I really want to do something to kick start my weight loss. I REALLY want to lose more weight and tone up by summer.
I am back at the gym, eating well (pretty much entirely paleo, as I am on an elimination diet for LO), and walking daily.
But the weight is just sticking. It won't budge.

My sister started doing the Mate Fit tea detox and apparently it has amazing results. However, some of the herbs aren't safe to take while breastfeeding. Someone else I know started taking a root supplement to jumpstart her metabolism which she also is seeing results from, but I can't take this while nursing either.

Does anyone have suggestions for ways to kick start weight loss while breastfeeding, or even workout regimens you have found to be effective? How did you lose weight successfully?
Of course I plan to keep working out daily and eating right, but it just doesn't seem to be doing much right now.