Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Babies, Part II

  1. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    @Coco Bee: So cute! I think he looks a little like my Holden and @winnibee's Tyler! They could all be cousins maybe

    @shortcake: I asked the pedi and she said we should get our flu shots. My husband got his last week and I'm getting mine tomorrow or possibly the 22nd if I'm too lazy to go tomorrow. Both baby and I got the whooping cough one (Tdap) while we were still in the hospital after the birth. I'd like my husband to get the pertussis one but he never goes to the doctor's.

  2. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    @Coco Bee: I was just thinking that I have a pain in the butt mother in law too. I think I could talk for hours about how unreasonable she is! I also will probably be needing your advice pretty soon because we are moving a month from tomorrow and I'm pretty nervous about moving with a baby!

  3. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    I was offline fo 3 days while away for (Canadian) Thanksgiving. I had plans to respond, but I can't do it. All I will say is I'm back and it was great. (Travelling with baby is becoming routine!)

  4. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @cvbee: LOL sometimes you just need to throw in the towel....

    @shortcake: I go back 10/30 - I'm going back 4 days. I couldn't sleep last night just knowing I had 3 weeks to go. Ugh. Sounds like your office is treating you great so far!! Do you have childcre at home?

    @cocobee: Sounds like a completely exhausting weekend...but mostly fun. I'm impressed you have done so much with Cobi! It's hard traveling and being out of the element. Hope you all recover soon!

    I put Tyler to bed earliest ever tonight - 6:45. He was up at like 4:15 from a nap and didn't have a good long nap today and there was just no excuse for me keeping him up. He last ate at 5, so really no clue how tonight will go. He's of course passed out on his belly, apparently his new thing. I have found that regardless of when I put him to bed, he's up around 7 (except when I put him to bed later...he's up earlier) so fingers crossed. It's 8:45 and DH is still at work and I'm exhausted....but staying up to see my husband anyways.

  5. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @cram88: hehe I always thought that too!! You two have little peanuts and so is Cobi. He is not even 16 lbs at over 7 months. He is a little blondie too with blue eyes

    Yeah the moving wasn't fun. Honestly next time around I think we will be hiring movers because it was just so stressful. My mom was going to take him for moving day and she got sick, so my friend took him instead. I would definitely suggest a babysitter!! I don't know how I would have done it with him, even though I wasn't physically moving the items.

    Oh, and sorry you have a tough MIL too I try to be patient and give her a lot of grace but it's SO hard. I also try to be more discreet and subtle and not rant about her online because it's so public and it's very easy to find who I am lol

    @winniebee: I know!! He is a busy little bee!! I don't think we would have been doing so much if we didn't have family out of state. We've been to visit them twice this year! But I'm glad, it is kind of sad that he will grow up apart from that side of the family.

    @sarbear: hehe thanks :):)

    @shortcake: I'm not getting either vaccine - for myself, DH or DS. But I know I'm a minority. I instead opt to take vitamin D supplements for myself and vitamin D drops for DS.


    This is the article that persuaded me last year - so I took vit. D last winter and didn't get sick once. Which was amazing considering that I used to get sick all winter long in previous years. I'm a believer!

  6. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @shortcake: Also yes I'll be getting a flu shot soon and already have my Tdap and DH has his flu shot and Tdap too.

  7. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @pastemoo: My plan was a success. She had her blowout at 10:30am. But she was in her same outfit when I picked her up because our daycare provider had time to throw the pjs in the wash. And I have to say, I love that she washes Audrey's clothing when there's time, instead of just sending home a plastic bag filled with poop clothes.

    I've also gotten my flu shot and pertussis shot.

  8. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    So, we had our consult with a GI specialist today at Children's Hospital....3 hours later, here's the results. They believe Tyler just has a dairy intolerance, not true MSPI. However, they think he probably does have reflux. So, he will now get 100% special formula - all of my frozen breastmilk and hard work down the tubes. Though it's mostly dairy free, there are still small amounts of dairy in it...they did a stool test today and he still has traces of blood in his stool. Poor guy. Also, we need to watch the eating less thing. It could just be a phase but it could signify that he's uncomfortable eating. If he was a 95th percentile baby we wouldn't be concerned, but he's less than 5th percentile and only gained 1/2 lb in 3 weeks, so we need to be careful. I'm glad we went. I'm just feeling a little depressed and defeated about the whole eating situation for him.

  9. lisa1783

    apricot / 457 posts

    @WinnieBee: awww, I'm so sorry! Poor Tyler and poor you! But at least you have more of an answer now and can have a plan going forward. Have you thought about donating your frozen milk? I hope Tyler's appetite returns soon so he can start packing on those baby lbs!

  10. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @lisa1783: I have, and probably will as I have at Lear 600 ounces frozen. It's a bit of a process and involves blood tests but I would hate for it to go to waste.

  11. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    @winniebee: Aww poor Tyler! Maybe he was eating less because the little bit of dairy was bothering him? Hopefully he can get back on track weight wise...eat little guy, eat! At least you got some answers and hopefully things will get better!

  12. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @cram88: They said babies roughly gain 1 ounce a day still at this point - so, in theory he should have gained 21 ounces (1.5 lbs) Instead he gained 8 ounces. Ugh.

  13. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    I'm too hopelessly behind so I'm starting from this page!

    We're back from our Thanksgiving travels. Instead of driving straight from our home to my parent's, we went to my in laws first for a stop over and then on to my family's. It's more miles but done over two different trips makes it much more manageable. A was a trooper in the car (considering this child normally NEVER sits still) and did well with all the new faces and attention. She had a little stranger anxiety with my MIL (which she eventually got over) and my Granny. It made me so sad she wouldn't snuggle with Gran

    It was hilarious when we got home. It's like she knew exactly where she was and went bananas. She was squealing and laughing. She slept pretty well last night and had a 2 hour nap this morning (but woke every 30 or 40 mins crying). I guess we wore her out!

    @Coco Bee: I hear you on hiring movers. DH and I have agreed we're done trying to move ourselves. Totally worth the cost to hire someone. Sorry you had a rough weekend with your MIL. I HATE when people plan for you without any regard for your wishes... like the no car thing. We have some family that's like that too.... never bothers to ask what we want/expect, just tells us what will happen.

    @winniebee: I'm sorry your appointment left you feeling a little defeated. I don't blame you after everything you've gone through. I hope T feels better with his new diet changes!

  14. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @LAGS: I even asked DH ahead of time - will your parents let us use their car this weekend so that we can come/go as Cobi needs and he said it wouldn't be a problem; he discussed it with them. IF I had known it'd be a problem I would have rented a car - you can't put a price on your baby's happiness/well being and my sanity!!
    I guess in the end it worked out as I fought for it but it was a battle I wish I didn't have to wage.

    I think back to the first time DH and I moved - we did it ALL by ourselves!! We didn't even ask my family. We were crazy.

  15. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    @winniebee: Oh wow, an ounce a day!?! 8 and 21 is a big difference but that's what growth spurts are for right? I know it's stressful having a bitty baby but I like to believe they'll catch up eventually I always wonder if the next baby will be small too, it will be interesting to see!

  16. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @cram88: my Aunt and Uncle have non-identical twins. One is a skinny peanut and the other is a plump babe.

    @winnie: sorry you're feeling down about the weight news for little T, but I'm so glad that you do have some conclusive news for moving forward. Maybe the reflux is why he liked to sleep in his swing? (am I remembering wrong about the swing sleep?)

  17. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @cvbee: I think it's why he never liked to be on his back as an infant (which he outgrew around the time we started him on reflux meds, around 6 weeks). He did love to sleep in his snugabunny swing (and probably still would nap in it if I let him do it more often!)

  18. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @winniebee: I'm so bummed all your hard work and dietary restrictions turned out to be for nothing I hope you can find someone who is able to use the breastmilk.

    For our move this summer, we had 8 friends and family come help us out. But we had a unique situation because we used PODS - so half our belongings were delivered in the pod to our driveway. The other half was up the street at my parents' house. We are hiring someone to move my piano and foosball table in the next few months. There are certain things you don't ask friends to help with!

  19. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    This thread is so busy, I read along while I am napping with Sawyer of BFing, but I hate doing iPhone thread replies.

    Sawyer has been extremely clingy for the past week. He wants to cuddle all the time. I might get to put him down an hour a day if I am lucky. It makes it hard to get anything done (even now I am typing with him snuggled into me). I think I might have o buy the wonder weeks book, because he isn't sick anymore, and he doesn't seem to be teething, so I can't figure out why he won't spend any time playing by himself.

    Sawyer had terrible sleep and naps while we were away for Canadian Thanksgiving, but we came home and last night he had his longest sleep yet (7 1/2 hours, then 3 hours). I slept 7 hours of the first stretch and 2 of the second, so I feel like a different person this morning.

    A few pics from our 5 month photo shoot:

  20. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    @Coco Bee: You guys have had a busy week, I am sure when Cobi settles in his sleep will improve! I would probably just comfort him quite a bit for the next week or so, then try sleep training again.

    @winniebee: I am sorry about your GI consult. Hopefully at some point Tyler grows out of his milk intolerance. The milk bank would be so grateful to get your milk! Sawyer has also had a weight percentile drop lately, I think it is because he wiggles and moves and rolls so much! He has more room to lose than your little peanut though.

  21. shortcake

    apricot / 288 posts

    @winniebee: we are doing a nanny share with another family in the neighborhood. we do monday and tuesday at their place, wednesday and thursday here and friday my husband works from home and takes care of her for now. it's working pretty well so far, but the nanny called in sick today and we are both working at home today. enjoy your last few weeks of leave. I know it will be hard, but once you get a routine down, it will become the new normal.

    sorry about weight gain, but hopefully once he starts formula, he will gain really quickly and plump up. also, can you donate your frozen breastmilk, or mix it with the formula so you can get some benefit of all that work?

  22. shortcake

    apricot / 288 posts

    Do any of you give your babies water? I am so curious because I have read in many places that babies don't need water for a year and it can dilute their electrolytes. What are you all doing with water?

  23. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: I know - if I calculate the amount of time I was hooked up to my pump to produce all that milk....I might lose it!

    @MsMini: Thanks for your support. I've come to terms with it - Tyler will never be a big baby - my husband and I were probably 5th percentiles until high school! I just want him to feel good eating. It does sound like he is in a wonder week (maybe the one on relationships?) He is really a cute boy!

    @shortcake: That sounds like an ideal situation! I definitely think the anxiety over returning to work will be worse than returning to work. Unfortunately I can't use any of the milk because he is reacting to traces of dairy in it : ( But, I am looking into donating it. I'm not giving Tyler any water at this point. Not sure when I will, probably will raise it at our 6 month visit.

  24. lisa1783

    apricot / 457 posts

    @winniebee: 600 oz? OMG! Is it weird I'm really jealous? I had also thought about donating after I read one woman's story of how the donated BM saved her baby when he was born premature. I agree that it definitely is a hassle because it's a lot of paperwork and bloodwork but will be so worth it!

    @goldilocks1107: How does Pods work? Do you fill it up at your current place and they move it to your new address? How was your experience with it? We are moving in a few weeks but the renovations won't be done by then so we might have to be in a hotel for a week or so but we don't know what to do with our stuff.

    @Lags: I'm so glad your Thanksgiving visit went well! So much more to celebrate with a LO.

    @Cocobee: I'm sorry to hear it was so difficult with your MIL. It's always a struggle - it's like dealing with your mom except you're not allowed to talk back. I'm having slight issues with my MIL also where she promised to help take care of Owen now that I'm working. She was supposed to switch off with my mom but she got sick but is better now but keeps saying she's not ready (even though she's gotten the ok from doctor weeks ago). So my poor mom has been making weekly 3 hour bus rides for the past 2 months to come take care of my baby.

    @MsMini: So adorable! I love the first picture - he's like the Gerber baby.

    @Shortcake: We aren't giving our baby any water and probably won't for the first year. It just fills his belly without nutrients and he gets hydrated with BM anyway.

  25. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: THAT rocks. Seriously--she came home CLEAN in that outfit? Amazing!
    @winniebee: I have thrown away a ton of milk (hundreds of oz), but 5-10 oz at a time because I left it all in the fridge for too long. That hurt and I can't imagine how much worse it would be if I had to do it all at once.
    DS finally went to bed at 9 30 and at 10 30 I tried to sooth him back to bed... several times.... and finally fed him and then soothed him and now he's asleep. 5 straight days of regression, teething, growth spurt, or some combination of those. But he is still adorable and wonderful.

  26. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @shortcake: NO water for us. The doctor told us we could offer water after rice cereal only (to prevent constipation) but instead we plan to introduce prunes first... and if he does OK with those we will offer prunes when we offer rice. I hope it works!

  27. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    I'm so sad. Today is my birthday and I decided a few weeks back that what I wanted to do was to take Holden to a pool to swim. He's never really been in water yet and he finally fits in his swimsuit! Today I'm working a half day though and when I went to leave he was very congested, he caught my husband's cold. My husband sent a text that he keeps coughing and sneezing, I just feel so bad for him and I don't think we should take him swimming like that

  28. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @shortcake: Nope, we aren't giving any water right now.

    @lisa1783: PODS was amazing to work with - we had it delivered, filled it up and set up a time for them to pick it up. Since we needed it to be stored for a few months, they took it to their climate-controlled warehouse and stored it until we called to have it delivered. I think they charge ~$100 for a delivery fee, but you should be able to get a quote online or by calling.

    @cram88: Happy birthday - and that stinks about a cold. Audrey has been congested too. Noisy breather, but otherwise okay.

    Ladies, I just wanted to let you all know that I'm going to be off the boards for a few days. I feel like I'm slipping a bit and killing time by reading about parenting/babies/etc. just solidifies that feeling. Hopefully by focusing on me for a few days (instead of feeling like I'm all baby all the time) I'll get back to my happy place.

  29. lisa1783

    apricot / 457 posts

    @pastemoo: Aww...that does not sound like a fun combination. Hopefully he'll sleep tonight! Like you said, at least he's still cute and wonderful - something about their smile in the mornings makes it less awful that you haven't slept for more than 3 continuous hours.

    @cram88: Happy Birthday!!! Poor Holden, I hope the cold clears up in a day or two so he can play in the water.

    @goldilocks1107: Thanks sooo much for the info! I had no idea they did storage also, this should save us the cost of movers x2. We were going to get movers to move it to a storage facility and hire them again to move to our new house. This is so much better.

  30. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    Sawyer might be a little evil, after our great sleep the other night, last night he woke up screaming and wanting to feed every 1 1/2 hours all night.

    When he was ready for first nap he screamed non-stop for half an hour, no matter what I did ... so we laid on the couch and cried together, then he fell asleep and napped for 2 1/2 hours on me. He was hard to put down for second nap. He has been eating every 1 1/2 - 2 hours all day long. I am exhausted.

    DH has to work late and we don't have anything for dinner, so I just ate a bowl of dry cereal while he napped.

    @shortcake: Sawyer has looked interested in water, but when he tastes it he gags, we will offer it occasionally when he is interested, I have heard to start offering it with meals once you start solids.

    @cram88: That is disappointing! I hope he feels better soon so you can go swimming.

    @Goldilocks1107: Enjoy your break! I hope it helps you feel better.

  31. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @cram88: Happy Belated birthday! I'm so sorry that you guys aren't feeling well. Did you get to do anything fun?

    @MsMini: Wow sounds like he might be having a growth spurt!! I cry with Tyler sometimes, too....it's so sad! I hope you got a better night's rest. Sounds like some takeout food is in order!

  32. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    Had a very fun day today shopping at the outlets with my mom! My parents had given me a gift cars for my bday - got tons of new tops and sweaters and am feeling like a cool mom!

  33. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    I did end up going and grabbing take out, after hitting the grocery store (got some funny looks for being out with Sawyer at 8:30 at the grocery store and 9 at the takeout place). DH didn't make it home until after midnight, then Sawyer woke up and DH brought him into our bed so he could snuggle with him (so cute). He only woke up like 3 times in 12 hours as opposed to like 6 times the night prior. He is in a better mood today as well.

    @winniebee: I was thinking growth spurt. He slept better last night (co-bedded with us) then the night before. Today he is in a better mood and is eating less often again, so it seems like it was a weird 1 day thing.

  34. calsmom

    persimmon / 1087 posts

    I'm rarely online long enough these days to update! Sorry for the absence everyone!

    @winniebee: Shopping for ourselves seems like an afterthought now! Good that you went out to buy some cute clothes!

    @cram88: Happy belated birthday!

    @MsMini: How exhausting! It does sound like a growth spurt.

    My husband had the past couple days off work since he is going to be spending both days this weekend in flight school. We had fun! Cooper went in a baby swing for the first time and loved it! We got some Halloween decorations, which is a first for us. Now that we have our little family, we want to go all out.

    He is pushing himself up on all fours, and sitting with a little assistance. We love watching his development.

    I'm trying to figure out where to take Cooper tomorrow since it is just the two of us. Maybe the park and a long walk somewhere!

    I'm in my sister's wedding in a few weeks, so I went to look for a dress today. I was nervous trying on the dresses bc my weight isn't where I want it, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that my old size is fitting just perfect. Shorts and jeans are another story though. Ugh.

  35. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @winniebee: How did it go with sleep? And yay shopping! I need some new clothes, too.

    Sleep has been bad and the nationals loss last night was really hard to take... the family is not in a good mood today.

    @cram88: Happy birthday! Sorry you couldn't swim for your birthday.

    @lisa1783: Yup I love that smile!

    @MsMini: Aww. I hate growth spurts. I hope he grows quickly and gets back to sleeping.

    @calsmom: Oh sounds fun! Pictures of decorations? Congrats on the dresses fitting!
    Love that he's getting better at sitting. Baby sitting is so cute! We're working on it too.
    Lately G only wants to stand. He now stands against the swing and can balance himself very well... until he leans really far over and then I have to catch him!

  36. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    Bought an exersaucer at a mom-to-mom sale today. I put Nico in it and then made the mistake of trying to adjust the height while he was in it. He dropped down with a crash and now he is frightened of the thing. I'm going to have to work hard to get him over his fear. Doh!

    @MsMini: we got takeout too after my terrible 12 hours with kidney stone pain. It's nice to have a 'treat' like that when you need it.

    @winniebee: super jealous of your new sweaters! Today I am wearing a sweater I wore throughout my pregnancy and am feeling so frumpy: my saving grace is that it is so cold here now that everywhere I go in public (except for Mom Group) I am wearing my coat, so no one has to see my lack of clothing variety. I think with this strategy I can hold out on getting new clothes until I go back to work.

    Just fed Nico his first rice cereal, which we will now do every day. I'm apprehensive about the change in poop, as I am cloth diapering. My husband says he will hook up the diaper sprayer 'tomorrow'. As with everything, I am sure he will do it only once I hand him the diaper to be sprayed. (He installed the baby car-seat base after I gave birth).

    Oh, and also, as I just mentioned in regeberdaisy's thread about naps, we have perhaps officially moved from 3 naps to 2. IT happened because Nico started not falling asleep in the car on the way back from town at 4, which is our usual time for finishing chores. So, now even if we don't go for chores I am not putting him down for a third nap. Seems like we're doing a 9:30 and 1:30 nap, with bedtime around 6:30 and wakeup at 7am. 2nd nap is, coincidentally getting longer.

  37. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    Thanks everyone for the happy birthdays! We didn't get to go swimming so it ended up being a pretty low key day. I learned that birthdays aren't much fun when your baby is sick and you're worried about them!

    Holden is still sick Thursday and yesterday he was just really congested with a very runny nose but today he's been wheezing which I can feel through his chest and back and has a tight barking cough. Nights have been really bad because his breathing/sneezing/coughing wakes him up a lot. I feel so bad for him and really just want him to get better. I'm sure it's just a cold but I think if he's still sick tomorrow I may call the pedi just to make myself feel better! He had a stomach bug just a couple of weeks ago so it seems like he's always sick lately....

    Luckily I still have not caught this cold so I'm hoping it passed over me! Although I wish I had gotten it rather than Holden. Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

  38. shortcake

    apricot / 288 posts

    @winnibee: new clothes sound so exciting. i am wearing one pair of non-maternity jeans and some long black tops and sweaters. i refuse to buy any new clothes until after i am finished breastfeeding, which is when i expect to magically lose 10 pounds in a week. i kind of feel gross right now and feel so frumpy.

    does anyone have halloween costumes picked out for the LO yet? We got handed down a strawberry costume that Lulu wore to our block party costume parade yesterday and we bought a ladybug costume at a baby consignment store a few weeks ago. So excited for halloween this year!

  39. cvbee

    nectarine / 2039 posts

    @shortcake: wow! 2 costumes?! We got a monkey costume from Old Navy. We did 'Halloween pics' with my cousin at (Canadian) thanksgiving with her little one. And we will have a halloween party at my Mom group to wear it too.

  40. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @cvbee: Cool. We have no clue how many naps he needs now and he is so all over the place with naps. The last two days he has had a 10am nap.,.. so maybe that will be part of the new normal?
    I'm curious about the change in poop, too (also CD over here). We don't have a sprayer. We will probably do the dunk and swish or we have a little stick that is made to help with the flushable inserts but I am thinking it will be good for scraping... ? ? Maybe? We also have the paper liners if we feel like it.

    He has now had green beans, a taste of mommy's sweet potato (I boiled it for myself, put aside a bit, and then mixed fluff and raisins into mine and squishes his with milk. I have never eaten that dish and neither had he--that was a fun one!), and prunes.

    @cramm88: I'm sorry he's still sick! I hate seeing my baby sick. But I'm glad you're still doing well!

    @shortcake: LOL I am also hoping to magically lose weight when I stop BFing.... but I am also satisfied with my weight. My poor belly skin... looks fine with jeans to the waist but when I sit it folds up all weirdly and asymmetrically and I don't want to shop until that gets better. I feel pretty frumpy, too.

    So yesterday... I hadn't showered in 3 days and we were going to some friends' house. DH cooked (for some reason he wouldn't cook the meal at our friends' house even though I know they love that dish). Then he got in the shower and LO took a mini nap in my lap so I put him in the crib and took a shower (GLORIOUS!). And then I actually got dressed semi-cute and put in earrings (no makeup) and we went to our friends' house. BUT then DH took G in his carseat and brought him to his friend (the husband). The other friend (wife) and baby (2 years) waved from the door and took G... and THEY WERE BABYSITTING! Surprise date night! We went to the movies and saw "End of Watch." My husband planned that. I swear in our whole relationship that is the SECOND time he planned anything and I sure was surprised. WOW! Awesome.
    (Side note: there was no pumped milk and I didn't know we were going so he got some formula which he apparently now doesn't like so he hardly ate. No big. He ate when we got home with him.)

    In completely different news:
    We got G the cutest new sweatshirt (and by we I mean I went shopping with my girlfriend and she bought her 4month old a cute sweatshirt and I "need" one for our upcoming trip in November,,, can you believe I got this for $8.51 with tax from baby GAP? WIN!
    (@shortcake: this is the closest thing we have to a costume)

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