DS just turned one and will be transitioning to the level 2 room at daycare. He's been at the same center since 15 weeks old. At first, I really liked the center, the director was very friendly and responsive to my concerns, and DS was thriving.

The director left three months ago and ever since, I've been not thrilled with the center. The new director is the teacher I had issues with. Even the teachers are annoyed with her, she's on a serious power trip. Now you must drop your LO off by 9am, no one can go into the classrooms, drop offs have to be done at the classroom door, no one can bring alternative food for their LO unless you have a dr note (in our case it's just preference, I don't want DS eating fudge rounds as a snack).

The teachers are wonderful though. It's just the new director, her power kick, and our already strained relationship (I went to the old director about her several times).

The new center is brand new. It's been open one week, there are only two other kids enrolled in his age group, I haven't gotten to meet the teachers yet, but I love the facility. It is new and was very thoughtfully designed with wonderful activities and age-appropriate toys in each room. There is no tv time (a huge issue I have with his current center), the menu is better, the director seems friendly, there aren't as stringent of rules (we can drop him off whenever, within reason, we are allowed in the classroom, we can bring alternative foods if we don't want him to have something on the menu).

I just hesitate because DS has been in his current center since he was 15 weeks old and he loves his teachers and his little friends and seems to be thriving. Is it fair to switch him? I feel like I'm ripping him away from everything he knows. I also hesitate because I haven't met the teachers yet, though I will before completing the enrollment process.

Closer to home
More lenient about rules
Amazing facility
Nice directo

Brand new, thus no history, no other parents to ask about the facility
Taking DS from who and what he knows

I can't decide. I just want what's best for DS.