I don't know if this is technically a weaning question or a sleep question, but I'm hoping those of you who have been through this before might have some advice. T is 10 months old and sleeps through the night about half the time. I know he's getting enough during the day, he's a great eater and is still on 4 bottles per day. My problem is when he does wake up at night. Currently the only way we've been able to get him back to sleep is with a bottle. Every time. Which is fine except that he's getting closer and closer to bottle weaning time and we're starting to wonder how in the world we will deal with night wake ups when we don't have the bottle to turn to. I know he can fall asleep without it...he doesn't need it for naps and though he has a bottle at bedtime, he can also fall asleep no problem without it. The only time it seems to be a crutch is for middle of the night wake ups. I just can't figure out how to soothe him without a bottle. Any brilliant suggestions? Tough it out and just figure the wake ups will be long, loud and miserable for a while? I'm happy to rock him to sleep and do currently. We will not be sleep training in any sense that doesn't involve soothing him, I just want to figure out how to more effectively soothe him without the bottle! We are about an hour into a wake up just three hours after his bedtime bottle. I know he isn't hungry. Help!