Hellobee Boards


March 2014 Moms come in!

  1. ScarletBegonia

    persimmon / 1339 posts

    @bookwormmama: At the moment Aaron is only getting up once a night and falling straight back to sleep (more or less - I can put him down awake in the MOTN and he will put himself to sleep), so I don't want to get rid of that wake up as I know he need the food and it isn't bothering me. Again, when we swaddle wean, I'm sure it will be an entirely different story!! I'll let you know what we decide then - probably we will do more of a pick up/put down training, as I don't think I'd be able to cope with screaming/crying in the MOTN. I also haven't done anything for naps - I still rock him down for naps. If I catch him at the right time he goes down pretty easy - its the staying down thats the challenge!!

    Heres the latest Aaron - 16 weeks today!

  2. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @fussygal: if I understand it correctly, if their legs are out of the carrier their legs should bend at the knee and hang at a 90 degree angle. We have to fold up a blanket and sit him on it to get that correct angle, although one of his legs will dangle correctly while the other foot rests on the waistband. But he seems to like it like that, so it must be ok?

    @ScarletBegonia: I'm wondering if L is going through a wicked growth spurt or something because it does seems like he's eating more frequently in general. I would be completely fine with one wake up that's what he was doing for so long), I just wish we could get back to that, but once he awake he's determined and it's so much easier to just nurse him back to sleep. Hopefully he will just naturally start to ourgrow this. My mom told me I was an amazing sleeper, so he mucus be getting this stubbornness from his dad! naps are the same way for us! I can rock him and sometimes he goes down right away and other times he can be a nightmare!

  3. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    I think we're in a wonder week.

    Night before last, M was up once an hour because he had to poop. Once morning came, he pooped and took a nice long nap. Sadly, I still had stuff to do.

    Last night he spent almost all of it trying to master rolling over. He was quiet for most the night, but once an hour, he'd cry, I'd have to get up and give him his paci, and then he'd doze off. Few minutes later, he'd be up, trying to roll over again. I appreciate his perseverance, but I'm tired! he's now asleep in the swing, and I'm loading up on coffee so that I don't end up sleeping through the 4th of July. I get really emotional when I'm tired, so this should be an interesting day.

  4. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    E has been doing great overnight sleep wise. He usually only gets up once, nurses and goes back to sleep! E has also started rolling over both ways!!! His naps however have been awful, although I suspect his very loud brother doesn't help the matter. E startles easy so I am not sure how fireworks is gonna go. Happy 4th of July to all the USA mommas.

  5. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @Dandelion: oh I feel you...I said almost this exact same things the week Lincoln learned to roll. I bet M is really close to rolling! I know what you mean about little sleep and being emotional. I'm the exact same way. I get pretty mean/snappy when I don't get enough sleep Hopefully today goes ok!

    @MrsRcCar: oh I am not looking forward to fireworks. Our dog barks whenever he hears fireworks so I'm worried he's going to wake L up! Hopefully E sleeps through them! Happy 4th!

  6. Mrsjets

    pear / 1699 posts

    @fussygal: I put Leah's legs out, especially now that I'm not using the insert. I think she's comfy. I really think they need to learn to like/love the Ergo.

    @ScarletBegonia: oh look at him! So happy

    @Dandelion: I think that 19 week leap first came around 14/15 weeks for us too - at 17 weeks she's still waking by fussing/laughing quite a bit. Hang in there!

    @MrsRcCar: oh I'm so jealous, Joel was a good sleeper like that. L wakes and is hard to get back asleep

    Happy 4th Ladies

  7. HazelEyes

    clementine / 811 posts

    Hi ladies! I've been MIA. We took a trip to visit my family from DC to Boston and just got back a few days ago. The car ride actually went really well! We did an overnight stop in Jersey at my cousin's house both ways and I think it made a huge difference--since now pit stops are longer than just a pee break.

    @Dandelion: @Mrsjets: I'm glad you said that you think your wonder weeks came early… I'm thinking J (15 weeks) is hitting his early. He has always been a poor napper, but we were having awesome nights of 10-11.5 hours (!!) Then the last few nights he has been up inconsolably raging for hours and has been grumpier than usual during the day. I don't know if I hope its a WW early to just get it over with, or if I want to hold on to what little bit of routine we had going

    @ScarletBegonia: what a stinkin' cutie Let me know what you do with the swaddle weaning… I just posted a thread earlier asking advice on swaddle weaning and needing to stop bouncing on the stupid yoga ball to get him to sleep. I don't know where to start!

  8. Bao

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts

    Ahhhh our babies are getting so big already! E will be 4 months in just 4 days! Sorry I have been MIA on this thread, hoping all of you mommas are doing well!

  9. ScarletBegonia

    persimmon / 1339 posts

    @HazelEyes: Oooh, that nighttime raging does not sound fun!! Do you have the Wonder Weeks app? The weeks are based on EDD, not date of birth - for Aaron that makes a week of difference cause the little stinker was a week late!! By some miracle the first 3 weeks of Leap 4 (or is it 5?? The long one at 4-5 months!) have been not bad for us. Naps have never been great, they haven't gotten any better but haven't gotten any worse either. Nighttime sleep hasn't really been affected too much - the sleep training we did a couple of weeks ago seems to have sticked, and we've been pretty consistently getting 1 wakeup which I can definitely handle!!

    Swaddle weaning...well.........I've been a total chicken to be honest. We've done one or two naps which have been disasters, so I've been too chicken to try nights I'll keep you updated if there is any progress. Probably he'll be taking his halo sleep sack to college.

    My new worry is Aaron's weight - all the babies in our mothers group are so chubby and full of rolls, and Aaron's just little still...he's EBF which I know can make a difference, a lot of the ladies in my group supplement with formula, but I still worry. I doubt he'll double his birth weight by 5 months. We're going to the dr next week for his 4 month shots (shudder) so hopefully I can get some reassurance then.

    Other than that all is well here!

  10. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    @HazelEyes: @ScarletBegonia: L was born on his due date and always seems to hit his leaps early too! The app says they always hit them at the same time, but he usually gets fussy and starts showing the signs a week-a few days before he's supposed to start the leap.

    @ScarletBegonia: I wouldn't worry too much about him looking chubby! L has always been kinda leaner, but the last week or so he's been going through a growth spurt (I'm pretty sure) and he all of the sudden looks much chubbier! As long as he's having enough wet diapers I wouldn't be too concerned about how he looks! And our pediatrician never said he had to double his birthweight by 4 months...I think it's just a milestone they like but it is by no means a requirement or indicative of your supply. The only way to know he's getting enough is to read him...if he's happy after eating and having enough wet diapers you guys are doing great! Try not to stress about it...there's so many other things we can worry about instead

  11. fussygal

    pomegranate / 3580 posts

    @bookwormmama: @ScarletBegonia: @HazelEyes: Nora hits her WWs early, too. Maybe they need to put out a revised edition

    @ScarletBegonia: We're still pretty lean over here, too but I'm not worried since she is happy and healthy, just not super tubby yet I remember in the Dr. Sears book they talk about different baby body types (just like adults!) and one was a 'banana' - long and lean!

    About half way down this page: http://www.askdrsears.com/topics/feeding-eating/breastfeeding/faqs/how-much-weight-will-my-breastfeeding-baby-gain

  12. HazelEyes

    clementine / 811 posts

    @fussygal: Interesting! Yes, we have a banana baby and a "persistent, motor-driven personality" on our hands. I keep describing him as curious and active-- usually in the same breath as exhausting, haha But I weighed him this morning at a breastfeeding support group at the hospital and he was only 13 lbs, 5 oz. He's definitely long and lean.

    Well, J slept through the night again last night, thank goodness, so I'm hoping that was all a fluke.

    @ScarletBegonia: I did call the pediatrician for some advice and they suggested gradually loosening the swaddle, so that's what we're trying. They also suggested to start putting him down drowsy and stay nearby, minimizing bedtime routine, and no naps after 3 (!) so he is good and tired for bedtime. Today is only day one, but I'll keep you posted on our progress.

  13. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    Hey ladies could I get a sneak peek at your evening routine with Lo?

    Here is ours:
    5:30: nurse E
    6ish: Dinner for everyone else
    After dinner until 8:30ish: clean up or play with N and E.
    8:30ish: nurse E
    9ish: start winding down and bath every other day.
    10: N in bed (hopefully) with white noise machine running.
    11:30: Nurse E and then bed time. Sleeping until 5:30am.

  14. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts


    4:30-5 M gets up and nurses. Then, we all just kinda hang out/play for a bit until I make dinner and then we all eat.
    After dinner, starting from around 6:30, there's more playing until 7. Then both boys get pj's on. If it's bath day, then they get it at this time.
    7:30: M starts winding down and nurses for a good long bit. He's usually asleep by 8:30-9 D goes to bed after M does (only cause it's summer. Once school is back, he's strictly 8 pm)
    Everyone is in bed by 9 and I sleep until M wakes up, around 12-1, to eat, with a bunch of pacifier re-plugging in between. Then he's up for the day anytime from 6-8.

  15. lemondrop

    bananas / 9118 posts

    We are still all over the place depending if I work or not. On average though:
    Afternoon nap until around 5ish
    Nurse sometime between 5-6ish
    Wake time until 7:30ish then nap
    Pajamas around 9 once big bro is in bed
    Usually 9-10pm is grouchy wake time so I try to nurse and put him down for the night.

  16. fussygal

    pomegranate / 3580 posts


    5:30 DH gets home and I'm usually just finishing feeding DD.
    5:45 Start dinner while DH plays with DD
    6:00-6:45 Take turns eating dinner, DD goes down for her last nap around this time.
    7:30 DD wakes up and gets a bath, book, swaddle and nurses to sleep. In bed by 8:00 and she sleeps until about 10:30 or 11:00.
    This begin multiple wake ups until 6:00am...

    Recently, she's started going down for the night around 6:30 instead of 8:00. We'd put her down for her last nap and she'd just keep sleeping!! Tonight will be her first night in her crib!

  17. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    Hi all! I've been following along but haven't posted in a bit! Things are going good so far. A is 4 months tmrw! He's a big boy. Right around 17 lbs on our scale at home. Still ebf which is going good!

    @MrsRcCar: our routine:
    530-6ish sometime in here he wakes up from his last nap. He only naps for 30 mins so he doesn't really stay up more than 2 hours at a time ever.
    Feed whenever he wakes up then we eat dinner
    Around 735 start prepping bath and bottle (we do a bottle of pumped milk before bed)
    Bath then bottle then bedtime around 8
    Usually sleeps until 530am (give or take an hour) and then back down until 730.

  18. ScarletBegonia

    persimmon / 1339 posts

    Evening routine is -
    Last nap finishes anytime between 330 and 530...so awake time varies wildly at night.
    We always start bedtime routine between 630 and 645 - take upstairs, naked time while dad gets bath ready, bath, PJs, read the Going to Bed Book with dad, nurse one side, swaddle, lights off, nurse other side, into bassinet. He's usually in bed by 700 or 715. Sleeps til anywhere between 230 and 530. Usually one wakeup, sometimes 2. I'm pretty happy with our routine and he responds pretty well to it.

    My big concern at the moment is his weight - he's about 13lbs and hasn't gained anything in about 3 weeks...hasn't lost anything, but hasn't gained. GP isn't concerned but told me to up feedings to every 2 hours or so during the day, and start solids if there still isn't any weight gain in the next two weeks. He's grown almost 4 cms in 3 weeks so *hopefully* he's just lengthening before he fattens up...but I still worry so much about him

  19. anonysquire

    cantaloupe / 6923 posts

    I haven't updated here in ages! Zuma had her 4 month appointment last week and is doing pretty well. She's 13 pounds, 23 inches and just beautiful. Laughs and sings all the time. Is super goofy and he 2nd tooth finally broke through. Her tongue reflex is gone so maybe we will start solids soon, but probably not.

    Love reading about everyone!

  20. catomd00

    grapefruit / 4418 posts


    6:00 Nurse and play
    6:30-7 DD starts getting tired and we start our bedtime routine which consists of PJs, Diaper change, 1-2 stories, turn on white noise, rock/sing 1 song, lay down awake. Sometimes DD is asleep within 5 minutes, other nights she fusses. On the fussy nights, I go in and rub her back (she flips on her belly to sleep now) until she stops (1-2 minutes) then leave. I let her fuss for 2-5 minutes depending on intensity before going back in. I rarely have to go in more than twice.

    The past few weeks she has been up around 4 to eat then back to sleep immediately until 7-730. However, last night she thought it would be fun to get up at 1:30 and 4. Who knows what tonight will bring!

  21. bookwormmama

    persimmon / 1198 posts

    Here's a rough schedule, although I don't feel like it's the same every night. Some nights he is in a good mood and others I end up nursing him all night because he's so crabby.

    6-6:30/45: nurse L...I let him comfort nurse while DH makes dinner
    6:45ish: put L in swing (usually asleep) so we can eat dinner.
    7/7:15ish: if L was sleeping he is usually up by this point and we play/try to keep him happy until about 8
    8/8:15: bathtime
    8:15/8:30: out of the bath, new diaper, pjs, sleepsack, try to read a book, but it doesn't always happen if he's crabby
    8:30/8:40ish: nurse
    9-9:30 L is asleep so I usually put him down around that time with his sound machine then I get ready and we all go to bed.

    I'm glad to see lots of other babies are up until 9-10 still. I've tried putting L to bed earlier because he can be really crabby at night but he usually sleeps like crap if I try it. We've gotten bedtim moved up from 10 to around 9 now though. His wake ups have been all over the place but he STTN for the first time last week! He has decided to be a tummy sleeper. I lay him down and he rolls over and passes out. He has STTN every night until last night and I think it's because he likes sleeping on his tummy. He had his 4 month shots yesterday and I wonder if that played into the multiple wake-ups last night. I guess we will see!

  22. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    Thank you ladies for sharing your routines. Things have started to mellow out around our house. I thought I would share a recent picture of E. He is turning into such a ham. Next week we are taking him to see an ENT to look at his lip tie because he still has some issues nursing, so we shall see. Hope all is well!

  23. BabyBoecksMom

    GOLD / papaya / 10166 posts

    Wow! I have been so absent from this thread - Ooops! Glad to read through the updates and see how all the March babies are doing.

    @MrsRcCar: what a cutie!

  24. Mrsjets

    pear / 1699 posts

    @MrsRcCar: cool dude! He's so cute. I hope you figure out his latch issues, keep us updated

    I really haven't tracked my routine with Leah. With Joel I tracked every diaper, nursing session and nap! She is much more go with the flow, but I guess she has to be. Here are a couple pics of her at 4 months from our family session:

  25. ScarletBegonia

    persimmon / 1339 posts

    Oof, 4 month sleep regression anyone?? Aaron is out of his stormy period according to WW app, but is up twice a night and usually up for the day at 5 (and sometimes earlier).
    Last week he had shots, grew 2 teeth, and had his first cold, all in a 3 day period. His sleep has gone to shit day and night and I'm too scared to unsaddle him.
    On top of this - we fly to Canada in 2 days so things will continue to be topsy turvy for 3 weeks. At least my parents will be able to help take care of him while I'm home! Oy vey!

  26. fussygal

    pomegranate / 3580 posts

    How's everyone doing? I know a lot of you have babes that are almost 5 months now - crazy! Hopefully the 4 month sleep regression is a thing of the past (one can hope right?). DDs sleep has been pretty bad since about 3.5 months so I'm hoping we went through that regression a bit early! We're trying to transition her to her crib but she constantly wakes her self up when she rolls to her side. She's too big for her RNP (well, she looks super uncomfortable) so we've been keeping her in our bed. Not ideal, but better than waking up every 30 minutes.

    We had Nora's 4 month appointment yesterday. She was a champ with the shots! Her doctor saw her sitting I my lap and asked about her head control. She's still a bit wobbly at times. She didn't seem too concerned, but did mention it so of course now I'm worried - ugh. How was your LOs head control at exactly 4 months? Everything I've read says it's something they master closer to 6 months.

    Not sure if I mentioned here that we've been dealing with MSPI. It's a relief to know that is what was causing all her spit up issues. I sure do miss cheese and chocolate though I accidentally had some dairy last weekend (in hummus of all things) and she's STILL reacting to it. Such a bummer that I made it two weeks with no soy or dairy only to mess it up!

    Those sound like a lot of negative updates, haha. But really she's a super great baby and incredibly happy! I love her smiles and laughs. She's also babbling up a storm lately. This age is really fun!

  27. sunshinemama

    pea / 19 posts

    Hi mommies... I know I'm really late to the party here but I had my daughter on March 21st. It'd be great to join your board if you don't mind having me!

    I just joined the site... I'm 25 and this is my first baby so it'd be great to make some friends here.

  28. lemondrop

    bananas / 9118 posts

    @sunshinemama: welcome and congrats!

    It's been forever since I last updated, and I'm about to pass out after a long work day so I'll just tell my highlight of the day- I walked through the door after work and E was having some tummy time on the floor and got a huge smile and started pumping his arms when he saw me

    @fussygal: & @ScarletBegonia: we totally hit a week of regression/rough sleep- I broke out the sleep sack swaddle again for a week or so. Hope you get some decent sleep soon!

    @Mrsjets: SAME here, no real routine, just go with the flow. He likes big bro so much I have to remember he needs more sleep! And omg, Leah is gorgeous!

    Ps- C was nowhere close to this at 5 months, I think E is a freak of nature

  29. sunshinemama

    pea / 19 posts

    @lemondrop: Thank you Your little one is adorable!

  30. sunshinemama

    pea / 19 posts

    Thanks again for letting me join in so late. This is baby Z.

  31. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @sunshinemama: hi, welcome!

  32. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @lemondrop: what is he sitting in?

  33. Mrsjets

    pear / 1699 posts

    @sunshinemama: she's beautiful! Such great hair too!

  34. HazelEyes

    clementine / 811 posts

    Hi everyone! I don't even know where to start!

    J is doing great. He started blowing raspberries last week and it is the cutest thing ever! He is a rolling machine and is trying desperately to scoot. I definitely have to keep my eye on him. He just got into the daycare/school where we really, really wanted him to go so we are super excited about that. He'll be able to stay there until kindergarten, so that's a relief. Have his orientation today and get to meet his teacher

    Today is my first day back at work (boooo) and had a big mommy fail. Forgot the flanges to my pump! Total panic. But my friend who is due in a month happened to have an extra pump in her office that someone gave her... so I'm giving that a try. Ugh, I hope it works. I'm already worried about my supply. I did two "practice" work days last week and only got 4 oz out of two pumps. Oi.

    How about everyone else?

  35. MrsRcCar

    grapefruit / 4712 posts

    We have been busy as usual around our house. E is doing well after we had his lip tie corrected and he is eating so much better!!! I still don't know why I waited so long to do it. Next weekend is my birthday and we are going to an mlb baseball game for my favorite team. It will be E's first game. I am excited and nervous at the same time.
    E is determined to crawl and move about. For now he will settle for rolling around. He doesn't love tummy time but he does tolerate it a little more every day.
    We have made it more then 6 months EBF (!!) He isn't sitting up well enough to start purées but I am in no rush. He is such a happy snuggly boy and I love seeing my two little guys play together.

    Ps: The second picture, we were stopped and he was waiting to eat. Lol.

  36. sunshinemama

    pea / 19 posts

    @Dandelion: @Mrsjets: Thank you! Haha, her hair was the first thing I asked about when she came out because I had such awful heartburn for like...7 months. It's ridiculous!

    I'm still trying to lose the pregnancy pounds but it's hard! I'm still up about 20 pounds but I've never been a good dieter. Why can't there be a Netflix/junk food diet?

  37. Mrsjets

    pear / 1699 posts

    @HazelEyes: Isn't it crazy how much they can move by rolling/spinning!? How did work go?

    @MrsRcCar: Congrats on your 6 months! I'm almost there too and feels like such a feat E is so handsome!

    @sunshinemama: Don't even get me started on weight I'm the person that holds onto weight until I begin to drop nursing sessions. At 13 months PP I had lost it all but 7 lbs from my first when I found out I was pregnant with #2. I'm pretty sure it's useless to really worry about it until I'm at 4 (or less) feeds in 24 hours - or at least that's what I'm telling myself

    Leah is so much fun these days. She's all about grabbing and tasting and has a blast with the toys in her exersaucer. She loves the Ergo but still needs a rolled up blanket under her bum. I tried to wear her on my back but she's still too little and was unhappy with the view. She's had oatmeal cereal, banana, avocado and sweet potato. She isn't a big fan of any food yet so only has 5 or 6 bites before she starts to spit it out.

  38. Mrs. Champagne

    coconut / 8483 posts

    Glad to see this thread again! A is doing awesome, he turned 5 months old a few days ago. We started him on oatmeal and it's going pretty well. He's such a friggen happy baby. It's awesome. DH is back to work this week after 7 weeks off. It was nice having him home for most of the summer!

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    This is what A is currently doing while I drink tea

  39. HazelEyes

    clementine / 811 posts

    @sunshinemama: I'm with you. I was down to 6 more pounds and then gained back a few. Grr. I have found if I start trying to cut calories, though, my supply drops rapidly... so I guess it is going to just have to wait.

    @Mrsjets: Oh my gosh, yes! It only takes a second and he's nowhere where I put him down. OK, talk to me about solids. My pediatrician said not to give J solids until 6 months, which I guess is the new American Pediatricans Association's recommendations bc there was an increase in stomach infections since they weren't developed enough... but then my friend's ped said anywhere bt 4-6 months. So confusing!

  40. HazelEyes

    clementine / 811 posts

    @Mrs. Champagne: Ok, so that is so stinking cute! Making me wish I was home and not at work!! So happy! And that hair So I guess ditto to you on starting solids.

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