Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Babies, Part II

  1. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @cram88: I didn't feel it here which I thought was weird with how far away some claimed to feel it, guess it didn't travel north!

    @winniebee: Hope you guys find some time to celebrate. Happy anniversary! Do you think he's eating less because formula is supposedly more 'filling'? (I don't know if that's just a myth though) Just read your follow up about solids. How many oz of food would he be getting including them? Maybe he's just making up the calories there?

    We had two good nights of sleep but the streak ended last night. I put A to bed earlier, I think around 7:15 and she was up a lot more in the early morning hours. I dunno if it has to do with the bedtime or her naps. Ugh, getting so discouraged considering our "good" nights still involve like 3+ wake ups.

    I got the cutest, random message from my husband this morning. " I don't know how people are so against co-sleeping. It's so cute to think she's so happy and comfortable in bed with her parents". I don't know where this came from and I find it so funny he's such a softie with this. If it were up to me and she slept well enough, I'd always leave her in her crib because I sleep like crap with her in bed with us... but I honestly think if it were up to him she'd co-sleep 100%. She's bringing out his sensitive side!

  2. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @lisa1783: lol @ your husband. Sometimes they're just such great helpers, eh?

  3. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @LAGS: probably 1 ounce of solids plus 1 tbsp cereal with milk. but it also coincided with switching him to formula. I don't know I'm just exhausted from dealing with it for so long.

  4. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    Hey ladies - I think I'm ready to pop in and out on a semi-regular basis now. Still struggling with some things, but I realized that I need this community to keep me sane.

    Yesterday was a toughie - usually A and I play for an hour or so after I pick her up from daycare. It's that time that makes me think this whole motherhood thing isn't that bad and I can make it through another day. Well, she started crying before we even got to the house. And wouldn't stop. I tried putting her down for a nap, and that just got her more worked up (it took me 10 minutes to get her calmed down). Every time I laid her on the ground to play or do anything, she cried. By the time DH got home and I could go to spin class, I was fried, and was so out of it, I only made it through 40 of the 60 minutes (and had to convince myself all workout to stay 5 minutes longer). Then I came home, showered, cried and told DH that I hate everything.

    But, the good news is A slept from 10pm to 5am, so I'm feeling more well-rested today and things can really only get better. Right?

  5. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @lisa1783: last night I sent my husband up to put Nico to bed (which I never do, shame on me) and it resulted in Nico screaming like crazy for so long, and when I tried to rescue, it even took me a long time to calm him down. DH tells me that after he put him into his sleep sack he was holding him upside down and making him laugh. Duh! If you play with the baby before putting him in the crib of course he's going to cry because he'll want to play more!

    @LAGS: My husband is always asking for us to do cosleeping, but I don't sleep well unless Nico is in the crib, so I always say no. Also Nico wakes up more when cosleeping.

    @Goldilocks1107: I'm so sorry that PPD happened to you; it seems so unfair and I wish you didn't have to go through any of this. I'm impressed with your spinning, even for 40 minutes. I took one spin-yoga combo class once, so it was just 30 minutes of spinning and I thought I was going to throw up. That is hard stuff! I like your '5 more minutes' thoughts to get through. I was teaching at one school where and arctic explorer came to give a motivational speech. I remember he said that the only way for him to get through the really tough days when the weather is insane and he's doing really hard physical work is to only focus on getting through the next minute. Gal, you have the right ideas. I wonder if in the end of all of this mess, you will end up more emotionally-smart than most people. Still wish you never had to go through this.

    @winniebee: I don't know anything about feeding issues, but I hope things work out for you. Wouldn't hurt to back off the solids and see if he drinks more formula. Food before 1 is just for fun. And before 6 months there is absolutely no need. My friend with an 8 month old with allergies was told to totally stop feeding her food while they wait for the allergist appointment. How long has T been on the new formula? Is it possible that since he is potentially absorbing more of it that he won't need as much? Maybe go by growth instead of intake? (but that takes time to wait for eh?)

    It's Mom and Baby Group day and I can't wait. The sitting and chatting with my friends is the highlight of my week, every week. And it's good for Nico too.

  6. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: I'm sorry about your PPD. I can definitely relate but I don't really want to get into it on here until I see the doctor on the 22nd and really figure out what's going on with me. Anyways I hope you get some more good sleep and have better days....hang in there!

  7. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @cvbee: He started the new formula a month ago - first we did 50% and the rest was frozen milk. Then a week ago went to straight formula at the GI specialist's suggestion - she said OK to continue with solids, but I'm thinking maybe they'll say to back off for a bit. I'm really glad you have that mom's group! Sounds like a great outlet : )

    I did call the GI specialist today because I just feel like his eating habits are not good. He'll take 2-3 ounces and then twist or kick off of me and gets very upset if I try to feed him more. Sort of like what he did back in the day when I quit breastfeeding. Hopefully I'll hear back soon.

    Today's been kind of a rough day. Fussy baby (who's not really napping), eating issues, anniversary and husband is going to be home late so no chance of even celebrating. Blah. I think I need to try for a super early bedtime tonight (for Tyler....maybe me too)!

  8. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: I'm glad you got a little rest after a bad day yesterday. I'm also glad we can be here for you. Parenthood is just hard shit sometimes.

  9. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Ugh! We are struggling with sleep here again. I thought things were getting better, but the last 2 nights Sawyer will sleep for 45 minutes in his crib then scream inconsolably until his throat is hoarse for 1 - 1 1/2 hours, regardless of what we do with him. After that we are usually all so frazzled we bring him into bed.

    The problem is that I never wanted to co-bed, and I don't sleep well with him in the bed. Also, he won't sleep long stretches in our bed, so we don't get the 5-7 hours we had regained. Napping is also getting tough, he is taking 30ish minutes to get to sleep, regardless of how long after waking I put him to down.

    Today I had enough and would let him cry for 2 minutes then go back in and give him back his soother and stroke his head/pat his back for a minute, and repeated that for 30 minutes before he fell asleep, so no longer than it was taking. I just don't understand, a week ago I could put him down and he would fall asleep within minutes. The 4 month sleep regression was behind us and now I don't know what the issue is.

    At this rate, we are going to have to attempt gradual extinction. He is 6 months in a week, and based on my research, 6 months is old enough to give it a go.

    Otherwise, we had a fun day swimming yesterday with our CD group. I think I am going to make a trip to the pool a weekly thing, and enrol us in swimming classes soon.

    This past weekend we did a fall photo shoot in a nearby park, DH will be editing them soon so I will post some once they are done.

    @winniebee: Happy Anniversary (even is your DH can't celebrate today, I hope you guys can celebrate soon). I hope you get Tyler's eating issues worked out soon.

    @cvbee: Enjoy Mom and Baby group!

    @Goldilocks1107: Ugh! What a day. It is the worst when baby is so upset and clingy. I hope your day is better today.

    @LAGS: I think my DH is in love with co-bedding as well, unfortunately it has such a negative impact on MY sleep, and Sawyer doesn't sleep long stretches with us (probably because the boob is right there so he is always thinking of eating).

  10. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    So, our GI specialist thinks the decreased eating could be (1) due to his cold (unlikely) (2) due to solids intake (possible) or (3) baby Zantac really isn't that effective (probable). So, we're going to try Prilosec. Also will go for a weight check next week.

  11. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: Sorry yesterday was so crappy. I hope today's continued to be a little better for you!

    @MsMini: Sorry to hear his sleep has regressed again. I hope he's easier to put down soon.

    @winniebee: Do you get to start with the Prilosec right away? I hope it's a solution for you guys!

    @cram88: I hope your appointment goes well!

  12. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @LAGS: Yah we will start tomorrow - it isn't effective for a few days so we'll have to stay on Zantac through the end of the week. I hope it's helpful too. If it isn't, at least we know we are doing everything to make him comfortable eating. It also may be that Tyler is very efficient. We'll know at his weight check whether he is eating enough for himself.

  13. GrapeCrush

    grapefruit / 4823 posts

    @winniebee: we are going to Jamaica...i can't wait! i asked dH if we could just sleep the entire time we are there haha. yeah G has/had reflux. it got really bad at about 8-9 weeks old and he did so good on the zantac. then it got bad again, they upped his dose and he was fine again. since being on solids he doesn't spit up that much anymore and his reflux seems to be cleared up. i was going to say it sounded like the reflux acting up/not a high enough dosage/needing something stronger. that's exactly how G reacted when we needed to up his dose. good luck and hopefully the prilosec works. also, it could be a little bit of the cold, when G had his he was taking 2-3 oz. he's been feeling better and is back up to 5oz and even took an 8oz bottle for my husband this morning!

    @LAGS: that's cute about your husband. i get the worst sleep when G is in bed with us(it's only happened a handful of times) i honestly don't know how people do it!

    @Goldilocks1107: sorry that you're going through this. hopefully her sleep continues to be good and you'll get more rest

  14. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    Addie had a 1.5 hour nap this morning without any extra effort from me... that's crazy rare in these parts. Her mid-day nap was 30 mins as usual and this afternoon she went down a little after 4, was up in 30 mins but doesn't want to wake. She just wants to fuss. It's been 40 minutes of me going in to soothe her and get her back down... I don't know what's going on?? I'm scared for the over night.

    @winniebee: Fingers crossed for you! I hope the weight check brings good news!

  15. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    Bad sleep over here. Willa has been doing this weird thing where she wakes up 45 minutes after I put her down for the night and then wants to be up for two hours. It's as if she treats it as a nap. SO she ends up not going to bed until 10 pm or so... but then she is waking up at like 7! Definitely not getting enough sleep at all.

    I have been sOOOOOO exhausted lately. I have this massive freelance project that I have been working on and today is the deadline. It literally is IMPOSSIBLE to find time to work on it between taking care of the baby, working, keeping a clean house, cooking, etc. I have been extra sleep deprived this week because I have to stay up super late to work on it. But then I wake up in the morning to discover that my work is really crappy because I was half asleep. Ah, so frustrating.

    @Winnniebee: I am so sorry about all the issues with Tyler. I hope there is a solution to all this so you don't have to worry about his health/weight/being uncomfortable/in pain etc.

    @MsMini: I can't wait to see the pics! We don't even have a decent camera so it is really hard to get good pics of W.

  16. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    Anyone else's kids OBSESSED with solids and will eat and eat and eat until you force them to stop?

  17. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @MsMini: oh geez our good little napper throwing us for a loop! I know many people for whom CIO worked awesome.

    @lags: go Addie!!!!! Hope she keeps it up!

    @sarbear: the problem is the bad eating started 2 wks ago well efore he had the cold. I thought about asking for a dosage oversee of Zantac but the GI doc said just to switch to prilosec. He always had reflux symptoms but before 4 months never really spit up. He now belches like crazy and spits up several times an hour - not huge amounts butte whines after. Also he pushes himself off with his legs and gets super pissed if you try to feed him when he is "done". I don't know if prilosec is the answer but it can't hurt I guess. I'm so jealous of your trip!

    @rainbowsprinkles: man you have a lot on your plate! Willa better start napping for her mama soon. Tyler lives solids. Loves them. Which is kind of nice bc he doesn't love to drink. He gets very aggressive when eating and literally sometimes looks like he is going to just swallow the spoon. He would eat a whole jar if I let him (but I don't bc I want him to drink more).

    Our GI doc doesn't want us to stop solids since e is developmentally ready and really likes them.

  18. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @LAGS: Our good nights have 3-4 wakeups. Our bad nights can have 8... and still be up at 6am. I feel you on that one.
    That is so cute about your husband's text.

    @Rainbow Sprinkles: LOL. Nope. Gabriel likes rice cereal but pretty much only eats a tablespoon or so before he gets bored. (We tried rice cereal in an attempt to get him to sleep more tonight...)

    @Goldilocks1107: Come and go as you need. Health is #1. When you let that slip everything else goes. Always take care of #1. Glad to have you back (btw).
    And.... G had a day like that every day this week--will not be set down. Crazy fussy--I'm just hoping to see a tooth. Or SOMETHING.
    AND... that 5 more minutes thing from spin--I totally used to use that and had DH remind of that during labor. It really helped!

    @cvbee: Hope you had fun at mom and baby day.

    @winniebee: G and T are only a few days apart... G does this kind of feeding now, too (I think it's why he wakes up more at night). Also if he is absorbing more now maybe he needs less.
    Also isn't the growth supposed to be slower after the first 3 months?

    PS Happy Anniversary! I hope T went to bed early enough for you and your husband to get some much needed sleep.

    @MsMini: Glad swimming was fun! Sorry sleeping is so rough. I'm right there with you (but G is almost 5 months)
    @sarbear: Jamaica! Woo hooo!
    @Rainbow Sprinkles: I hope she gets some sleep so you can get your project done!

  19. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @lisa1783: Seriously, tossing him in the air at a night-time wake up? My husband would do that ONCE and get such an ear ful (or retaliation-- "I'm taking out the trash hun!" and then play with G until he gets super excited and then set him on the floor like a time bomb. Get outside with the trash---voila. Retaliation!)

  20. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Last night was sort of a disaster. He went to bed at 620, woke at 7, 1, 345, and 5. It's now 7 an he hasn't gone back to sleep. I maybe got 5 hours of sleep last night. I'm going to blame it on the cold because I don't know what else to blame it on.

    He has been waking at 5 like all the time lately and most times won't go back to sleep. I've tried feeding him right away, not feeding him, letting him fuss til 6, etc. I never get him from his crib before 6 though. Doesn't seem to matter when I put him to bed either. He just wakes at 5. I don't know how we will deal with a 5 am waker and daycare starting next week.

    Anyone else have an early riser these days?

  21. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @winniebee: We're on week 2 of that schedule. 5 15 am for us today. I am pretty much holding him in hopes that he takes a nap on my shoulder so I can lay down again.

  22. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    @winniebee: I have a late riser today. Bed at 7:30, up at 1am down at 1:15 then final wake up was 9am!! He's been sleeping pretty late lately, it's crazy! Maybe Tyler is getting you ready for going to back to work? How nice of him! Haha

  23. shortcake

    apricot / 288 posts

    Has anyone tried to manipulate wake up time? I've decided to start trying not to go get her before 7 even if she wakes up crying earlier. I have read that this helps them set their morning clock, but I am not so sure. We have bedtime pretty much down but if only we had a consistent wakeup time, we would be a much happier family.

  24. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @shortcake: I've been trying this as I have a 5 am waker these days. Hasn't worked yet.

  25. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @cram88: wow that's some crazy good sleep!!

  26. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @shortcake: I would LOVE to do this but my husband gets violently angry when the baby wakes him up so I can't just let the baby coo for too long (the coos become squeals and they go from happy to angry pretty quickly).

    I have no clue how to go about shifting LO's schedule. Going to bed later = early wakeups for us. I can put him to bed anywhere from 6 to 7 30 and he'll sleep till 6 or 7ish. Later and he wakes up at 5 something (or 4... OUCH!). Never tried earlier than 6pm.

  27. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    Three things...

    1. Have any of the other boy babies discovered their boy parts yet? Holden has been yanking on his during his last 3 baths. It's kind of funny but I worry if it hurts, not really sure when that becomes an issue?

    2. Yesterday I had Holden on my lap while drinking a bottle of water. He was acting really interested in the water so I decided to give him a little sip. As soon as I touched the bottle to his lips he spit up into the bottle....so gross!

    3. I gave Holden oatmeal today and it went really well so I think I'm going to resume the solids again! I feel like we've really turned a corner with everything with him! He's sleeping well at night, napping well, eating well (consistently takes 6oz bottles now!), and now seems ready for solids! It's been a successful past week!

    I figured I post a lot of problems/negative things so I decided to post some funny/positive things! Hope everyone is having a good week

  28. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @pastemoo: I think I might need to put him to bed even earlier so that he can at least get more than 9-10 hours of overnight sleep. But unfortunately when I go back to work in roughly a week, a bedtime earlier than 7 is just not possible.

    @cram88: That's great you have turned a corner! Isn't it crazy how sometimes just a week can make a difference? I'm waiting for it to happen for us. Sleep is OK but he's waking at 5 every day (not good). Naps are still terrible. Eating milk is not great, either, though we are starting Prilosec today. He loves solids and would eat a whole jar of food if I let him. He goes through phases where he plays with his man parts during diaper changes....but I think it's inadvertent, I don't think he's actually discovered them yet. Curious, a few weeks ago Holden was just eating 3.5 oz at a time. What do you think changed?

  29. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @winniebee: Addie's been getting up at 7am recently (she's usually more 8 or 8:30) and I thought that was bad. 5am would bring me to tears. I hope he ditches that for you soon!

    @cram88: haha I thought the water bottle story would be a cute one ending with him sipping from it. That definitely took a turn lol It's good you can look at the bright side, it's not an easy thing to do some days.

    When everyone counts their LO's hours of overnight sleep and wakings, do you count the wakings that happen before you go to bed yourself? I haven't been because it's just too depressing a number when they're included.

    I'm trying to stay positive because Addie's sleep isn't the worst that it's been but it's still pretty awful. Last night I put her down at 7:15 or so. She was asleep by 7:30. Up at 8:40 a few times, up at 10:50, up at 1:50, up at 4, up at 5 and up for the day at 7. Aside from two nights in the last week where she only woke three times (after I went to bed), this is our norm. Feeling tired and discouraged and hoping the sleep book I ordered will just get here already.

    On the bright side, this weekend DH and I are taking A to a fall festival going on to walk around and get her out. I also found out that come Christmas time there's a really amazing Kringleville thing going on with a little Christmas village and very convincing Santa. I'm really looking forward to Addie's first Santa visit... even though she's probably going to scream her little face off seeing a big, fat, bearded man in red.

    Also, I'm skipping the lap time at the library today but next week and making sure we go to a Baby Sign meeting which I'm really looking forward to. If the day is going well we may even partake in a baby food workshop that's taking place before hand.

  30. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    @winniebee: Honestly I have no idea. It seems like before he ate only because I decided it was time or he was crying. Now he genuinely gets excited, as soon as he sees a bottle he starts waving his arms and legs around and smiles. It's like before he only ate because he had to but now he eats because he wants to...but I have no idea why this change occurred. I think a lot of the good things have been going hand in hand too. For example since he's been eating so much and consistently throughout the day he doesn't need to eat at night so he's not waking up as much. His napping has been really good and I've had to do very little lately to put him down for naps or bedtime. I'm thinking maybe it's a developmental thing.

    5am is pretty early! Holden usually wakes up between 5:45 and 6. We will put him in our room (lately in the rnp because of the congestion still) and he just talks to himself for a bit (we just tune him out) and will eventually fall asleep for a couple more hours. What time will he have to get up once you go back to work? I really hope the Prilosec helps

    @LAGS: I only count wakings after I go to bed. I also don't count the wakings where I just give him his pacifier or move him to our bed. I only count the ones where I have to give a bottle or it takes a more than a minute to get him back to sleep! I didn't even think about the whole sitting on Santa's lap thing! That's so exciting to look forward to! I can't wait to have that precious picture!

    Here's a recent picture of Holden in a cute hat we got him at Children's Place for less than $5! I need to stop buying him things, the outlets get me every time!

  31. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @LAGS: I count them all. Last night T went to bed at 7:30, woke at 2 a.m. then was up for the day at 5 - so, just woke up once. I'm sorry she's still getting up so much at night. Do you bottle or breastfeed at night? Maybe if you start giving her a bottle at night she will get up less?

    @cram88: That's awesome! Really cute picture too, I love the hat! Tyler is the same way right now - he eats when it's time or when he's crying but I don't think he enjoys it. We had an awesome spell about 3 weeks ago where he was consistently taking 5 oz and that's when he was sleeping 9 hours straight at night, plus 2 more. I guess with all things baby, Tyler's situation is probably just a phase. I was really hoping we'd be in a good groove for starting daycare, but I'm not sure that will happen....

  32. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @cram88: Shopping for A is my weakness too. It's so hard to leave a store without something for her. ETA: didn't even comment on what a little cutie Holden is! And the hat was totally worth it!

    @winniebee: I'd been giving her a bottle with 2-3oz on top of a nursing session before putting her down each night but stopped because I felt she was so gassy from it. During the night is always breast. I've been giving her a solids meal before bed lately too, sometimes with a cereal and milk mixed in and it still doesn't even make an impact. Today I'm making a point to nurse more frequently and I'm gonna see what happens. Also thinking I might send DH in overnight this weekend when I know she doesn't need a feed so she doesn't smell me because I've wondered if it's a comfort thing... yet she'll unlatch and fuss until I offer the second breast sometimes which has me questioning that too. Ugh.

  33. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @LAGS: I wasnt think of bottle feeding because of a hunger thing more that maybe she is going to the boob at night for comfort rather than hunger?

  34. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    @winniebee: I think it must be a comfort thing. The more I think of it, she's eating plenty during the day. I'm fine with a nursing session or two over the course of the night... but she clearly doesn't "need" what she's getting. That's a good thought though to see what she does with a bottle over breast. Hmmm new plan!

  35. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @LAGS: it might not work but if she came to understand that she would only get a bottle at night it might discourage her from waking as much?

  36. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @cram88: He discovered his peepsie balls a while back but got bored with it and has moved on to feet.
    2. LOL!! Gabriel took a sip of my water from a glass today. It was so funny and he was SO pleased with himself!
    3. Winning!!
    Cute hat!

    @LAGS: I do count those-- I try to go to bed before the second wake up so I make myself keep track! Also he no longer wakes up for a "dream feed" if I want to do one before I get in bed.
    Yay for sign classes! So far we have introduced mommy, daddy, milk, and diaper change--that's it.

    @winniebee: interesting idea! I wonder.... Gabriel is eating like crap during the day though... and we went to the doctor today (DH was worried about something--G is totally fine!) and he is gaining waaaaay slower than before so I am going to keep feeding him all night.

  37. Mrs.M57

    kiwi / 515 posts

    Haven't posted in forever! I never get time to go on my computer and find it tough to post on here from my phone but anyways, Lily is stressing me out lately! We seemed to be on an upswing for a little while, and recently everything is falling apart! Sleep is terrible! She is super clingy and fussy allll day, and will not let hubby or anyone else hold her for more than 5 minutes before reaching out for me! It's kind of cute when she reaches forme, but I need a break from her! And def not getting one, since bad sleep also=co-bedding! But, in better news she is loving her solids! Mealtime is becoming our favorite time of day!

    @cram88 Holden is so stinkin cute glad he has had a good week! Solids are fun!
    @LAGS I don't count the wake ups before i go to bed, I would be discouraged sorry you're having tough sleep too. Fall festival sounds fun! And baby sign! I would love to start it with Lily! You'll have to let us know how it goes!

  38. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Mrs.M57: Hugs! I hope it gets better. I can only handle the clingy baby thing because DH can help. I can't even imagine... I hope she relaxes a bit!

  39. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @cram88: the boy thing IS funny. The first time Nico did that I thought "ouch!!!!". All this time I've been so delicate with it, and here he goes with his death-grip baby fingers and gives it a yank. Ha. He grabbed it every diaper change for about 24 hours, and then I tried to distract him by giving him something else to hold instead, and that seemed to have got him onto another track and now he only grabs it randomly sometimes at diaper and sometimes at bath. Phew.

    @LAGS: we went to a fall festival last weekend and it was pouring rain. I don't know why we went in weather like that (I feel like now that we have a baby I want to do all the festivals and stuff and if I dont I'm somehow failing at a parenting goal). It was terribly uncomfortable; we got soaked and didn't enjoy ourselves....until the end, when we decided to make a last stop at the winery included in the festival and the wine-tasting warmed us up!

    @LAGS: I count all the wake ups. We've been consistently 3 wake ups lately, and the timing of those wake ups are the same every night for the last few nights.

    Here's my interesting baby note for the day:
    Nico's poop used to always be green in the afternoon, which google seems to say is from the breastmilk going through too fast. But now that I've been doing rice cereal (and today started barley cereal), the poop is yellow all day long, just like it is in the morning. (Yes, baby poop is interesting to me. And yes, my guy poops several times a day, about 5 times!)

    Oh, and I used my diaper sprayer for the first time today. Didn't 'need to' but wanted to try it out. I like it.

  40. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Things are ticking along here. Sawyer has been having amazing naps the past 2 days - 3 naps per day close to 2 hours long each, and going down with <10 seconds of fussing/crying each time. Bedtime is a bit more difficult, but he was able to stay in his own crib for 5 hours 2 nights ago and 3 hours last night, which is better than the 45 minutes in his own bed we were getting. I feel like we are turning a corner, and I don't mind 2-3 wakeups and morning snuggles. If we could get down to 1 wakeup and morning snuggles I would be so happy though.

    @cram88: Sounds like you guys are doing well! Sawyer always acts interested in water, but when I let him drink some he always makes a "EWWW gross" face and lets it run out of his mouth. Sawyer inadvertently grabbed his bits a while ago, gave them a good squeeze and a tug and hasn't touched them since.

    @LAGS: Sounds like you guys have a lot planned!

    @cvbee: Interesting poo notes! I haven't bought a diaper sprayer yet, we are going to try just getting by with disposable liners, that is way more popular in our local CD group!

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