Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Babies, Part II

  1. bpcmarj

    pomegranate / 3729 posts

    @pastemoo: surprise date night sounds AMAZING!!!!

    So, I decided to have dairy this weekend and it was glorious! I am convinced that Penny is not having issues with dairy, but that the tear that she has bleeds when she has an explosive poop. She seems to be able to poop a bit slower now with the introduction of solids, so I decided to go for it and had pizza. I feel so much less cranky now. I know it seems silly, but I was turning into a miserable witch trying to cut so much out of my diet. She has been fine and everything seems pretty normal! I feel totally confident in my decision.

    Right now, Penny is TOTALLY fighting a nap. Like hard. I know she's tired, but she won't go down. I tried nursing, rocking, everything. So for now, she's in her walker and I am here. Here's hoping she will tire out enough to let me rock her.

  2. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @msmini: Missed them before but what adorable photos! Love the one with S and the doggie.
    @bpcmarj: Woo hoo! Yay for pizza! That makes me so happy and it's not even me eating the pizza.
    I hope she falls asleep for you.

  3. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @calsmom: Flight school? How cool!!!! My husband would looove to do that.

    @cvbee: wow, what a big boy going to 2 naps! We're still working on going to 3 naps.....

    @pastemoo: that's awesome!!!

    @bcpmarj: It doesn't sound silly to me at all. I did no dairy for over 2 months and was miserable for the diet and was not nearly as restrictive as you have been. I really hope it goes well - if it is indeed dairy I think you'll know pretty quickly!

    @cram88: Poor little Holden - I really hope he is better today

    We had a really nice weekend with family - I had my shopping excursion (followed by a night of insomnia for me.....) and then we hung with my husband's family, hiked, went for our last boat ride of the season. Tyler slept great at the lake in his P&P - went to bed at 7:30, woke at 3:30 just to eat and then slept til 7. Naps are still pretty awful. I've had a little cold, but I think (hope) T avoided it.

    Is anyone else still battling the 30 minute nap? T will be 5 months in 2 days and I just thought he would be getting the hang of it by now....The only time he naps more than 30 mins is in the car (or on occasion in the swing, if I'm desperate).

  4. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @winniebee: My friend's son did 30 minute naps til he was 8 months old, and she was trying really hard to do 'everything right' to get longer naps. Some babies just don't need long naps til later? I have noticed through my Mom and Baby Group, that some are clockwork nappers early on, and others don't get into napping til around 9 months.

    As for my poop report: the poop looks the same to me, so the little bit of rice cereal did nothing. However, I did find a small piece of turkey in the diaper this morning, which he ate last night at just before 6pm. Interesting.

    Last night Nico did his longest stretch of sleep ever, it was 9 hours and counting, but my boobs were so sore that I decided to wake up him to feed him rather than go put togther a pump and pump myself, since I figured he's probably wake up any minute then anyways.

    But when I pulled him out of bed he was all strangely limp and he ate a little but not much and when I went to burp him, with his little cheek next to mine, I discovered that he had a FEVER! I tried not to freak out but I couldn't even find my glasses so I had to put on my contacts and find a thermometer. He seemed very warm and he was so passive and quiet and no strength. It was dark and I'm not used to taking his temperature but I think it was only a moderate reading, so I decided to turn on the lights and give him a check-up. He had no rashes. With the lights on I got him to nurse a little more and he woke up more, enough for me to see him smile and finally make a little noise and show a little more strength, and poop. I think maybe he was so limp just because he was sleeping, but it freaked me out because my friend's baby spiked a fever and got all limp in the middle of the day and the ER said she had a high enough fever to almost have a seizure or something. Since I didn't get a high reading on the thermometer, I decided not to give Nico tylenol because I believe in letting fevers do their jobs, so long as the fever is not too high. He's still got the fever this morning, and although he is a little subdued, and didn't have as long of an awake period, I think he is strong enough to say that he's going to be okay. But since I was phoning-in an update to my doc about my kidney stones (no pain for the rest of the weekend), I took the opportunity to report about Nico's fever too. First time Mom, first time fever....it's a milestone.

  5. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @cvbee: Poor little dude!!! I hope he can sleep it off today : ( It's hard not to worry but I"m sure he will be ok.

    I don't even know what to say, ladies. Tyler went down for his morning nap in his crib at 8:50. Woke up at 9:20 and cried for 1 minute. Fell back asleep and it is now 10:50. Which makes this a 2 hour morning nap. The longest Tyler has napped outside of the car or swing EVER and the longest he has napped in at least a month. Holy moly.

  6. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @pastemoo: Your husband rocks! So awesome!! And that swear is so adorable, love it!

    @bpcmarj: That's great that your instinct seems right and it's not a dairy issue, relief!

    @winniebee: Such a nice weekend, minus the insomnia A is still very much into 30 min naps. She's often smiley and happy after them so I'd just started getting her up, but over the last two days (out of my own exhaustion) I've been stubborn and fought her back down for one nap a day. She seems awake, but actually gets drowsy again pretty quickly. She definitely resists but once I've gotten her back down her nap time would end up being a total of 1.5 or 2 hrs. So I'm gonna keep fighting it. We'd been doing 4 30 min naps just to get through the day but with this we can just do 3 naps again which I like a lot better. Just read your nap update.... Yay!!! He'll feel great after that one!

    @cvbee: I hope he feels better as the day goes on. At least he's calm and sleeping it off and not seeming to be too fussy or uncomfortable. Good job figuring it all out!

    Addie went down between 8 and 8:30 last night. She woke up at 11 and I nursed her and she slept again until 3:30. I got a four hour stretch and was thinking I was pretty lucky and then she slept from 4-7... Ahh! DH brought her in, I nursed her and she slept... AGAIN until 9:30. Morning nap started at about 11:10 so she's around her usual wake time so we'll see how that goes... but I'm feeling amazing after finally getting some sleep. If we could do this one more night I'd feel like a million bucks!

  7. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    @winniebee: His work is paying for it (he's an aerospace engineer)! He passed the written exam, so next up are the actual flights. It's been a dream of his for the longest time. If your hubby has time, he should do it one of these days (once he's done with the craziness of med school)! My hubby has been on cloud 9 all weekend.

  8. bpcmarj

    pomegranate / 3729 posts

    So, I got results of Penny's stool test today. She didn't have any bacterial infections, but they did find an elevated level of white blood cells. This would show that she is have some sort of inflammation and issues with something that she is eating. The ped said that if I had continued to eliminate dairy and soy then they would test again after I had been free of both for an additional month. I told her that I had cheese this weekend that there didn't seem to be a change with her at all. She said that if it was affecting my nutrition and since she is gaining and not in any distress that it is OK for me to eat soy and dairy again. woo hoo. She asked if I had lost weight and I told her that I had lost anywhere from 10-15lbs in the last month. I also told her that I knew I wasn't eating enough when I was trying to restrict myself.

    I also asked the ped about how high a fever should be before we worry. She is running a slight fever today (99.5). I think that she's cutting teeth. She has been a total crab for the last 24 hours. I really hope that's why. The ped said that so long as she's not over 101 then not to worry about it unless she is showing no other symptom or reason for having a fever.

  9. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    I think it is time to start solids! Liam has been grabbing at my cups when I drink so I gave him a cup and he tried to drink from it! Then last night he was watching DH eat ice cream so I gave him a little spoon to play with and he held it and put it in his mouth. He's still a little sick (just a cold) so I'm going to maybe wait until this weekend so he isn't sick and DH can be here too.

  10. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    @winniebee: Sounds like a good weekend minus the insomnia! We've recently been getting some longer naps but I'm not sure if it's just because he's sick....

    @cvbee: That situation would really freak me out and it sounds like you handled it very well! Good job! I'm pretty afraid of high fevers as well since I know they can cause seizures. I have epilepsy myself and was diagnosed when I was a child so we're kind of on the lookout for it with Holden but I think he'll be alright!

    @LAGS: Hope you get another good night

    @bpcmarj: Yay for eating dairy again. I honestly don't know how you ladies that had to cut it out did it, I know I would have failed!

  11. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @bpcmarj: sounds like a good plan. I like that most of the time doctors are always saying if baby is gaining weight and isn't upset, then we need not worry about it. (blood in poop, too much spitup, fevers, etc). It is helpful to me that you asked about fevers today!

    @duckduckkristen: That's exciting about deciding to start foods...can't wait to read your story about his first!

    @cram88: yikes, I'm sorry about your epilepsy...that must be hard. Are there certain things you have to avoid? As I googled and googled about fevers this morning, it seems that google says that even if your baby gets a fever-induced seizure it is not dangerous for the baby....to not try to restrain them, just keep them safe and try to stay calm. I would have a bird. But maybe now that I've read that I'd at least have some 'it's okay' messages in the back of my head. Pretty much across the board the googling said that only in babies less than 3 months do we really need to worry about fevers. So high-five to all of us, we're free from fever worries! (well, of course we will worry anyway)

    Nico continues to be doing extra long sleeps today and is in a pretty good mood when awake, only slightly subdued, so I'm officially not worried anymore. (sortof)

  12. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    Long update while Holden's napping!

    We called the pedi yesterday to see if he should be checked out and they had us come in yesterday afternoon. Lungs were clear and ears looked good so it is just a virus. He does have a rattle which is from a swollen throat and congestion in there. He also has a rash on his tummy and a low grade fever. We've been having him sleep in his rock and play with a humidifier at night to help the breathing. Unfortunately the doctor said babies can be congested for weeks when they catch a virus! Mid-way through the appointment the doctor stood him up and said "so he must be almost 3 months old?"! Not quite...haha

    The first night he was sick he slept awful but since then he's been sleeping amazingly! Saturday night he slept 8pm-5:45am, then 6:30-9:30am! Last night was pretty good too. I'm not sure if it's just because we've been putting him to bed later, because he's sick, or because he's in the rock and play. I'm a little concerned that it will be hard to get him back in his crib once he's not sick anymore!

    Another thing that's going well! He's been taking longer naps and it seems way easier to get him down. Again, this maybe just be because he's sick.

    I've decided to back off this for the most part and definitely until he feels better. I think I just need to face the fact that he may not be ready if he's not opening his mouth. I've been and will continue to do a bit of blw but I'm not totally sure which direction I'm going to take from here. I need to do some research and think about things more.

    So the summary is he's still sick but other aspects seem to be going better right now and despite it all he's been in very good spirits! It's been a crazy couple of weeks because there were about 6 birthdays in the past week and a half between my family and friends and I'm pretty sure I've gained 5 lbs from cake! We're also moving in 25 days so I need to start packing... can't seem to catch my breath these days!

  13. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    @cvbee: I remember reading and our pedi tell us that a fever before they have their shots is automatic hospitalization because they have to do a whole workup and make sure they don't have sepsis. I'm so glad we avoided that! The epilepsy isn't too bad now, it was worse when I was younger. I only have seizures when I'm in a light sleep so being tired is my main trigger. I was a high-risk pregnancy partly from my epilepsy (the other reason was my brother's problems) and having an epidural was a requirement for me so I wouldn't get tired and run the risk of having a seizure while in labor. I also had to take 1000mcg of folic acid as opposed to the normal 400mcg because epileptics have a higher risk of neural tube defects. I'd say the only other thing I have to be careful of is hitting my head so it's not too bad! Oh and technically I'm not supposed to drive because in my state you're not supposed to drive if you've had a seizure in the past year but you literally have to call the DMV yourself and tell them so they can suspend your license...who's going to do that? I've never had one during the day anyways.

  14. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @bpcmarj: That's wild that you lost so much weight with the restrictions! You must be happy you can get your diet back on track.

    @duckduckkristen: Exciting I hope you guys have fun with his first solids!

    @cram88: With sleep like that hopefully he'll get rested and be feeling better soon. haha @ your Dr.'s comment. We stopped solids with A too and started up again a week or so later. She ate it well initially, but I think her tummy wasn't ready. Now it seems to be going better. How far are you moving?

  15. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Well @cvbee we are having the same milestone day (our birtdate twins apparently got the memo to get fevers on the same day...Tyler took 5.5 hours in naps today, which was my tipoff....then a little stuffy nose. I literally had to wake him at 6 p.m. from his 3:30 nap. And he felt warm when I woke him up. It's just slightly elevated (100.3) so not really high enough to give Tylenol and he seems fine to me other than a stuffy nose. I wonder what tonight has in store. I hope he doesn't get any worse. Will take his temp before bed to be sure and DH should be home soon, which always makes me feel better.

  16. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    @winniebee: @cvbee: Ahhh why are all our babies sick? We have our first fever too!

  17. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @cram88: I don't know!!!! His fever was more elevated when dad got home so we gave him Tylenol. He has a little cough too. He seems ok though - smiling and all. Hope Holden is better!!

  18. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @winniebee: yay for a good weekend away! And we have 30 minute naps or no naps... or real naps where he wakes up in the middle hungry but can be convinced to go back to sleep...
    @cvbee: Goodness that is SCARY! Glad he woke up a bit.
    @LAGS: That sleep sounds AWESOME!!
    @bpcmarj: Those results sound good. Hooray fr eating dairy again!
    @duckduckkristen: OOohhh! Fun! Solids. Yummy.
    @cram88: Poor little guy with his virus. I can't believe the doctor didn't check his age first!
    Glad the sleeping is improving.

    I hope all the babies' fevers get better tonight! Poor babies!!

  19. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    wow I have a lot to catch up on

    I need to vent!! I don't know what to do.

    So Cobi's sleep was going well - you all know that.

    Then we moved and he was waking up a lot, but I went with it as he needed to adjust. a few days later we left for NY so I gave him some time to adjust to being back home... we've now been at our new place two weeks and home from NY for a week. He is still waking 3x a night. Between 10-11pm, then 1-3am and then 4-6 am. His wake up time has been incredibly inconsistent. 7:45 today, but 9:30 yesterday and 7am the day before it's crazy. His day naps have been pretty normal though, generally about 1.5 hours and twice a day.

    I'm not sure what to do. When we sleep-trained two months ago, it was because he wouldn't go down to sleep. Once he learned to fall asleep on his own, he stayed asleep for 8-12 hours at a time. He can still fall asleep on his own, but he won't stay asleep and only puts himself back to sleep maybe 10% of the time.

    Now I think he is adjusting to three feedings and I didn't want that. Not sure what to do!!

    In other news... got laid off from my nanny job today and I'm pretty upset :(:(

  20. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Sorry to the Mamas with the sick babies! It sucks, we have had 2 colds already, no fever yet though. I have heard that some babies get mild fevers from teething though, so if they aren't acting sick otherwise, that could be it.

    I have figured out some of our issues, nights where Sawyer goes to bed at around midnight = very few wakings, and easier to put to bed, nights where I try for earlier = fighting to get him to sleep and awake 5+ times per night. I can't keep up with a midnight bedtime forever though, thats tough even for night owl me!

    @Coco Bee: 3 wakeups sounds pretty good to me! It sucks once you are used to better though. I have no advice, since clearly we aren't doing as well here.

  21. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @MsMini: haha I suppose I should count my blessings Although at nearly 8 months I'm not sure it's normal/expected to have so many wake ups

  22. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    @winniebee: Holden definitely seems to be getting better so I think we're on the other side of this sickness! He's been in a good mood 85% of it too. I think it's amazing how when adults are sick they complain so much but both times he's been sick he's been pretty happy! How's Tyler today?

    @MsMini: I'm asleep on the couch by 9:30 so I don't think I could handle a midnight bedtime baby, especially with work! 5+ wake ups a night is a lot though so it sounds worth it!

    @Coco Bee: Sorry about your job Does this mean you have to find another one or are you not going to bother?

  23. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @cram88: I hope Holden is on the other side of things! BTW I lost all the baby weight from the no dairy diet but have gained a few back over the past few weeks. Oops!

    @Coco Bee: I'm sorry to hear about your job : ( If you lived near me, you could be Tyler's nanny when I go back to work in a few weeks. I don't have any advice re: sleep but maybe it's the 9 month regression? Maybe just try to get back on your schedule (wake him up from naps or night sleep to get back on track?)

    @MsMini: It's crazy he is such a night owl! On the one hand it must be convenient for you guys to be able to go out to dinner and see friends, but on the other hand I can't even stay up til 10 these days, LOL!

    @LAGS: I'm glad you got a good night's rest!! Is she totally unswaddled now??

    @calsmom: That's super cool. My grandfather had his pilot's license and it was something my husband and him really bonded over. One of his friends also has a license so he got to fly recently with him. I think it would be a great 35th birthday gift for him (3 years from now).

    Tyler slept really well last night, so I thought he would be better but he still woke with a fever (better with Tylenol) and is a little more fussy. He just went down for nap 1 so we shall see if he plans to hibernate again today. We were supposed to go apple picking today but I rain checked in favor of a jammies day for Tyler. Hopefully he will be feeling well enough this afternoon for a stroller walk as I have been cooped up here since yesterday at 2 p.m. I have one of those JJ Cole bundlemes in his carseat so he would be pretty warm.

    So, what toys are your LO's into these days? Tyler still likes his playmat and is into his einstein musical jumper (like an exersaucer). I also got him toys that we use in our music class (shakers, bells, etc). But I feel like otherwise his toys are pretty boring. And we lost our winkle!

  24. GrapeCrush

    grapefruit / 4823 posts

    so sorry for all your sick babies. it really is awful! :o( my cousins wife came over yesterday with her daughter(10months) and today she posted on facebook that her daughter has another cold.....so i'm guessing it's only a matter of time before G gets another cold! last night he started to sound congested again, so we busted out the saline drops and made sure the humidifier was on in his room.

    so we've been having a rough go of things in terms of sleep as well. i am slowly starting to try and get him on a nap schedule(even though i swore i wasn't) he's been doing pretty good at going down when i put him in his crib. the most he's cried for is about 8 minutes. now it's usually just a few whimpers. so that's a plus....however, since he was sick a couple weeks ago his night sleep has gotten awful! waking up every hour, not going down at night, needing us to hold him while he sleeps. it's a tired house over here. my husband is convinced it's night terrors, i think it's a growth spurt/teething. who knows though. the only thing i'm worried about is that in less than a month, me and DH are going on vacation and our parents are watch G while we are gone, and i'm going to feel awful if he keeps him up at night. due to that i think i have my husband conviced that we need to sleep train. he hates CIO, i have no problem with it for some reason. we've tried 2 times before last night and my husband ALWAYS gives in and goes and gets him, because he wants to make him feel better. but last night we did it and in less than 15 minutes G was out cold and only woke up once to get his pacifier last night! i am hoping we keep doing it this way, but my husband didn't seem to convinced this morning...and i don't understand why

    on the plus though, his reflux seems to be gone! we haven't given him any medicine in 2 days and he's done great.

  25. GrapeCrush

    grapefruit / 4823 posts

    @winniebee: G likes his exersaucer, but gets bored of it pretty quickly(10 mins). we are thinking of getting him a jumperoo/jumper(like you) but they are just so expensive! and with christmas coming i know he's going to get spoiled with toys. he has a monkey that plays music when you push its nose that he's loved since he was a newborn. i'm thinking of getting him this winkle you guys talk about.

    @MsMini: i would die if i had to be up until midnight! lol i'm such an early bird when it comes to bed. good luck getting it a little earlier.

    @Coco Bee: sorry to hear about your job :o(

    @cram88: hope the little guy is feeling better soon!

    @bpcmarj: yay for being able to eat dairy and soy again! i don't know how you did it...i would never have lasted, but could afford to lose 10-15lbs

  26. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    Holden has been sleeping so well, and it scares me. Yesterday I put him down for naps all day and didn't have to do the usual rocking and it's been the same at night just a little bit of a bottle then off to dreamland. Last night he slept 7:30pm-1:30am then woke up at 6:30am... I'm scared because I don't know if we're done with the regression or if it's just because he's sick, in his rock and play, etc. I'm getting used to it and I'm afraid that it will all go downhill as soon as we get back to the crib which will be soon if he keeps improving!

    @winniebee: Holden likes his playmat but other than that it's whatever can get in his mouth... small rings or toys, my hands, his socks, his feet, the side of his bumbo, etc...

  27. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @Coco Bee: Oh no! You guys had made such amazing progress. Is there a developmental milestone that's supposed to come that could be messing with it? I'd also read about slowly weaning the night feedings by popping them off a minute or so before you think they'd normally be done feeding, then the next time a min sooner etc etc until eventually they decide it's not worth waking for? I dunno... we're still figuring this sleep business out ourselves so my advice could be deadly lol I'm so sorry about your job. It must be extra difficult when there's that emotional bond like the one you'd had with their LO and the Mom.

    @winniebee: Yes, once we went cold turkey we haven't gone back. Well.. that's a lie. I did swaddle her for a couple naps while we traveled. But I'm so glad you and others encouraged me to go for it. I'm so proud of her! Putting her down is such a different experience now. Most times I give her a snuggle, lay her in her crib and walk away. She fusses a bit and I usually have to go back for a paci replacement, but she doesn't need soothing and is usually just happy putzing around in there.

    Maybe some fresh air would be good for him if he's feeling better this aft. Either way, a low key day sounds good! Addie loves her O-balls and anything crinkly right now. We also got her a walker with buttons that make noises and she LOVES that. So I might get some kind of contraption that she can kick or push with music and sounds next.

    @cram88: Great news Holden is starting to feel better. All the poor May babies with fevers

    @MsMini: The past two night's I've put A to bed "late" 8-8:30pm. She hasn't been sleeping through the night, but has only had 3 wakings max, say 12, 3 and 7. Then she'll sleep till 8 or 9. Normally she's been up hourly from 3-4am on. I think our hours are just a little shifted but it works for us. Maybe you could try moving his bedtime up 15mins or so each night to get something like an 11pm bedtime?

    A had another "good" sleep last night. She's still having 3 or so wakings, but it's blissful compared to what we'd been dealing with. The fact that this girlie is sleeping from 3ish to 7ish without any wakings is nothing short of a miracle. She'd even dropped a huge bomb in her diaper at some point last night and that didn't even wake her up! I think the improvement we're seeing is totally in working on getting her to truly fall asleep on her own. I've been working so hard on it for naps and she's going down SO well for them. Our only prop is her paci right now.

  28. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @sarbear: Right now I'm seeing A's night sleep improve as we're getting her to nap better. She's still mostly napping 30mins... but for us it's been the going to sleep independently. Maybe a little nap TLC will help you guys too? I hope he avoids the cold!

    @cram88: Fingers crossed for you that his good sleep isn't cold/RnP related!

  29. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @sarbear: have you checked Craigslist for one? They go for half the price.

    @cram88: I really don't know what I want to do. It's really emotionally taxing being a nanny. A huge commitment of the heart. I've had three long term families since I was 16 and I am still really close with each of them. Love them to death. But there is always so much pain when it's time to leave. Idk if I can or want to do that again. And I didn't want to be a nanny forever, this could be my "out". Just not sure what I will do now.

    @winniebee: if it is its a really early 9 mos regression!!

    @LAGS: 9 Mos sleep regression is still over a month away. I'm really just chalking it up to an adjustment period.

    Good news- it was much better yesterday. He went to sleep at 6:30, woke at 11pm, nursed and then slept until 7:20 so that was great

    @sarbear: re:humidifier. Adding some essential oils like eucalyptus and tea tree will help clear him up too

  30. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    Did any of you other New England ladies feel the earthquake too?

  31. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Coco Bee: two of my friends have babies your age and both have been dealing with extra night-wakings recently. One friend just decided to make baby cry it out at the first waking. The other friend's strategy was to send in Dad so baby would at least not be getting fed, and hope that he might stop waking up if there is no boob. But glad you seem to be getting some progress anyway.

    @winniebee: Nico seems to be going mostly for teething toys (gee I wonder why?).

  32. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @cvbee: we do the dad thing and DS just gets SO mad. DH will often bring him to me so DS thinks, my theory anyway, he will be brought to me and when he's not, he gets mad.

  33. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @Coco Bee: mine gets mad about dad too....that won't be our strategy either when the day comes for night weaning

  34. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    Oh my goodness! Everyone! Sickness and sleeplessness and all. So much going on!

    Get off HB and go to bed. (I need to do that.)

    Get well soon everyone!

    I can't even keep up. But speedy recoveries for everyone--I'll get this round.

  35. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @sarbear: Wow! Vacation! Where are you going? I didn't know G had reflux. I feel like Tyler's got wrose around 4 months and is at its worst right now (5 months).

    @cram88: I didn't even feel it!

    So, Tyler's fever is gone but last night he woke up every 3 hours and then was up for the day at 5 a.m!? Got very angry when I tried to put him back down and wasn't taking milk to fall back asleep. He went to bed a little later than normally so I'm not sure if that's why or if it was just his cold.

    Today's our 3rd wedding anniversary - so much has changed! I really wish we could celebrate it but I don't even know if we can get out this weekend since my husband is on call.

    I'm feeling a little discouraged about Tyler's eating - his eating has gotten worse since going on the special formula. I've been keeping track and he's only taking 20 ounces a day whereas a month ago it was 25 or some days even 28. He only takes like 3, maybe 4 ounces at a time, too. I don't want to drag him back to the GI specialist but also don't want to ignore it. He's such a happy baby and is clearly growing so I'm not sure what to do.

  36. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    Someone needs to talk to me out of letting Holden sleep in the rock and play forever...
    He napped 7pm-7:30 last night, went down at 8pm then didn't wake up until a little after 6am. That's over 10 hours straight! I didn't have to get up once with him because I had to get up at 6am for work anyways. I don't know if it's the rock and play or not...but I'm not sure if I want to find out!

  37. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @cram88: We used to joke that Tyler was going to be 10 years old and sleeping in his R&P ; ) I haven't put him in it since 16 weeks so I'm not sure how he'd seep in it now!

  38. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    @winniebee: Happy Anniversary!! Maybe if you just called the pediatrician about his eating first? I know I would freak out and wouldn't let it go on too long. It must be very stressful

  39. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @cram88: It's been going on a few weeks. Last week, the GI specialist said to call if it persists and I was just hoping it wouldn't persist. His lower intake coincided with when we started solids so I'm thinking I should just back off solids for a bit. I don't know I just feel like it has just been one thing after another with feeding since birth and I just hoped that by 5 months it would be resolved. I don't know, he's just such a happy baby.

  40. lisa1783

    apricot / 457 posts

    So sorry for all the mamas with the sick babies! I hope all of your LOs start feeling better super fast!

    @CocoBee: So sorry about your job! But I can understand what you mean about how emotionally-vested you get and how hard it is when you have to leave. Like you said, you should definitely take this as an opportunity to start something new!

    @Cram88: Yes! I was with my mom when it happened and she said, "I don't feel well, I just got dizzy, maybe I should lie down." =P

    Also, I think it's so cute when Cram88 and WinnieBee post right after each other because their profile pics of Holden and Tyler look like they could be the same baby in different outfits.

    Owen is going through sleep regression BAD - last night he woke up every 2.5 hours and at 3 am he was wide awake and wanted to play. I had to just leave him in the pack and play with the vibrate on and went to bed and thankfully he fell asleep by himself.

    But I partially blame my DH - right after I put Owen in his crib I went to take a shower and said to my DH, "If he wakes up, just soothe him and he'll go back to sleep" When I was getting out of the shower, I hear Owen crying a little and then stop and thought my DH had soothed him back to sleep. Instead I find him tossing Owen in the air and playing with him and Owen's giving me a sleepy look going "What is going on? Time to play???" Husbands!

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