Hellobee Boards


Nov '12 Babies: Feeding

  1. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    Feeding this weekend was so haywire. The last three times I have tried to nurse her anywhere besides at home, she has thrown a huge fit and won't eat until I give her a bottle of formula.

    Yesterday morning I had a record breaking pumping session...SEVEN ounces. That is almost double what I've ever pumped before. So, knowing that there is obviously plenty of milk in there for her, it is so frustrating that she won't nurse. I guess she is used to taking bottles during the day at daycare. Luckily this morning she had a good nursing session (probably because she was half asleep). Hope we get another good one tonight!

    I might just plan on pumping on weekends if I know we are going to be out and about so that she can get breastmilk from a bottle instead of all formula. It must just be too stimulating for her or something and she can't focus or get comfortable.

    I so wish she did a better job emptying me than my pump does. But that is just not the case for us. Pumping is the only thing that helps/maintains/increases my supply. But real nursing is important to me (swapping antibodies and exposure and cuddling) so we'll solider on and I'll keep trying...

  2. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    we've had ds in the high chair since 3 months, he'll sit while we eat and actually it's his "chair" for viewing our fish tank (which he loves).

    we'll be starting solids in the next couple of weeks around 5.5 months. i think we'll do a mix of BLW/purees, depending on what he takes to easier/better.

    i have some spoons and such from showers, so i'm going to have him "play" with them these next few days and also probably start doing apple slices as teethers... and go from there to sweet potato/avocado/banana for his first "foods"

    A is having a heck of a time "playing" while nursing these days on my at home days. he'll nurse fine during the first half of each side since the milk is flowing, but toward the 10 min mark, he starts shaking and moving around, and sometimes BITING (OUCH)... trying to be proactive and unlatch him before he gets fussy.

    i pumped .5 oz less than normal this morning... peeved because i JUST took out MMP out of my purse and left it at home since i was up pumping wise the last cpl wks.

  3. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @kodybear: we started on purees a couple weeks ago (she was 5.5 mos old), but haven't been consistent. we had her try some pumpkin (i was making pumpkin bread), carrot from a pouch and sweet potato that we steamed (not all on the same day) she made a face the first two times we put it in her mouth, but then she kept opening it for more and got really excited. we just have a spoon and she sits in her bouncer. then last night i stuck a small piece of chicken in her mouth and she sucked on it like crazy. i also tried bread and some acorn squash. i think my mom gave her a taste of yogurt today too...i've probably been a little too aggressive with introducing stuff and haven't really been following the rules. she doesn't know how to swallow too well just yet though. but she seems to really like eating so far!

  4. Sophs Mama

    apricot / 429 posts

    My little girl gets 1oz of purees with her "breakfast" bottle, has formula during the day and then has 2oz of purees with her "dinner". She has fruit in the morning (so far her favourite is apple and raspberry) and has some sort of veggie/protein blend (sweet potato, apple and chicken is a hit) and then a squash and fruit blend afterwards (she LOVES Baby Gourmet's pear, pumpkin and banana). We started solids at 4 months on advice of her pediatrician, but took a break after two weeks because she just wasn't interested. We tried again a couple weeks ago and she has just gone crazy on them. She opens her mouth like a little bird!

    We just got her Baby Cubes' Fresh Feeder yesterday, and I gave her a hunk of frozen peach in it and she loved it. Like, loved it. I really like it because the part she sucks/chews on is silicone not mesh. I feel like it will actually stay clean.. the mesh bags always seemed gross to me. Wow.. that was long. (My daughter is 5.5 months by the way!)

  5. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @wildcardinside: thanks for sharing and sooo adorable!!

  6. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    @wildcardinside: little cutie!

  7. lindseykaye

    pear / 1992 posts

    @wildcardinside: CUUUUTE! And I love that little feeder - the mesh always made me wonder how it got clean, too.

    We started solids this weekend! LO is just over 5.5 months and I wanted to start before her 6 month appt. so that we can go over any questions that might pop up before then.
    Her first food was a mix of brown rice cereal, mama milk and sweet potato puree. She opens her mouth and eats off the spoon, but most of it gets spit out still Some of it does in fact make it down and she seems to really be enjoying it.
    Right now we're just doing this little bit of solids after her 'dinner' feeding. Once she gets a better hang of things and more food is swallowed than spit back out we will probably start sending some food to daycare for snacks.

  8. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    Well, I had a perfectly delicious and ripe avocado with my breakfast on Saturday morning, and decided that was going to be her first real taste of food. I got a teeny tiny little chunk of it and fed it to her. She swallowed it right up! And got a pleased look on her face. I fed her 2 more teeny tiny bites after that as we were having breakfast.

    I plan on just giving her little tastes of things here and there over the next few weeks, and then once she hits 6 months really start adding in real meals/feeding schedule with cereals and then purees.

  9. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    Is anyone else having a difficult time with nursing recently? The roof of his mouth is more rough (no upper teeth yet, only two on the bottom), he's been doing more pulling and twisting while latched on (clamped down), and a lot of latching on and off because the milk isn't instantly flowing like a bottle. It is so painful all of a sudden and not enjoyable for either of us. I hope this phase passes quickly for us.

  10. Kemma

    grapefruit / 4291 posts

    @ChelseaRose: apologies for busting in on your thread but my LO and I go through this every time she cuts a new tooth. My theory is that she's adjusting her latch to accommodate the new teeth and it usually takes about a week for nursing to go back to normal. My LO also likes to rub her gums on my breast which I think is because the new teeth are itchy!

  11. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    @highwire: aww, that sounds like a good idea... I want to try giving her some avocado! @ChelseaRose: my LO constantly pops off... So frustrating.

  12. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @Kemma: I hope that's all it takes (a week). I'm going to be mostly pumping today because he was really hurting me too much. His two teeth came in about two weeks ago and it was only the past few days that it started hurting this much.

    @kml636: The popping off combined with a painful latch when he is on is awful! I hope he gets out of this phase ASAP.

  13. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @ChelseaRose: A's bottom two teeth came in at the same time literally a day apart. At first it was just a latch adjustment, but then he went a few days where he went through biting at the end of the session! OWWWWWWWWWW. I learned to pull him off right around the 10 min mark and he's adjusted and (knock on wood) we haven't had biting incidents recently, but his latch is def different now and not as smooth as before! It'll pass I promise!!!

  14. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    so I think we'll be starting solids this wk. i had a few target coupons for baby food so i bought some earth's best and a few others and a box of baby mums to try out and see what he takes and doesn't take! i don't know if i'm ready for the poop to change!

  15. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @mrsjyw: Have fun!

    C is VERY interested in anything I'm eating or drinking lately. And she almost always starts getting fussy if she sees me eating and wants to nurse right then. She also always tries to grab my water bottle while I'm drinking it thinking it is a bottle for her.

  16. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @mrsjyw: I hope it passes quickly because I was very discouraged about it over the weekend. It's also difficult because we won't really have the opportunity to work on I during the week. I usually only nurse him 1-2 times on work days (Monday through Thursday) because I work long hours. The situation is complicated by a blister I got while pumping in the middle of last week. I usually use motherlove nipple cream with the hard medela flanges, but didn't one day because I was pumping in the car. Maybe I will try nursing him when he's not super hungry so that he isn't as aggressive.

  17. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @ChelseaRose: ughh yea i got a couple milk/blood blisters too :(... it hurt to pump for a couple of days. his latch is still different, but i think i've adjusted because it's not painful any more. i yelped unknowingly a couple of times and he cried too :T anyway once i figured out when it was coming, i'd slide him off and then he just figured out he didnt get any extra milk that way anyway. hope it passes quickly for you!!

  18. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    I think C is FINALLY becoming a better nurser. She still takes 20+ minutes on each side, but at least she is drinking more milk!

    We did a lot of nursing this weekend and almost zero pumping, and my supply is still in tact (and actually above average output today at work!)

    In the past, if I spend all weekend nursing, my supply would take a hit.

  19. SLR

    clementine / 824 posts

    We started solids this past weekend to get a couple weeks under our belt so I could have my arsenal of questions ready for E’s 6m checkup. I was torn on whether or not to start with cereal because of all of the conflicting things you hear nowadays, but ended up going with cereal (Earth’s Best) per my ped’s reco and would then move to purees pretty quickly. (We’ll be doing the three days per new food.)

    She seemed to like it just fine (I was expecting more of a reaction) and would open her mouth when I brought the spoon to her mouth. But it did seem like she was perhaps a little more interested in the spoon itself! She kept grabbing for it and trying to stick it in there herself and the couple times she was able to sneak in and do it, she ended up gagging herself a bit. We fed her just a little bit and I’m not sure how much actually got in her mouth.

    Anyways, we started on Saturday evening and all was well that first night. She pooped twice the next day and although she was kind of moaning/grunting off and on throughout the day like perhaps she was trying to go, she didn’t seem to be uncomfortable. But after last night’s feeding, she did not have a good night at all. I fed her the cereal (again just a small amount) around 5pm and she went down for the night around 8, a little later the norm because she fussier than usual. She ended up waking up 6x throughout the night, sometimes just after getting her back to sleep. Each time she woke up, she was WAILING. Rocking her wasn’t working, so I ended up nursing her three or four times last night. Poor girl. I don’t really know what the issue was. My only guess is that maybe it gave her a tummy ache or maybe it’s already made her constipated? Now I don’t know if I should go ahead with the 3rd day of cereal or just move on to oatmeal or fruit/veggies. Ugh, this is hard!!! The boob is so much easier.

    @mrsjyw: I’m actually looking forward to the poop change, ha! Little Miss Blowout is making outings soooo much harder. We had to leave our playdate early on Saturday because she went 3x within an hour and she ruined BOTH of her outfits. She did this the last two times we went out to dinner too! She saves it for the most inopportune times!! And she seems to come home from daycare in a different outfit at least 2-3 days out of the week. I’ve heard that, although stinky, it’s so much easier to clean and keep ‘contained’.

  20. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @mrsjyw: yay have fun! how exciting!

    @SLR: what did you end up doing? kind of late response but if she was acting okay during the day i'd probably do one more day of cereal before moving on to other foods. maybe her stomach just needs to learn to adjust? i'm not sure. haha i could say something completely different when i'm actually going through it tho.

    we're waiting about 2 more weeks when shes a couple days over 6 months, just cause it's memorial day weekend and i'll have an extra day to feed her and get her used to it before daycare. she also doesn't seem ready in that shes just starting to be able to aim things towards her mouth better and she still kind of leans when shes sitting in her high chair. but i'm excited for it!

  21. SLR

    clementine / 824 posts

    @kodybear: Daycare said that she seemed fine yesterday and she had a couple BM's there (even another explosion, yikes!), so I don't know if constipation was the issue. So we ended up trying the cereal again last night, but she wasn't into it at all. I'm not sure how much actually made it into her tummy. It only took a few tries before she made it clear that she didn't want any.

    It ended up being another terrible night sleep, even worse than the night before. She was up and crying constantly and didn't even want to nurse back to sleep. We wound up holding her for most the night (just like our first couple nights with her home from the hospital). It was the same deal as the night before, so I'm clueless as to what it could be. I don't know if she could have had enough yesterday to even give her a tummy ache.

    Needless to say, we are skipping the cereal tonight to see if she goes back to normal.

  22. lindseykaye

    pear / 1992 posts

    @SLR: Oh mama I feel for you. It feels like things just get settled and then it's time for something new that could/does disrupt everything!
    I hope last night was better for you all and that you can figure out what is making her so uncomfortable at night soon so you can all rest easily again.

    To update on Ellora, it only took her a couple days and now she actually swallows all of her 'dinner'. We're still doing a mix of rice cereal, breastmilk and veggie puree and it is working well. I will probably keep this up for a while as the canister of rice cereal has a lot left in it and I don't want it to go to waste I also like that it makes the puree a little thicker. She seems to do a lot better with it when it isn't so runny. Somehow she will be 6 months on Friday (what the what?) and our appt. is on Monday - can't wait to update the size thread and see how much she's grown. And I'm really curious if she and C are still twinsies @highwire!

  23. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @SLR: aww poor baby!!! hope last night was better!!

    @lindseykaye: HOW has it been almost 6 months!!!

    we still haven't started yet... just no time with work/his bedtime... i think we're going to hold off until we are both home and eating dinner early and start with him this wknd.

  24. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @lindseykaye: Oooh yes me too! C's weigh in won't be until May 31st (turns 6 months old on the 27th)

  25. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @SLR: aww poor thing ....maybe she's teething?

    We started oatmeal cereal and she really seems to like it. She honestly doesn't care for anything else lol- we've tried sweet potatoes, bananas, squash, and she makes a weird face with each of those. I think because the cereal is so bland, she likes it. She's starting to get the hang of it which is exciting! Still taking it slowly and doing it every few days...

  26. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    Nursing has improved after taking most of the week off (working/pumping). He hasn't needed any bottles today, so he will probably only have one tonight before bed. I'm very relieved that I don't have to give it up. I was really sad with the prospect of that, but there was no way that I could continue with how much pain I was in. Also, adding in a night time pump showed me that I don't actually have supply issues like I was worried about (27-29 oz/day in 5 sessions).

    I have yet to find a food that my little guy isn't interested in. He loves his oatmeal (with breast milk), apples, bananas, carrots, and avocado as well as Baby Mum Mums.

  27. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @ChelseaRose: yayyyy!!

    A had his first aolid today: swt potato puree. He loves it!!! Kept grumting for more! Pic in our gold thread!

  28. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    How are solids going for you ladies? What's the schedule? Help me! We haven't started yet but LO is definitely ready developmentally!

  29. MamaMoose

    GOLD / squash / 13464 posts

    @highwire: We are starting over memorial day weekend. I think we'll do oatmeal first, and then move on to avocado and then sweet potato. I'm nervous and excited at the same time! My LO loooooves to eat so I think she'll do well. I plan on just doing one service of solids a day for a least a month since they really are just for fun at this point. That serving will probably be dinner so she gets used to eating at the table while we eat.

  30. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @MamaMoose: I am super overwhelmed trying to figure out how to work this into our schedule with daycare, supplementing, etc.

  31. MamaMoose

    GOLD / squash / 13464 posts

    @highwire: yeah I definitely won't be having day care give her solids for a little while yet. I'm mostly concerned about pumping enough extra milk to mix in with her solids since it doesn't actually replace a meal! I guess we'll just have to dive into the freezer stay.

  32. NovBaby1112

    grapefruit / 4066 posts

    @highwire: we recently started solids but she isn't on any sort of schedule with them, we are just mainly doing it to introduce food to her and for fun. some nights we do solids, other nights we skip. she's no way near ready to eat actual solid meals yet. I always nurse first so she gets the majority from my milk, then about an hour or so after nursing we give her some oatmeal cereal or pureed carrots or bananas. some mornings i will give her the oatmeal cereal after i nurse her too. it just depends on the day, but we are just taking it easy and not forcing it and its been fun!

  33. Mrs. Tricycle

    blogger / pear / 1964 posts

    I miss you girls and the camaraderie of having babies the sane age! Work is kicking my butt and I have almost zero free time. Boo!

    Anyway, we're still EBF at almost 6 months. Still using the nipple shield which LO loves to rip off while nursing. He gets distracted so easily, so most of the time I nurse in a dark room. We tried some BLW with 4 days of banana and 2 days of avocado. The boy loves bananas, but is ambivalent about the avocado. We haven't keep it up the last couple of weeks because he gets sooo frustrated trying to get the food into his moth that he has a meltdown. It's also crazy messy!! I think we'll skip the rice cereal and try some homemade purees over the next few days. My Ped did say that I'll need to use Vit D drops with added iron if we were skipping the cereal and not using formula.

    Did anyone else try BLW?

  34. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    @highwire: we gave A her first solid on Monday - sweet potato puree blended with breastmilk. She loved the experience but not really the taste. We did it again yesterday and she liked it much better. Tomorrow night we might offer something else... She loves the fun of food, I'm enjoying it so much, she gets it ALL over herself and her poor daddy can't handle the mess but I think it's hilarious!

    @Mrs. Tricycle: I really wanted to try BLW but I'm too scared of the gag reflex. It sounds such a cool way to introduce food though!

  35. lindseykaye

    pear / 1992 posts

    @Mrs. Tricycle: When we gave LO a taste of avocado she was very not into it! I think it's because avocado doesn't actually have that much of a flavor? Sweet potatoes, carrots and bananas are all slightly sweet like breastmilk so we started her with those.

    I want to do more BLW, too but for right now it's just easier to do purees and rice cereal both mixed with milk. Like a yummy smoothie that has more nutrition than just rice cereal but still gives her the iron she should have from it. We did give her frozen peach slices in a mesh feeder like @wildcardinside and she loves that. She also has started to guide the spoon to her mouth on her own so I think she will transition just fine when we want to move to her picking food up by herself. I tried to give her a big hunk of roasted sweet potato to nom on and she just mashed it in her little fist and spread it all over her tray. Not one bit got in her mouth, but when we use a spoon she's like a little bird wanting more.

    @highwire: We also don't do it more than once a day with 'dinner' and switched up our after work/evening routine to fit it in. Instead of nursing right when she got home and then again before bed we just do her dinner right when she gets home and so far it's working out great. I know she didn't nutritionally need that much milk in the evening and it hasn't affected her night wakings/bedtime (actually it got better) so we're sticking with it for now. My only advice is to have bath right after solids - it gets messy even with purees and a spoon

  36. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    Lily still spits everything out!!! I guess she's not ready? She likes to chew the baby rice husks and I've had the most luck with BLW on avocados and sweet potatoes (Meaning she swallowed something)... @lindseykaye: I'll have to try the frozen peach idea!

  37. Mrs. Tricycle

    blogger / pear / 1964 posts

    @travelgirl1: I was worries about the gag reflex too, but even though he gagged himself once or twice, it wasn't so scary - DH was really relaxed about it, so I guess that helped.

    @lindseykaye: yeah, maybe that's why avocado wasn't a hit. We randomly let him lick a wede of lime the other day and he loved it. Was thinkingn about mixing a little lime with the avocado but somehow that seemed wrong? I feel like there are all these rules
    - but it's just food, so why so complicated?

  38. SLR

    clementine / 824 posts

    After having bad luck with the rice cereal, we tried oatmeal a few days later. She had a similar 'reaction' (I guess you can call it that?) with oatmeal. LOTS of crying...I think it's too hard on her tummy. I think we might try either sweet potatoes or bananas next and see how she does with that.

    We reallllly need to get her on solids though because her poops getting are out of control. Lately she comes home from daycare each day with "explosion" listed under her diaper log and a bag with a poopy onesie. Today's had it all the way up to the neck. I'm thinking this might get better once she starts having food.

  39. SLR

    clementine / 824 posts

    @lindseykaye: @kml636: I'll need to try the frozen peach too. It would be nice to have her occupied while we eat dinner at night. This has been difficult lately.

  40. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @highwire: we started slow! but A just kept us going!! we do mostly nighttime feeding as soon as I'm home from work. a lil before his bath/bedtime nursing. sometimes we give him banana in the AM too.

    @mrs. tricycle: we miss you!!!! trikester is so freaking cute!! we are also doing a mix of blw and purees! he LOVEs bananas and is MEH about avocado too!

    A has tried banana, avocado, swt potato, green beans, carrots and loves loves loves eating solids!! it is SO fun to see his face and mouth

    he was a lil constipated the first night, but we've been giving him some water in a sippy cup when we feed him too and we've survived the EBF to solids poop transition! STINKY. and so thick!!

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