Hellobee Boards


May 2012 Babies, Part II

  1. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    @winniebee: Yay for new rolling skills Tyler!

    So I have been reluctant to post about this because Willa changes so much (and once I post about something I feel like she changes right after), but I think she is already becoming a two nap baby!
    So for the longest time i couldn't get her to nap longer than 30 or 40 minutes (4 of these a day or so). I had just accepted it and figured I couldn't force her to sleep.
    Well, the last three days Willa has taken two 1.5 hour naps! I haven't been able to get her down for her first nap, and she ends up being awake for three hours or so after her morning wakeup. But then, she takes a 1.5 hour nap. Then around 3:30, she takes a 1 hour, 45 minute nap! And she stays happy alllllll day.
    I wonder if this is her new schedule? She switched it up completely on her own! Weird!

  2. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Rainbow Sprinkles: Interesting!
    G is definitely going through his 4 month sleep regression and it blows. 3 nights in a row of 6+ wakeups per night with active nursing (loud gulping/swallowing).

  3. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @duckduckkristen: Sorry for the biting--but YAY AF! That means you can start planning for #2! Fun!

  4. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    @winniebee: I try to work on the naps when I'm home but as soon as I have to work anything I've accomplished goes out the door Yayyy for a belly roller! What a big boy!

    @duckduckkristen: I know AF sucks but that means you can start trying for number 2...yay!

    @pastemoo: I think we're going through it too even though I thought it already happened Hang in there!

    I think this is probably going to be the stupidest question but I want to be sure so forgive me. I had never heard of the mesh feeders until recently... I got one and I was reading the back and it was worded kind of weird. It said to put in frozen melon, ice chips and then it listed other fruits. Again, this is probably stupid but does everything have to be frozen? Or just melon for whatever reason? I'm going under the assumption that everything doesn't but I've never seen anyone use one or anything!

  5. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @cram88: I thought we did, too. Ugh. Good luck mama!

    My SIL used the mesh thingy--I don't plan on getting one (the fewer baby things I buy the longer I can stay out of work!) but I'll ask her about it.

  6. GrapeCrush

    grapefruit / 4823 posts

    @cram88: we have a couple and i know my uncle's wife and my SIL loved them. not sure if they put in only frozen things though. i'll have to ask before it use ours.

    this house is starting to feel better....FINALLY! i can tell that G is feeling better because he's taking his bottle so much better. he's still slightly congested, but sounds great compared to how he was last week!

    hope everyone had a great weekend! we were pretty relaxed around here, dinner at the IL's, grocery shopping, i still went to breakfast with a couple friends and then impromptu date night with DH!! it was so nice.

  7. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    Tried avocado yesterday - it was a huge hit! Audrey ate the entire tablespoon I prepared for her. We'll do a few more days, just to make sure she has no reaction and will then move on to solid #2 (still debating what to try next).

    In less awesome news, we had a return of "angry old man" face yesterday (pre-solids). DH went to the gym, and I was trying to get A to nap. That didn't go well. I got about 20 minutes then she woke up screaming. I tried soothing her without picking her up, and would leave the room. Before I even got to the stairs, she'd be screaming again. The end result was I had to hold her until she calmed down enough to sleep. After she'd been asleep on my chest for 10-15 minutes, I transitioned her to the pack n play in the living room. Then she slept for another 30 minutes. When I heard the garage door open, I poked my head outside and told him "if you value your life, you will be very quiet when you come in the house."

  8. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @pastemoo: Maybe it's a growth spurt!! Either way, sorry. Tyler woke up several times last night - twice because he was pissed because he was on his stomach. I fed him those two times but he barely ate!

    @sarbear: Yay for date night and for feeling better!!

    @Goldilocks1107: I practically hold my breath with T is napping these days....and my husband is so darn LOUD!

    I think T may have a little cold. He hasn't been eating well and yesterday he slept a LOT for him. He couldn't get into a crib nap groove so I put him in the swing and he slept in it 2 hours in the morning....and then another 1.5 in the afternoon -- even though I turned the motion off after 30 minutes. This is seriously unheard of in our house these days.

    DH has had to work a lot this weekend so today we're just relaxing/regrouping and maybe will go get some pumpkins since he's finally off today.

  9. Mrs.M57

    kiwi / 515 posts

    LOs name: Lily
    DOB: April 28
    Due date: May 7
    Key milestones: rolls both ways, sits unassisted for a minute or two at a time, smiles and laughs, just started being able to drink a bit through a straw sippy, grabs for and shakes anything and everything, loves her baby cereal
    Reminders: EBF, SAHM for now, Lily is a completely unpredictable awful night sleeper!

    Gah I'm so behind! Love all of the new pictures! Here's one of Lily yesterday watching the football game with her daddy:

  10. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @cram88: the girl I used to nanny for had one of those mesh things. We put strawberries (not frozen) into it, but she only used it a few times.

    @Goldilocks1107: lol "if you value your life, you will be very quiet when you come in the house." This is what I want to say to my husband every evening!

    So, we got in a huge fight yesterday, mostly due to my PMSing (I get it so bad and I'm such a jerk) and the stress of having the kitchen soooo close but not quite done. Things are fine now, but I think we are going to put off TTC for a couple months and have a big talk about how things are going to work once #2 arrives.

    Cooked my first meal in the new kitchen yesterday - hash browns with salmon and avocado! Just have a couple finishing touches left and it will be done!

  11. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: I love your commentary! Glad to hear she loves avocado!
    @sarbear: So glad to hear G is getting better, what a relief!
    @winniebee: It COULD be a growth spurt! That would be way cooler than a sleep regression. Or teething. He has been really clingy in addition to everything else.
    I hope T doesn't have a cold and just had a tired day!
    @Mrs.M57: Hello cutie!!

  12. lisa1783

    apricot / 457 posts

    @pastemoo: I'm surprised diaper companies haven't worked with sports teams yet - it'd be so awesome! You could buy diapers for both your team or your rivals, depending on how you were feeling! I'd definitely be buying Red Sox diapers considering how much they stunk this year!

    @shortcake: Lulu is so pretty!

    @rainbowsprinkles: So sad about your LO being sick! I hope she's feeling better. It's just so sad when babies get sick And Nooooo about the stinky poop. Owen is EBF and his poop smells bad enough already - I just can't fathom how it can smell worse!

    For fall shows, I don't think I'm watching any new shows. But I watch Modern Family, Homeland, Once Upon a Time, and Bones. I also can't wait for Mad Men to come back.

    @winniebee: I would leave him to play until he starts fussing. If he seems happy playing alone I think it's fine. And I'm sure he'll be adjusting his sleep schedule again anyway so by the time daycare starts, he'll have a brand new schedule for you to get used to.

    @duckduckkristen: Oh no about the biting! Ouch! I would definitely switch to the bottle for a little bit just so you don't have to feed him in fear.

    @winniebear: Yay for Tyler!

    @pastemoo: 6+ wakeups? I had no idea sleep regression was THAT bad...oh man, that stinks! I hope you get a decent nap sometime today. How are you still functioning?

    @cram88: I think you can use regular fruit without freezing them. Almost 100% positive but I haven't actually used mine yet.

    @sarbear: Yay for impromptu date nights! My DH and I have only had one date night since our LO was born and that was for our 2 year anniversary - we definitely have to be better to make time for each other.

  13. lisa1783

    apricot / 457 posts

    I had to stay away from HB this weekend after reading the Wishbone post because I kept crying every time I thought about it. I've been so hormonal since Owen's been born it doesn't take a lot to get me crying and it's pretty awkward when I read a sad news article at work and start tearing up and then I have to face my wall so no one can see me crying.

    Owen also has been rolling over from his belly to back. He used to HATE tummy time with a passion but he's been really good about getting his head up and also lifting his legs at the same time. It's so cute to see him rocking on his belly back and forth.

    He also woke up at 2:30 this morning, ate, gave a poop bomb, and then just wanted to play. He kept giving me smiles and giggles seemed so confused when I put him back in his crib. Then I laid on the floor convinced he would need me to nurse him back to sleep in a few minutes but he ended up falling asleep by himself after half an hour. Unfortunately my back hasn't forgiven me for those 30 minutes - it stinks getting older!

  14. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @lisa1783: The wishbone story got me too. I also find myself avoiding anything that is related to child abuse or kidnappings.

    Anyone else having issues with HB "eating" your posts? Sometimes I'll type up a nice response, click submit and get an error page saying "I need to actual include a comment to post."

    It's gotten to where I've started control+C some of my longer replies so I don't completely lose them!

  15. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    Any thoughts on which should be the second food to introduce? Assuming avocado continues to go well, I'm planning to introduce a new food this weekend. Originally I was going with sweet potatoes, but I've heard they can actually be tough for babies to digest.

    My other freezer options include: squash, zucchini, green beans, peaches, canteloupe, watermelon, kale.

  16. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @lisa1783: I had a hard time with that article, though in the end I was happy to have read it. Yay for rolling!!!!!!!

    @Goldilocks1107: I vote squash!

    So, I'm a little confused and slightly concerned about Tyler's recent eating habits. As you may recall, he has a dairy intolerance and has always been fed bottles of breastmilk. Cue in when I switched to special formula 2 weeks ago. Then, he was taking about 4.5/5 oz per feeding and got frozen breastmilk every other bottle. Our pediatrician okayed solids which he LOVES. He gets a small taste of a fruit or veggie around lunch time and then rice cereal at night. Well, for the last 4 or so days, he refuses a bottle before bed. I thought it was b/c he had outgrown nursing to sleep. Fine by me as he's sleeping fine and was still taking roughly 24 oz a day. Then, he started reducing the amount he takes by bottle. So, I decided to just try formula - maybe he isn't loving frozen breastmilk. Well, all weekend, he has only been taking 3.5 oz!! I cut out solids yesterday all together to see if it helped and it didn't. I'm not sure what's going on - maybe it's teething? He is perfectly happy and smiley and it doesn't seem like anything is going on at all - though he is slobbering all over the place.

    Any insight? We have a consult with a GI specialist on Wednesday re: dairy intolerance, which I'm glad we have.

  17. duckduckkristen

    clementine / 959 posts

    @winniebee: Liam has not been eating as much lately and I'm pretty sure it's because he is teething. He doesn't really get bottles so I don't know exactly how much less, but he doesn't eat for nearly as long. I wouldn't worry unless it lasts more than a few days.

  18. GrapeCrush

    grapefruit / 4823 posts

    @lisa1783: it was so nice to get out with my husband, even if it was only for 2 hours!!

    @Goldilocks1107: G loves squash! Good luck I bought some avocados for G to try this week

    @winniebee: G did the same thing!! It is concerning to me, but not my husband. He's only taking like 20 ounces of formula a day, sometimes less. We ate mixing whatever is left from the bottle into rice cereal and he eats all of it no problem. He's gaining and growing and still having a lot of wet diapers so that's making me feel better. I mean in less than a month e gained a pound and a half and grew 3/4 of and inch. Let me know what the doc says

  19. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    @winniebee: Holden does the same thing... goes through phases where he doesn't eat much but seems fine otherwise! It just seems like some days he is just not interested in food at all. It's good you have the appointment though, hopefully they can set your mind at ease

  20. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    I'm a little sad because I don't think Holden likes solids. He either hates solids or it might just be that he hates spoons. The first time I gave him cereal (last Wednesday) he made faces but put the spoon in himself. Since then he won't open his mouth at all! I took a chunk of banana and let him suck on it which he seemed good with and today I gave him banana in the mesh feeder and he loved that...so I'm confused. That's why I think he might just not like the spoons....Do your babies open their mouths without any trouble?

  21. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @lisa1783: LOL @stinky sports diapers. I love it. I so want some baseball diapers!

    And re 6+ wakeups--3-4 was his normal before. One before I went to bed (usually, or within an hour), 1-2 "real" ones, and one 45 minutes before he really woke up.
    I mostly sleep through the wakeups (I nurse on the couch and kind of nap as much as possible. He doesn't wake up he just eats.
    I had to jimmy together a sleep sack tonight because it is unexpectedly cold--hopefully that helps with the wakeups.
    I also understand about being so emotional, especially after the broken wishbone story!
    @goldilocks: That sucks. I better copy this before I submit! I vote green beans for no reason at all! G loves them--of course he hasn't had anything else. Well... I did make him some kale but he hated it and made a huge hilarious lemon face so that doesn't count.
    @duckduckkristen: sounds like an awesome first meal in the new kitchen! Hooray for the new kitchen!

    @winniebee: G had a few days where he hardly drank any milk--it coincided with his rash, some major "teething" (because who knows what is really teething at this point--ugh!), and his 4 month shots. After a few days he began eating like normal again.
    @cramm88: it could be the spoon. Or the speed of eating the purees; Or he wants to "do it himself."
    Time for me to go to bed!

  22. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @duckduckkristen: Ok thanks! Today I went to the grocery store and when I came home Tyler's top was drenched down to the belly button. I asked my husband if he puked or something and he said no...it was drool....he had been gnawing on my husband's knuckle. Gross!

    @sarbear: Wow that is crazy growth!!! T has plenty of poops and wet diapers (2 poops a day usually) and a wet diaper basically every time I check. Today he maybe had 21 ounces, half a jar of applesauce and then 2 ounces with rice cereal. My husband isn't concerned, either....we actually got in a fight over it this morning as he claims I'm trying to "force feed" Tyler. Then he apologized as he knows I'm just looking out for his best interest.

    @cram88: That's a good way to put it - very little interest in food. Enough interest to ask for it but then bored of it very easy and gets MAD when I try to get him to finish the rest of the bottle. You know, some babies just like to do it themselves and maybe Holden is one of them (hence Baby Led Weaning)! Tyler does like the spoon and opens his mouth when he sees it coming, but every baby is different.

  23. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @winniebee: & @sarbear: Squash sounds like a great plan - avocado night #2 went well and I think the container has just enough for one more day.

    @cram88: Audrey doesn't mind the spoon. Maybe Holden wants to be more independent. What if you put a glob of solids on the tray and let him "feed" himself (aka, get it all over his face)?

    And in today's issue of terrible mommy or totally awesome plan: Audrey hasn't pooped since Sunday afternoon (so we still haven't seen the results of the avocado). I'm assuming she'll have a nasty blow-out, so instead of picking out her usual cute daycare outfit, I grabbed some second-hand footie pajamas that we have and set those out for DH to put on her. I figure she'll have a monster poo at daycare and don't want to deal with having to clean something really nasty

  24. regberadaisy

    GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts

    @Rainbow Sprinkles: wow - that's amazing on the new schedule. I think they are suppose to transition to 2 naps around 6 months. I know at daycare they will start to transition her around then I think.
    @pastemoo: oh no! I'm so sorry you are going through the regression! At least you know there is a end in sight.
    @cram88: I think they say frozen because a lot of people use it as a teether as well. So the frozen aspect helps their gums.
    @sarbear: yay! Glad everyone is feeling better!
    @duckduckkristen: omg! so exciting about the kitchen!! I'm so jealous.

    Has everyone started solids? We still haven't yet and M is definitely interested. I think I'm going to start next week, she'll be 5 months 3 weeks old. And I'll be home with her 5 out of the 7 days so it'll be a good time to start.
    What did everyone start with? I was thinking sweet potatoes but in light of the recent information re: digestion issues I'm going to nix that. I know avocado is a good one as well.

  25. bpcmarj

    pomegranate / 3729 posts

    Just popping in for an update, but no time for replies!! We are still trying to get Penny to stop having blood in her stool. I am dairy and soy free, and we started on solids. So far, she will tolerate rice cereal with breast milk, and HATES bananas. Like, she makes a "this is gross" face and even gags! I did mix a little of them with her rice cereal and she did ok.i am thinking that it's about time I wean her from her swaddle since she is going to grow out of it within the month considering she is now wearing 12 month PJs! Any tips about swaddle weaning? I am dreading it because when I pull her in bed with me at night now, she can't roll, but that's the first thing she does when she's unswaddled. I have noticed that she will arch her back to try to turn over as much as she can when I lay her down asleep now. Maybe she really wants to be a belly sleeper.

    And random to BF moms, I know I didn't eat enough on Sunday. We were running around visiting people and I don't think I ate anything until like 3. I fed her like usual, but when we got home and I was changing I was literally dripping milk. Kinda gross I know. Isn't your supply supposed to lessen if you aren't eating enough?? I just thought it was random.

    In other news, I now weigh about 10lbs less than I did when I got pregnant, but still 5lbs up from my lowest 1st trimester weight. Thank you dairy free, @winniebee you were so right, it definately helped! I think no cheese or ice cream is the biggest weight changer for me. I was eating so much of both!

  26. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @bpcmarj: Do you see actual blood in her stool or is it just their test shows it when you take her to the ped? I'm really sorry. My sister is going through the same thing and faces a total elimination diet since her son won't even take a bottle. At least Tyler was bottle fed so the transition to Nutramigen wasn't bad. As for swaddle weaning, we did 1 night of 1 arm out. But he started rolling onto his side that night and I got freaked out so the next night we quit cold turkey. That night was a little rough but then his sleep really did improve overall within a week. I put him in a sleep sack for all naps and sleep - he definitely knows that now sleep sack = sleep. Now, he mostly STTN (at least one 6 hour stretch, but usually longer). Good luck!

    @regberadaisy: We started with rice cereal, then tried bananas (he didn't love, and they constipated him), then sweet potatoes (gross poop), then peas. He likes peas best so far. I feed him Earth's Best organic purees.

    @Goldilocks1107: LOL that's brilliant! I have a feeling when T goes to daycare he's going to be coming home in sleepers or sweats every day. His drool is reaching epic proportions these days.

  27. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: I'm voting totally awesome plan! Good thinking!

    @regberadaisy: We started with bananas....I just mashed one up with a spoon. It seemed the easiest way to go!

    I think I may just need to do a little research into solid eating. When I let him suck on the chunk of banana he "bit" a piece off but I took it out of his mouth because I thought he'd choke. After looking into blw though I guess he wouldn't. I could just give him little pieces of things...but I've already made so many purees. I could keep doing the mesh thing but honestly that thing was just a huge mess. I feel like I would have to make some kind of garbage bag onesie or undress him for when he's using it because it got everywhere!

  28. bpcmarj

    pomegranate / 3729 posts

    @winniebee: both. The visible blood is what prompted us to go to the ped. She does have a tear, which is what I really think is the problem. But, they did a test and found it microscopically, too I guess. She's happy and growing so if it weren't for the fact that I can see the blood I would just throw in the towel and give up on it. Now, I want to think about how to heal the tear.

  29. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @bpcmarj: So frustrating : (

  30. GrapeCrush

    grapefruit / 4823 posts

    @bpcmarj: good luck with swaddle weaning. we tried 1 arm out 2 nights and it was awful and my husband said not again for a month or so, but i know he needs to be weaned. he takes his naps without a swaddle, so i think he'd do ok.

    @regberadaisy: we started with peas, he's not the biggest fan. then tried squash and he loves it. but first we gave him rice cereal and he does really well with it. since he isn't taking too much of his bottle anymore we feed him rice cereal to make sure he gets his formula

    @Goldilocks1107: that's funny, i wouldn't want her good clothes to be ruined either...i say good plan!

  31. Goldilocks1107

    clementine / 878 posts

    @winniebee: Audrey always wears a bib now. And I think she goes through 2-3 at daycare. Good thing they have a good supply to keep her semi-dry!

  32. Mrs.M57

    kiwi / 515 posts

    @cram88: I don't know if this would help, but if it is the spoon that Holden doesn't like, could you try giving him a spoon of his own letting him play around/explore with it, while you are feeding him? Or, you could give him the chunk of banana and dip it in purée. Just some ideas if you would still like to keep trying purees. And, re: the net feeder I use it with non-frozen foods for Lily. She likes apples, pears and plums in it so far!
    @bpcmarj: congrats on your weight loss! Did your doc ever suggest an elimination diet for the allergies? When we first started dealing with the mspi stuff, my ped had recommended if eliminating dairy and soy didn't help, I could do a trial period of eliminating all high allergen/sensitive foods (milk,soy, wheat, corn, chocolate, caffeine) and pretty much eating a bland diet for a couple of weeks, then slowly reintroducing things to look for reactions.
    @regeberadaisy: we've only done cereal so far, I'm contemplating what to do for a first food too. I'm leaning towards banana or avocado!
    @pastemoo: as usual jealous of your craftiness, just whipping together a sleep sack!

  33. Mrs.M57

    kiwi / 515 posts

    Just a short vent, but Lily is still sleeping horribly! She had made her way back to doing 5-6 hour stretches, that lasted maybe 3-4 days, it all went downhill from there. We have consistently been back to 4+ wake ups per night (last night was 5). I don't know what else to do, this is with co-sleeping half of the night. Without when i try to keep her in her crib, she wakes more like 6+ times. Blahhh sorry, just needed to vent!

  34. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    @Mrs.M57: That's a good idea, maybe I'll just let him try to feed himself...it will be hard though because I'm a neat freak! And we are right where you are with nights. We average 5 wake-ups until I put him in our bed between 4-6am. Then there's at least another. I'm trying to just get through it and keep remembering that it can't last forever even though it feels like it is!

  35. cram88

    cherry / 232 posts

    My husband left work early yesterday because he's sick with a head cold and he just told me he's worse today so he's staying home from work. I realllly don't want to get sick because my birthday is Thursday and my friends are taking me out Friday night which I was really looking forward to! I also don't want Holden to get sick! I'm keeping my distance, drinking water and popping vitamin c... What do you guys do to avoid catching things in your house, for you and baby?

  36. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    @Rainbow Sprinkles: That's what happened with Cobi too. His naps were never predictable and not on a schedule and once he hit 6 months all of a sudden he was taking two naps that were exactly 1.5 hours long and there is no more guessing! I have heard that it's pretty typical that that's when they start to establish their schedule, so Willa seems only a little early which is great! Hopefully she keeps it up.

    @Goldilocks1107: avocado has been a favorite food here. More often than no Cobi will eat an entire avocado for lunch.

    @lisa1783: Agreed. I'm glad I read it but I was a sobbing mess when I read it. I also find myself avoiding any abuse, kidnapping or baby death stories in general. I hate when they're posted on HB.

    Okay this week/end was CRAZY... I cannot even... wow. Just insane and I have a lot of mixed emotions about it so I'll try to just cover some highlights to avoid one huge venting post

    -moved on 10/1. Cobi's sleep was awful all week. Finally got great after a few days - but then we had to wake him at 3:30am for our flight.
    - Flew to NY 10/5 for SIL's wedding. Cobi didn't sleep on the flight. He will not sleep in my arms at all anymore. It has made travel or being away from home REALLY difficult.
    - MIL totally pissed me off this weekend and I'm glad we were only there for the weekend. She totally disregarded Cobi and that fact that he is a baby with very pressing needs such as SLEEP. She just expected us to go to all the wedding festivities and he should just deal with it. We weren't allowed a car of our own for the weekend - which I was told wouldn't be a problem. Of course that made me MORE mad because Cobi was having huge meltdowns - literally SCREAMING in the car because he was so exhausted - and MIL did nothing. At the rehearsal dinner I had to get away from her or else I was going to lash out at her. I broke down to DH and demanded he deal with her and tell her we needed to leave. She finally conceded.
    - The rest of the weekend was ok as we brought the pnp everywhere - during the wedding he slept in the bridal suite - he was so cute.
    -Flight home was okay.
    -First night back home was last night and he woke twice which isn't so bad. Especially considering he slept with us all weekend. I expected there to be a rough adjustment period.

    I am so thankful to just be home and have a chance to actually move in and adjust now. Our house is a mess.

    Some pics from the weekend:

    The Ringbearer!

    sleeping during the wedding!

    He was so good on the plane

    Sleeping with daddy - I love this pic!

  37. shortcake

    apricot / 288 posts

    @pastemoo: we weren't in small gDiapers very long either, probably from about 5 weeks to 14 weeks. I bought all my gpants on craiglist though, so I didn't feel bad about not using them very long. And I plan to keep them in case we have another baby. I plan to use the cloth inserts when she get a little bigger, hopefully by 9 months or so, in order to get the early potty training benefit of cloth diapering. Regarding facebook, I appreciate you being sensitive to sharing private info, but honestly, I will never likely be a big poster. I read the thread, but between full time work, baby, friends, cleaning, neighborhood baby group and everything else, I will never have the time to post every day. But for the record, I have been part of the group for a very long time. I was on wedding bee when I had a miscarriage in June 2011 and then joined the May group when I got pregnant again in August and migrated over here to HB at the same time the other early adapters did and have been on ever since. So while I would love to see pictures of al the cute babies, if posting a lot is the criteria, I just will never be able to keep up!

    @winniebee: going back to work was a tough transition, but after a few weeks, it really becomes the new normal. My firm has been letting me work from home pretty much full time while I am still BF'ing so that is a huge help. And I have to say the first week back was an interesting mix of missing the baby and feeling a bit more like my old self. Getting on a routine was very helpful for me and getting dressed in big girl clothes was a nice change from shorts and t-shirts. Definitely give yourself time to adjust, but remember there are nice things about going back that are hard to imagine before you are there. How much longer do you have left of leave?

    @MRS.M57: so cute!

    @coco bee: sorry about your trip, your MIL sounds totally insensitive to having a baby to worry about. I wish people, especially other parents, remembered how hard it is, and then traveling and long days on top of it.

    @regerberdaisy: we have not started solids yet. I am going to start solids after she starts formula, which I am trying to wait until 6 months for. And she is just starting to sit up on her own, so I definitely want to wait until she is really sitting before we start food. I am thinking about skipping cereals and going right into veggies, pureed and in small pieces. When are you planning to start solids?

    @duckduckkristen, winniebee, goldilocks1107: my husband is so loud also, he is always slamming doors, banging around in the kitchen and dropping things when she is sleeping. I want to kill him, but I know the apartment is pretty small and I think being around noisy people in a small space has made her a better sleeper.

    @rainbow sprinkles: has the cough gotten any better?

    Question: is anyone getting flu shots or whooping cough vaccines this fall? I usually get the flu shot but never had whopping cough before. I heard it is supposed to be a bad year.

  38. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

    @Goldilocks1107: LOL. I love that trick for your suspected blowout. What if it happens tomorrow and not tonight?

    Anyone else tried prunes (but @regberadaisy?) I am considering trying them so we can try rice cereal soon (and have prunes available for the inevitable constipation).

    @shortcake: Yes I got the flu shot and so did DH. We both got the Tdap before we started TTC. (Whooping cough vaccine available *with* the tetanus booster if you ask)

    @Coco Bee: Poor you! It breaks my heart when G screams! But he was totally adorable at that wedding! I love the photos--so precious. And luckily the photos don't come with screaming.

    @mrs.m57 it's not that cute! But it kept him warm enough. He still got up waaaay too much. I did grab a 45min nap with him on my shoulder at 9 30 this morning.

  39. GrapeCrush

    grapefruit / 4823 posts

    @Coco Bee: OMG! he is so adorable in his little wedding outfit!

  40. pastemoo

    cantaloupe / 6146 posts

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