We had our 2 month pediatrician appointment yesterday and found out lo hasn't been gaining enough weight She was born 5lbs 13 oz, was 6lbs 8 oz at her last visit when she was 3 weeks, and was only 7lbs 1 oz last night. Which means she's only gained like half a pound in 6 weeks Even though we knew she was still tiny, she seems so much bigger to us--she's grown over 2 inches during that time (from 19.5 to 21.75 inches!) and she has more folds in her neck, arms, and thighs, but clearly it hasn't been enough. And she goes through a TON of diapers, so I thought she was doing fine...

I've been nursing on demand, but she doesn't seem to be getting enough while she nurses even though she's constantly nursing. Like, she usually nurses for at least an hour (which the pediatrician said is definitely too long in the first place), and is often still hungry: she'll fall asleep on the boob, and then wake up shortly after and be hungry again. I thought that was just normal clusterfeeding: she's normally like that during the day, except with one long nap midday, and then at night she's been sleeping fantastically for like the 10 days or so.

I have flat nipples so I've been using a shield, and the LC I spoke with yesterday (she's coming for a consult tomorrow) suggested that that is the problem: some babies have trouble getting enough milk through the shield, and then work so hard to get not enough that they fall asleep. So that sounds like exactly what could be happening.

She told me to start pumping after feeds to help boost my supply and make sure baby is getting more milk--last night was the first time LO has ever taken a bottle, I'd only pumped once before when I was engorged and had frozen the milk. Luckily she had no problems with the bottle, and today seems to be going well with pumping after nursing and then giving her the bottle: she's napping better than before...

Anyway, this is really long... I'm devastated that my body isn't nourishing her well enough and worried about her. My poor hungry girl!