nectarine / 2039 posts
@MsMini: do tell me how the liners go, when you cross that bridge. I had liners and the diaper sprayer on my registry and someone bought the diaper sprayer, so that's how I decided to use that. I'm very interested in the liners though....might get some especially for when we go out so I don't have to bring non-bf-poop home. I am also hoping that as we keep going with the solids, the poop will also start to be only once a day instead of the multi-poops we have now.
Edit: oh geez, my poop talk is now at the top of a page. Sorry y'all will have to see that so many times.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
@cram88: gahh he's sooo cute!!
In answer to your question: Cobi will be 8 months in a few days and he still hasn't found his boy parts. But I am okay with that. It's always so gross when they grab their bits during diaper changes and get crap all over their hands Ish.
@lags: aww so cute!! DH LOVES cosleeping too. Both of us would be okay with the occasional cosleeping but for some reason DS won't sleep with us anymore.
@Rainbow Sprinkles: YES. It is insane how much Cobi LOVES food. He eats and eats and eats and I have no idea when he would stop if we didn't run out of food. This child will be eating us out of house and home.
So sleep is finally better on our front! Cobi slept from 7pm-6:30am, ate and then slept until 8:30am. It was pretty stellar. It was the first time he's STTN since we moved to our new place, and it's been 2.5 weeks.
On another note- he has been biting like CRAZY while nursing and it hurts so freakin bad that I've been crying during every feeding session. He leaves teeth marks on my nipples. This is ten times worse than when we first started BF.
I tried the trick where you pull him into the boob and it wasn't working. I finally flicked his cheek tonight, he cried at first, but since he was nursing he just went right back to it and was fine and didn't bite me again. Hopefully it works. He didn't see it was me flicking him so I hope he learns to associate biting with a negative consequence. I feel awful hurting him, but he is inflicting serious pain on me!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@msmini: I'm glad Sawyer is napping so well for you!
@cvbee: it's weird - Tyler used to poop 6+ times a day when EBF. Now he's a once a day pooper and it's HUGE.
@cocobee: yikes on the teething! Glad you guys are back in a routine!
@pastemoo: glad G is ok! I think it's normal for babies' gain to slow down after 3/4 months so I wouldn't be too concerned (except I have a low percentile baby, so I'm always worried).
Yesterday was kind of a mess with the early wake and bad napping. Last night he got up at midnight to eat, then slept til 5:15....and I let him coo for a big, then he got angry, so I fed him. And I'm beyond beyond exhausted so I put him back in his crib, gave him his lovey, shut his door, shut mine, and turned off the monitor. I left the monitor lights on so I could see if he was making noise. At some point, he did fall asleep or was at least quiet for a period of time because I saw the monitor was not lighting up for a while. And then he eventually got up at 7, which got me maybe an extra hour of sleep. I really hope that his sleep gets back on track - the early wake ups and 30 minute naps are making for a cranky baby.
Happy weekend all.
nectarine / 2039 posts
@winniebee: cranky baby or cranky mommy?
Happy weekend all. This is my double-nap time, when DH and Nico nap at the same time. It is DH's dream come true to sleep in the same bed as Nico, so I put Nico down on one side of the bed and when he was asleep DH crawled into the other side. If this results in a shorter nap I'm going to be mad, as we're going to 4:30 mass today and it's for a friend's baby's baptism so we'll have lots of mutual friends there and if Nico is cranky I will be a cranky Mommy.
pomegranate / 3729 posts
Oh behind here!!! I haven't even been able to keep up reading lately since Penny gets distracted more while eating, especially when I am holding my phone. Maybe later tonight I can go through and reply! In the meantime, here's a picture from last weekend that a friend of mine took!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@cvbee: I used the liners for meconium/very early ebf poop and they were amazing--not sure how they will be later (we stopped using them).
I don't like that they increase the cost of my diapers!
I also have the swish stick for flushing my gDiaper refills and think that could be used as a scraper.... we'll see.
Glad you like your diaper sprayer!
@Coco Bee: I hope the flicking works--sorry it's so bad. I am very nervous about this! And how cute that he loves food so much. G still eats solids like a bird. It is funny.
Yay sleep!
@winniebee: Thanks! I hope you all get some sleep.
Funny story from last night: G slept more than 2 hours for once! I went to bed early and woke at 2am (YES 2am~ Blessings from heaven!!) and DH was still up and trying to bottlefeed G. It didn't work and was super funny. We ended up with me breastfeeding him and we had to take 30 minutes to put him to bed again because the whole process got him WIDE awake and ready to PLAY. So funny! And first time I've seen DH try to feed him in months.
@cvbee: I hope double naptime was a success.
@msmini: congrats on the improved sleep and naps!@bpcmarj: SOOOOO cute!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@pastemoo: thanks. Double naptime was mostly successful for Nico, but DH didn't get enough of a nap, he says. But it wasn't enough for Nico to make it through mass tonight, so i had to get up during the service and walk him around and he fell asleep in my arms. Took a little longer to get him back to sleep for bedtime tonight, but nothing to complain about. Now, I didn't realize that you were still having such frequent night-wakings. How long has this been going on? You sound really positive about it.
@bpcmarj: that is an amazing photo! A must-print-and-get-framed! I love her smile, especially now knowing that she really is that smiley all the time. So sweet!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@cvbee: Sounds like mostly a success.
3 weeks now... except last night which was pretty nice. He only got up 2 more times (4 and 5) and then was up at 6 15. Best night in 3 weeks! And it was just in time for the meetup--that was pretty fun.
clementine / 916 posts
@Coco Bee: recently we've had 3 good nights of sleep with LO and they've all been when we've left her in her crib in the AM hours... I'm so running with this! That sleep sounds absolutely amazing, go Cobi! I hope the flick worked!
@winniebee: Thank goodness he went back down for a bit. I hope he starts sleeping in a little for you, ugh that's so painfully early!
@bpcmarj: She has such an amazing little smile! A has been SUCH a distracted nurser too... if DH is home, I literally have to send him outside of have him shut his trap until we're done. She will ALWAYS stop to stare and smile at him.
@pastemoo: Isn't it ridiculous when a 2+ hour stretch is amazing?? Boo. But on the bright side that's great your husband was pitching in!
So after I had this amazing plan of attack in place, last night A slept until 2 am, I nursed her, went down till 6, I nursed her and then she slept till 7:45. wtf... but I'll take it! Fingers crossed for tonight.
We didn't make it to the Autumn Fest today. It was rainy, and like cvbee I didn't want to get cold and wet, cause there definitely wasn't a wine tasting to make up for it! Instead, we went shopping and out for an early dinner. Equally as great!
While out and old lady (who was so cute) looked at A and said, "oh she's cutting teeth". She just left it at that... so I'm wondering what kind of wisdom or 6th sense she had? I'm wondering if it's because A's cheeks were flushed? Otherwise I'm stumped.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@cvbee: Both! The past week Tyler's early wakings and brief napping (and cold) have caught up with him. He's been getting cranky after an hour up and in the afternoons barely plays independently!
@bcpmarj: what a pretty little lady!
@cocobee: go cobi!
@LAGS: I really hope A is turning a corner for you! People keep saying Tyler is teething but until I see the tooth I won't believe it!
@pastemoo: That's awesome! Too bad G didn't take the bottle and you couldn't stay in dreamland!
Last night was much better. Down at 7:30 up at 3:30 to eat and back down til 6:30. I can do that. We started Prilosec a few days ago so I'm hoping/wondering if we'll see a difference soon. He did eat more than he has been yesterday (23 ounces and 2 solids meals) but he's still sort of snacking (3 ounces here and there and only a few really *good* feeds a day).
So, like, when will our kids start sleeping 11-12 hours straight like @cocobee? I thought by 6 months that would be happening but now I"m thinking that seems really soon for Tyler!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@winniebee: yeah, it seems, based on all of our babies here, that the no-waking-all-night sleep for a baby under 6 months is actually really rare. Nico is 6 months and I don't see any change. I suspect he'll keep doing night-wakings til he's weaned, which won't be for a very long time for us.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@cvbee: The only babies I can think of are Cooper, Liam, and Grayson...and Cobi.
5 a.m. waketime returned today despite the fact that my husband wasn't getting up til 5:30. He had an enormous poop and had wet his PJs the diaper was so full. I tried to get him back to sleep to no avail. Finally put him in the swing in the darkness of our bedroom at 6 a.m.....he fell asleep sometime around 6:30 and we both slept til 7:30. I have been having insomnia/anxiety issues....mostly relating to everything surrounding returning to work (daycare, sleep issues, feeding issues, me missing Tyler, Tyler missing me, Tyler wondering what happened)....I have really not spent much time apart from him in these past 5 months and I just don't know if he's going to be upset/feel abandoned. My husband thinks he's so young and resilient and won't feel that way, and I'm crazy, but I just can't help feel that way.
Anyone else feel like their baby is crazy lately? Tyler is SO active and SO loud and constantly making noise. And does not want to sleep....ever. There's like no down time with him! Yesterday, he outright refused naps no matter what we did - he literally slept 1.5 hours total all day (3 30 minute naps). So he was either laughing or fussing all day secondary to getting no sleep!!!
nectarine / 2039 posts
@winniebee: You sure are keeping track! I didn't realize so many of them were not waking in the night. I'm nervous about going back to work, and I'm not doing that til March 1st, likely. So I'm anxiously following your return to work and I know you'll be able to tell us in a couple weeks that it's all great, and then I'll feel better, and then I'm sure I'll go through what you are going through when it's my turn. I think babies can understand a lot, so maybe start talking to him about what he'll be doing. These people are professionals at making children feel safe and secure in their care. I am sure it will be harder on you than him. Whenever I ask my friends how their baby is doing first week of daycare, they always say that baby loves it. Good luck!
grapefruit / 4823 posts
@cvbee: haha i'm interested in G's poop too. i want to make sure it doesn't look 'off'. DH thinks i'm nuts and i'll ask him how it looked when he changes it and he'll be like 'like poop, i don't know?'
@bpcmarj: what a happy little lady! and it's virtually impossible to do anything while feeding G anymore! he gets so distracted, it's frustrating to no end sometimes.
@winniebee: sorry about the daycare thing. G isn't in daycare, but i know how hard it was when i had to go into the office and leave him with my mom. and most people who work at daycares, say it's harder on the parents then the baby. good luck and big hugs!
@winniebee: @cvbee: for the most part G does sleep through the night, with 1 or 2 cries for a paci and that's it. this week was a little 'rough' for us(not compared to some of yous, sorry!) he kept waking up at 4:30 for a bottle! he hasn't had a bottle in the middle of the night in probably over 2 months! i'm thinking it is due to the 6 month growth spurt(he always seems to hit the growth spurts a little early, could be due to the fact that he was born a week late?) last night he woke up at 4:30 but the paci did the trick and when slept until 7:30.
so G started rolling in his sleep...swaddled! last night i heard this weird noise over the monitor(we only have a sound monitor, no video) and when i went into his room he was butt up in the air. it was too cute, i had to take a picture before turning him over! lol we tried to go cold turkey with the swaddle last night. he went down great! but woke up at 10:30ish screaming. he cried for over an hour, we finally put him back in the swaddle and he went right to bed and didn't wake up until 4:30, but fell right back asleep.
also yesterday, my husband was coming back from getting dinner and the girl across the street stopped him and asked if we wanted her Britax convertible carseat because her daughter was done with it! of course my husband said yes, and the best part, she wanted nothing for it! we are still gonna buy a nice one for my car, since mine is the main car, but this is nice that we don't have to go out and buy a second one for DH car, or the grandparents when they have them. yay for generous neighbors!
cherry / 232 posts
@winniebee: I have CRAZY baby anxiety!! For example my drive home from work is about an hour and I spend that entire hour feeling anxious and thinking that I'm not getting home fast enough, he's going to be mad that we left him with someone else, etc... Going back to work was hard, I won't sugarcoat it. The first day I did well until about noon then I cried and spent the rest of the day depressed. It does get easier though but I don't work a lot so I'm not sure how it is going back full-time.... It will be rough at first but just hang in there I really don't think Holden even knows that I'm gone, but it's so awesome to pick him up and see how happy he is to see me...makes my day!
@sarbear: The car seat is awesome! I can't wait to switch but not looking forward to buying 2 of them...I wish someone would give us one!
Holden has been able to tripod sit lately! He looks so cute
grapefruit / 4056 posts
I am happy to say I think our sleep here has settled into a routine! Sawyer has taken 3 naps, all 1 1/2-2 hours in length for 5 days now, and has woken for feeds 2x per night, sleeping 11pm-10ish am those nights.
He also has slept in his own crib for the first 8 hours of the night all of those nights. So happy that things have settled out. I wish I could get a stretch longer than 5 hours, but I will take what I can get.
Each night he sleeps 2-3 hours, then 4-5 hours, then 2-3 hours, so the middle stretch is actually the longest as opposed to the first stretch (my baby is a rule breaker, what can I say?).
We had a busy weekend shopping, and decorating/cleaning our house because on Saturday we are having our annual halloween bash! This year our theme is People of WalMart, and I think it is going to be epic ... I know our costumes are trash-tastic!
Sawyer has immunizations today, so I hope he does okay, because I want to take him swimming tomorrow and to a stars and strollers movie on wednesday, plus I have cupcakes to bake so I can freeze them and be ready to ice them later this week.
Also, Sawyer is sitting really well now, and insists on sitting/splashing in the tub, so much so that last night we had water all over our kitchen (like a 7 foot circle on all sides of the tub, including all over the cabinets and floor), so we will do Sawyer's last 'baby tub' bath on tuesday so DH can take some more bath pics with the studio lights, then we will be bathing him in the big tub from now on ... it is kind of a bitter-sweet thought, but it will save us a lot of cleanup!
@cvbee: I will definitely report back on the liners. I think it is so cute when my DH snuggles up with Sawyer for sleep or a nap! Hopefully it didn't mess up Nico's nap!
@Coco Bee: I hope the biting resolves soon!
@winniebee: I don't know how you are coping with the 30 minute naps! We had a couple weeks of 45 minute naps, but thankfully something clicked for Sawyer so we are back to good naps now. I am jealous of your 1 wakeup for night though, so I guess it all evens out Sawyer is a wild man too! He is never quiet when he is awake, always chattering/screetching, he isn't rolling around much anymore, because he is all about the sitting, but he is constantly slapping things/flapping his arms around.
@bpcmarj: What an adorable happy girl!
@sarbear: A free carseat is awesome! We will be needing 2 convertible car seats as well, and I am not looking forward to that bill.
cherry / 232 posts
Warning...this is long and maybe slightly all over the place so feel free to skip!
Sooo I didn't really want to say much until I saw the doctor but I went today and I have PPD/PTSD. Things have been really rough lately and I finally had to admit it to myself and make an appointment. I've just been so unhappy lately and it's affecting every area of my life. I think I cry about 3 times on average a day. I can't even do things with my friends anymore... we went to a Halloween party Saturday night and I had one drink, got really sad and had to leave. Anyways, I think it's about 25% postpartum depression and about 75% grief/PTSD problems. My dad was a mess when my brother died so I had to take care of him, make the funeral arrangements, etc... so by the time he was okay people expected me to be ok too so I pushed everything aside and focused on the pregnancy. Once things calmed down after I had Holden it all came flooding back and now the one year anniversary is 3 weeks from Friday and I'm having a really hard time dealing with it. I actually watched the doctors turn the machines off and saw him pass away so I replay everything in my mind a lot.
So the course of action is for me to go on medication for a year. I don't know what I'll go on yet because I have epilepsy and antidepressants lower the seizure threshold so my doctor is calling my neurologist and I'll hear by the end of the day or tomorrow what they want me on. She also wants me to see a psychiatrist because I don't talk to people about things and I've never really told anyone the story of what happened with my brother and it might be good for me to get it out and tell people. Most of my friends have no idea what happened, but no one asked so I assumed they didn't want to know. I've also gained weight since I had Holden, I was thinner after birth than I am now, so I had my blood drawn to check for under active thyroid. Apparently pregnancy can cause it and it can cause weight gain and depression. We're actually kind of hoping I have it because it would explain a lot! I have to go back in 6 weeks (the same day as Holden's 6 month checkup) to reevaluate and make sure the medication is working.
I'm looking forward to feeling better but I'm nervous about being on medication especially since I'm not good at remembering to take it and I feel like missing a dose would have bad consequences. I'm glad I went though and I'll be getting help before the 1 year anniversary so hopefully I'll be able to better deal with it.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
I haven't caught up but I have to say something...
G fell asleep tonight... I have had the WORST time putting him to bed. With the last 4 weeks (yeah I said 3 yesterday but it started after his 4 month shots and he is 5 months now) of terrible sleep I had started to rock him to sleep because it was the only thing that worked. Tonight I was just too tired. I tried it and put him in the crib all the way asleep. Upon transfer he instantly awoke and began babbling. So... I decided to restart CIO. I left him and then started the clock for 5 minutes when he started crying. I went to soothe him and it actually made it worse!
So I gave him his "blankie" cowraffe and walked away. He was asleep in less than 5 minutes.
I guess we're back to CIO. I think it'll work. And hopefully it will help with the way-to-frequent wakings, too. (1-2 hours again last night, with one 2.5 hour stretch).
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@cram88: SOOOO CUTE! I had to show my husband and said, "Who's that? Cute."
@LAGS: It was hilarious and reminds me why it's not worth it to have DH wake up with him (makes me not resent him sleeping through it all).
2 nights ago sounds great. Hope it happens again!
@winniebee: Oh no! yeah G is like the energizer bunny with a bizarre attention span. Today he was up from 6am till past noon! Then he slept in the car--briefly. And took another short nap at 4pm. In bed at 7:30. How strange. He has been fussy and VERY interested in toys, food, and standing against things/me where he can see "over" something that he can reach for. He kind of sits with hands for up to 5 minutes but he gradually bends forward more and more till he cries and then does a funny somersault thing that sometimes puts him on his belly and sometimes on his back.
Good luck with your return to work! I hope it goes well mentally preparing. I think that part is going to be hard for me, too. I am looking for jobs for when we move.
@cvbee: I like to not keep track that anyone's baby is sleeping through the night. I went to a diaper party (like a tupperware party but with cloth diapers) and there was a baby there 1.5 weeks older than G and I had such a hard time not feeling like G was "behind" at everything even though I've been good about it before. Ugh.
@sarbear: Too funny that you took a picture when he rolled in his sleep. Love it! WOO HOO for a free car seat! That rocks!
Sorry the swaddle weaning is rough. Do you have a sleep sack or something like... Can you leave an arm out? Or did you?
@cram88: That long drive and that baby anxiety is a big part of why I'm glad I ended up not being able to go back to work.
Hugs and hugs and more hugs regarding PTSD and PPD. I'm so sorry you are going through this but I am really glad you got seen.
Therapy is pretty wonderful because you have a "safe" (impartial) person to talk to.
@MsMini: That schedule sounds like it rocks.
clementine / 916 posts
@winniebee: I'm sorry you're having such anxiety with your return to work coming up. No advice, but my gut tells me I'd have a lot of the same thoughts running through my head, rational or not!
Addie has been really active, rolling all over, sitting on her own and starting to snowplow her head, but she hasn't been to loud, or laughy or anything. She's squealing a little here and there, but she's always been a little quieter I think.
@sarbear: Sooo nice of your neighbor! Wow! The exact same thing happened to us, minus the neighbor, add in a family member. We have the same plan to leave one in each car... such a relief because we otherwise would have only had one.
@cram88: Woo hoo Holden! He looks so proud of himself!
@MsMini: Sawyer is doing great! You must be relieved. 5 hour stretches are pretty amazing for the middle stretch!! People of WalMart has to be the funniest party theme ever, well done!
@cram88: I'm so sorry you've had to deal with such devastating news over the past year... I honestly can't even imagine. I can totally see how it's all coming to a head now that your role in supporting your Dad has lessened and your pregnancy is over and you're into the groove of parenting... all that business is gone as a distraction. I'm sorry you're feeling like some assume you'd be at a more advanced stage in your grieving process, but it really sounds like your time is due to grieve however you need to and finally let things process.
I really hope reaching out for help is a comfort to you and as you get started with some meds and therapy you start feeling better. If you need to talk your way through what you've gone through and what you're dealing with now, we're all here to listen Hugs!!
@pastemoo: I'm glad your CIO didn't drag on for eternity! Not bad! We have a blankie bunny but A can't help but get it square across her face. She goes ballistic until I come save her. G seems to have some better coordination going on than A, both with paci and blankie lol
clementine / 916 posts
So A is now a 100% belly sleeper. I'm even putting her down on her belly now because if I don't, guaranteed by the time I'm walking out the door, she's flipped herself and gets smushed against the crib rails. Getting her after naps is hilarious now... she's always in the most ridiculous places.
She's also been sitting totally unassisted and likes to grab for toys while she's at it. It's crazy. Snowplowing her head is well on its way too. She's had an incredibly busy week, it's kind of making all that sleep disruption make sense... girlfriend was working on a few skills.
DH has had a few days off in a row now and today we got so much done around the house. It was like pre-baby times. It's so nice that A is at a point where we can plunk her on a blanket or in a contraption and she just entertains herself. She spent some time in the fresh air and we got our garage cleaned out and ready for winter, exterior windows cleaned, leaves raked, a tree cut down... we haven't been this productive in a day in ohh.... 5 months!
I hope everyone had a good weekend!!
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
@cram88: oh sweetie. I just want to give you a great big bear hug right now!!!! I don't know if you remember but I lost my BIL suddenly, will be 2 years this Christmas. My husband was the one that found him. He was exactly like you. Pushed everything aside to be strong for his mom; the BIL that passed was her favorite so she was an utter mess. BIL, my husband and I were like 3 musketeers. I know not much anyone says can help alleviate the pain. But it is so so important that you talk to someone. Anyone. Just to get it off your chest. I think the worst thing that my husband could have down was push all his feelings aside. I know why he did it. But as his wife I cared more about his psyche.
When we were approaching his 1 year it was so so hard. His parents flew up and we all mourned together.
It DOES get better. Slowly and day by day. My husband whom I have only ever seen cry at his grandmothers funeral once. Still breaks down in tears now almost 2 years later. I like to think that I helped him mourn but also to remember the good days. To learn how to celebrate his life. You will get there one day too.
Have you talked to your husband about it?
Feel free to "wall" me if you ever want to talk. I can give you my email too
Big big hugs!!!
clementine / 878 posts
@cram88: Oh honey - I'm so sorry you're having such an awful time. But visiting your doctor was a great first step - I hope you find a medication combination that works for you. And I'm sorry you didn't have the support you needed after your brother died. Death makes people uncomfortable and often they prefer to pretend it never happened, which can make it hard for those left behind. You need to talk about it, but don't know who is there to listen to you. We're here to listen if you want to share your feelings or what happened to help you process it.
I remember when my friend killed himself in high school. My parents were out of town and my grandma was watching us. Right after I found out, I told her, and her immediate response was "how did he do it?" Um, that's not why I told you, I told you because I need a hug and to cry. Not to gossip about someone who isn't here anymore. And by the time my parents got back into town, I felt like it was too late to share. It took a bout of depression my freshman year of college to finally be comfortable talking about it.
kiwi / 515 posts
@cram88: I'm so sorry you are having a hard time! That must have been so hard with your brother I'm glad that you are getting to the bottom of it, so you can hopefully feel better soon!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@lisa1783: Hope everything is going well! Haven't heard from you in a little while.
clementine / 959 posts
@cram88: I'm so sorry you had to go through all that and are feeling so low! Hugs! We are all here for you. Talking definitely helps!
@LAGS: yay for being productive!
Liam is flipping to his belly too, but I was getting the idea he didn't like being on his belly. Then just now he has been asleep for 1.5 hours and when I checked on him he was on his belly!! Maybe that's they key to getting past his 30 minute naps!
It's crazy how much the kiddo has developed lately! He can sit up (for a bit), grabs toys and plays with them, laughs like crazy, and is eating solids! Where has my little baby gone? It's so much fun now though!
His stranger anxiety is also a ton better! Yay!
We are flying up to MA this weekend. I'm so scared of how Liam will do during travel, but so excited for my family to see him!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@cram88: I'm so so sorry that you have gone through this and I'm so sorry for the loss of your brother. I hope that talking to someone and taking medication is the first step towards really healing for you. I can't imagine dealing with the stress of a new baby on top of everything you've gone through. Hugs hugs hugs. Oh and that picture of Holden is just darling : )
@duckduckkristen: When T started sleeping on his tummy he woke up a lot at night complaining about it but regardless of what we did he always flipped to his I just left him there and he doesn't do that anymore. Tummy sleeping wasn't the answer to the 30 min nap for us but I hope it is for you!
@LAGS: Agree - the milestones these days are just piling up. So much fun. I hope sleep continues to be good for you!
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
@LAGS: He did go ballistic--so we switched to a tiny stuffed bear... sigh.
@duckduckkristen: Awesome that his stranger anxiety is improving!
Good luck with the flight! We are flying for Thanksgiving (6.5 hour flight), so I'd love any tips you have.
eggplant / 11287 posts
When do you guys keep up with this thread? When baby is napping? In a swing/playing with toys? On your phone?
I can't find the time for the life of me!
cherry / 232 posts
@LAGS: @duckduckkristen: @Mrs.M57: @winniebee: Thank you all for your kind words...they mean a lot!
@regberadaisy: I'm sorry about your loss as well, and I bet your husband and I probably share a lot of the same feelings. My husband was awesome when it happened and still is but he just doesn't know what to say. The few times I've brought things up it's been met with silence which discourages me from bringing things up again. We've talked about this and I know he tries but it's just hard. I have no idea what "wall me" means haha I haven't explored this thing too much! *Edit...figured out the wall thing!*
@Goldilocks1107: Your story about your friend is exactly how I feel. People didn't react or help the way I thought they would and it's probably because I kept it together so well in the beginning! I'm sorry you've had so many close deaths, this is my one and only one and honestly I probably should have been more prepared for it given the circumstances.
Well my update on this is that I'm feeling a little down about the diagnosis today. It was a little disheartening to see the word depression under diagnosis on my lab papers yesterday. I ended up skipping work today and let Holden go to my Aunt's for a few hours so I can have some time to think. It's the first time I've been home alone since he was born!
The doctor called yesterday and my bloodwork was normal... so my thyroid is fine. I am going to be taking Celexa, I guess that was deemed safe by my neurologist. I need to go pick it up today. I think all in all I'm just really nervous about taking the medicine in general. I don't do well with things stronger than ibuprophen and I'm really nervous about side effects. From what I've looked up about the medicine it says it takes 4-6 weeks to work and it seems like things get worse before they get better. This worries me because I'm moving 2 weeks from Saturday and the anniversary is 3 weeks from Friday... that's a lot of stress!
I think I may (if people don't mind) type up the story of what happened just to get it out... but if people don't want to see it that's fine too.. just let me know!
cherry / 232 posts
@pastemoo: How did last night go?
@duckduckkristen: Good luck with the flight, I know I would be nervous too! You should post some tips after
I'm going to keep the depression talk separate from Holden talk...
Holden has been doing great! Tripod sitting, sleeping through the night, Sunday he took a 2 hour nap (!)... it's been awesome! He's still been in the rock and play though but I think he's finally not congested so we need to move him back to the crib. Still scared for this!
We've been doing solids again too and it's been going very well, he's so grown up! I can't believe that our babies will be celebrating their half birthdays next month, it's crazy and makes me a little sad!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@cram88: I am so happy that things are going well for little Holden! I'm really sorry about what you're going through. Of course, please share if you feel it will help with your healing process (or if you just need to share).
Tyler's younger cousin (by 6 weeks) has been sleeping 12 hours straight. I try not to get jealous or compare, but what the hell?! His little cousin takes long naps and sleeps thru the night for real? How did I end up with such a *spirited* little man?!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@Rainbow Sprinkles: I do it when he's in his musical jumper thingy. He stays in it for like 30 mins when he's in a good mood.
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@MsMini: Let's just say I haven't had any personal time in 6 weeks. Literally 3 30 min naps a day these days...during those "naps" I shower, do dishes, and make any important phone calls that need to happen without a screeching baby in the background. He's up for the day at 5 most days so while he only wakes once at night, I'm really not sleeping much, either. 9 hours at my desk is going to be much less exhausting, I think.
apricot / 457 posts
@cram88: HUGS! I'm so sorry for your loss and all the difficulties you've been going through. This past year must have been so hard for you with so many emotions. I hope you can take comfort that we're all here for you and we're ready to listen!
@WinnieBee: I had a lot of anxiety before I started working also and the first day back was tough. I still miss my LO like crazy during the day and I stare at pictures of him on my phone. But, honestly, it's also nice to be back at work where I can talk to people and actually have a conversation. It's also nice where I'm not constantly guessing at what a grunt or cry means. It's just a constant trade-off and it's different for every mom. I know I couldn't be a SAHM but maybe going back to work will make you realize that you do want to be a SAHM/WOHM. But at the very least, you won't have to worry about having to pump every few hours at work! That's always fun when you disappear for 30 min and your staff asks you where you were....
@Goldilocks1107: I did the PODS move this weekend - they were great to work with. It was so fascinating to watch how they drop it off with their machine. It was raining and windy but I still stood outside the entire time to see how it worked!
@pastemoo: Go Giants! I didn't watch the division series but heard about their comeback - totally rooting for them over the Cards. Go Scutaro! I'm still fond of him from his Sox days and am glad he got a chance to shine with the Giants.
I've been MIA because we moved this weekend. Our lease ended and we couldn't extend it and our new house just is not ready to move into so we moved into my MIL's temporarily. The only things we brought with us were all of Owen's clothing/bottles and some of playthings, one carry-on suitcase and duffel bag each of clothing for me and my husband. We're currently staying in my husband's old room where there's literally only room for Owen's pack-n-play to go next to the full bed and a 2 ft area on the floor for me to change his diaper. It's like one of those bad scenes from House Hunters where the couple is saying "PLEASE GET ME OUT OF HERE".
I appreciate all my MIL is doing for us by letting us stay with her but she doesn't believe in turning on the heat to save money and my poor baby's hands are turning to ice. I literally have him wrapped in three different layers and have to use blankets to swaddle his arms in but he keeps breaking free and when I feed him in the middle of the night, his hands are just so cold that I bring him to co-sleep just to keep him warm. Three people in one full bed means with a bed-hogging husband and baby means I've been sleeping with only about 8 inches of bedspace. I had been previously been complaining about how our queen bed was too small but now all I want is my old bed.
Thankfully we just hired a new contractor today and he can start work on Thursday so we can try to get into our house before Thanksgiving. Please please please let me get in before Thanksgiving!
hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts
@lisa1783: OMG your situation is exactly like a househunters episode! CRAZY!! I won't complain about sleep anymore ; ) Thanks for your advice. Part of me knows it's a good thing for me to go back -- it wasn't a choice, I have to financially. It's like anything else....once I get into a groove I'm sure it will be ok. Fortunately, I'm able to drive to work downtown so the dropoff/pickup will be faster (and my commute is 25 mins each way instead of 1 hour each way on the green line).
clementine / 916 posts
@cram88: Absolutely please share if it will help you And it really is wild to think it's been almost half a year. I still feel like she's just such a little babe.
@winniebee: That would be tough, were her other little one(s) such good sleepers? It's obviously a matter of every baby being different, but it's so hard not to compare sometimes.
@lisa1783: Oh boy that's some cramped quarters! I hope you're out before Thanksgiving too! We keep our house cool and for A we've been putting mitts... well socks on her hands on cool nights and I bought a few fleece sleepers from Carter's that are essentially sleep sacks, but with long arms. So with her sleeper and the long sleeve sleep sack, plus sleep sack or blanket, I feel her arms and hands stay warm enough.
apricot / 457 posts
@WinnieBee: Anything you do to avoid the green line will def save you time (and aggravation). Are you going to be putting Tyler in daycare?
@Lags: I just bought some of the Carter fleece sleepers last night so we will definitely be using them. I tried putting socks on his hands last night also but he just chewed on them and they were soaking wet after 5 minutes. I would have put them on after he fell asleep except he didn't like the idea of sleeping last night.
He went to bed around 10 (which is pretty normal for him) and then work up at 1 am completely awake and with a dirty diaper. I changed him, nursed him, and put him back in the crib and usually in the past he'll just play for about 30 minutes and fall asleep. Except this time he cried when he couldn't see me. This went on for 3 hours before he fell asleep. Arr. I'm hoping this is just part of the move and the 4 month regression but he hasn't slept more than 4 hours at night. Before he was averaging about 6 - I miss those nights!
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
@winniebee: you will have SUCH a relaxing time at work once you can get past not being with him during the day. I feel rejuvenated sometimes at the end of the day. I love being able to leave work and go, "I'm coming, baby!!!"
@lisa1783: I hope you can get in by Thanksgiving! Your living quarters sound rough right now!!!
@cram88: tripod sitting and a 2 hour nap? That's fantastic!! Sorry to hear about the depression, the good news is you recognized it and are getting help!
@duckduckkristen: Good luck on the flight! Megan LOVED flying. She loved all the people to look at, the new sounds and lights to see and she fell asleep like a champ when the plane got going. I hope it's that easy for you!
@LAGS: M is a belly sleeper now, too. I am trying to just be okay with it as much as I hate it. I know she can move her face to breathe, so I should let her be but it's so hard! She does thes ame thing - flips and flops around the crib. Normally I'll find her crammed up against one side of the crib or the other with a limb dangling out of it. It doesn't seem to bother her, though.
This morning I was getting her stuff ready after I got her ready for the day. I had put her in her crib for a "safe" place for her. I came back to get her and found one of my dogs sitting in front of the crib, staring at it. She was laying on her back with BOTH legs dangling out near where the dog was sitting. It was so funny, I should have taken a picture. It looked like Clover was watching over her, making sure she was okay.
Should I not say anything? I don't want to jinx it but we're 2 weeks into 4 months and M is sleeping GREAT! She gets up at 10 or 11 and again at 2 or 3. I'm loving it!!
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
Oh and.....we decided to keep her at her current daycare. Long story but the new one made me feel very weird when we went in for our meet and greet. Thankfully the daycare she's at now was able to make room for her again. I feel better now. Sad she wont' be across the street from me's also a savings. The one she was going to go to was $100/week more than the one she's at now. Yikes!
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