. We are still waiting on androgen, vitamin D, and insulin resistance levels. Ultrasound results showed "numerous small cysts" on both ovaries.

I wasn't extremely happy about the treatment options given. Basically, OB/GYN wants to do clomid (when I'm ready) & metformin without much monitoring. 50 mgs to start and increasing to 100 and then 150 if no ovualtion. If that doesn't work, then she'd like to move me on to an RE. I was hesitant about the clomid option, so she suggested metformin alone for a few months. The other option is to go back on birth control for a few months and then come off again. While it sounds counterintuitive, she thinks because my cycles were so regular for 7 months after coming off bc that it might be worth a try.

I'm really thinking about not messing around and seeing an RE. If that's the case, do most require referrals? Or should I wait and see what happens? Any other thoughts or encouragement on this or lean PCOS in general would also be appreciated.