Preface this post to say that I'm grateful that I've had an easy BF journey. Both with DS1 ('til he was 13 months) and ongoing with DS2 (almost 5 monhts).

I never loved nursing the first time around, it was just a means to feed my baby and since we had no major issues, it was never a thought, not to breastfeed. I pumped 3 days a week in the office and we had a smooth ride until 13 months when DS weaned pretty much on his own.

I had a lil bit of overactive letdown, oversupply, and DS2 had a mild reflux case; but even still this time around, no major issues to complain. And I really am grateful. But I don't love it. I don't have this magical moment, but more of a "my baby is hungry, this is how I feed my baby." mentality about it.

I actually sometimes pump because I prefer it over nursing him sometimes. (insert mom guilt).

I never expected to fall head over heels in love with nursing (I never expected to be able to BF at all); but I also didn't expect to be so indifferent about it either.

Anyone not love nursing so much, but still do it anyway?