My mother-in-law is anti-breastfeeding. This has always been a surprise to me because her mom was a labor & delivery nurse. Maybe back then breastfeeding was frowned upon (?). My MIL got some kind of shot with all three of her kids to prevent milk from coming in. I don’t understand why. She’s a very smart, well educated woman.

Anyway... she has continuously made little comments and jabs at me for the last 3.5 years, since we had our first daughter. I breastfed her until I was pregnant with DD2, which was about 2.5 years. Imagine her dismay!

Her latest comments pertain to my BFing DD2. “I think it’s about time to get her off the boob and onto solids.” “I fed my kids rice cereal by the time they were two weeks old.” (😳) And yesterday, while I was nursing my baby in her living room “aren’t you just getting tired of nursing?” I said “not at all...I love it.”

Keep in mind DD2 is not even 6 months old yet.

I’ve told my DH about her comments in the past and he gets furious at her and it stresses him out. I haven’t said anything to him about these recent little jabs. Would you?

I’m getting to the point where I honestly just don’t want to be around her!! It makes me angry and uncomfortable that she not only has these opinions but that she can’t seem to keep them to herself.