Hellobee Boards


Nov '12 PP/Babies

  1. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @mrsjyw: omg crazy!! was he showing any signs beforehand? our babies are growing up too fast

  2. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @kodybear: i had no idea!!! he's been drooling for the past month, but it's normal for this age... he did feel a lil warmer this past wknd and on sat night woke up at 1am, when he usually STTN. i thought he was just overheated in the fleece sleepsack, but might've been from the teething?

    he's been pretty normal sleep, feeding, demeanor wise! yesterday he did take a 3 hour nap!

  3. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    C was totally staring at me as I left her at daycare this morning. First time she noticed me leaving! SOB.

  4. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    @highwire: omg, it's just going to get harder and harder! @mrsjyw: cute new pic!

  5. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @kml636: thank you!

    @highwire: WAHHH :*((( they're just getting more and more aware!!! my mom used to bring A to the door when i would leave in the morning, but i tried to avoid it now and just leave...

  6. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    So I thought laughing at being tickled was something kids learned.. guess not! LO cracks up when his armpits are tickled and I LOVE IT!

  7. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @scg00387: aw, i'm jealous that your LO is so ticklish! i try to tickle L, but she just stares at me!

  8. SLR

    clementine / 824 posts

    We've got some stranger danger going on too. My husband went to Vegas for a bachelor party/guys trip this weekend so my mom and dad came in for the day to visit me and E. She started crying when my mom took her but then freaked out when my dad did. Guess she's not used to any men besides her daddy?

    I have to say, I wasn't looking forward to four days with just me and her, but it's been kind of nice. Haven't had to worry about cooking and haven't bothered doing much else in terms of housework. I've just been soaking up the baby cuddles and spending quality time with E (even though she's been kinda fussy lately). Makes me miss being on maternity leave.

  9. SleepyMonkey

    grapefruit / 4006 posts

    @SLR: yeah. my MIL is up for the weekend and L has only seen her 2-3x in her life. so she held her for like 10 mins, and L's face kept crumpling but then i would talk to her and she would calm down...finally at the 10 min mark she started wailing! she is so uncomfortable around strangers...and outside of our home, she stares and looks around and never smiles like she does at home. either very curious or very overwhelmed by the newness of the environment.

  10. twoofeverything

    kiwi / 643 posts

    Stranger anxiety has hit over here, too. It's hard because people are used to passing them around, but now they go into meltdown when someone unfamiliar picks them up. They even get upset with DH leaves the room! Oof.

    Is anyone else noticing increased fussiness? C&N will be 5 months next week and are just...well...annoyed/frustrated/generally cranky with almost everything, it seems! I think they have figured out that there are a lot of things that they want to do but can't.

  11. SLR

    clementine / 824 posts

    @twoofeverything: Yep. Fussy here. I thought after WW19 we were supposed to be in a good period! It it worse in the early evening which makes me think it is related to the bad sleep we have been dealing with. Little stinker is waking ever 2.5-3 hours ever since we stopped swaddling.

  12. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    I was really nervous after reading that yall were experiencing stranger anxiety because we left LO with the inlaws and drove about an hour away yesterday! Thankfully it went fine, although he got a little over tired.

    We went to baby storytime at the library today.. had no idea I'd be in for public singing. Guess it comes with the Mom territory but yikes. My voice is not made for anything but talking! LO had a good time though and liked watching the older babies crawl around.

  13. twoofeverything

    kiwi / 643 posts

    @SLR: Yeah I thought WW19 was supposed to be the end, and that we would magically hit the "sunny period" on...I guess...the first day of week 20. HA.
    They are doing a little better today but only slept for 20 minutes during nap #1. I have decided that I'm going to let them talk/fuss/chill in their cribs until it has been at least 1 hr. They don't even cry, so it's just my bad habit of going in to "rescue" them when I see they're awake. That ends today! I'm done with the catnaps!

  14. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    LO is getting a bit of stranger anxiety too...but it isn't even strangers! Just people she hasn't seen in awhile. Last weekend she cried when my dad came near her. And then the same thing happened when my MIL came to greet her on Friday.

    I think they just come flying at her face, and she doesn't remember them right away, and it startles her, so she cried. Poor baby! And my poor MIL. She cried too

  15. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @twoofeverything: my LO went through a phase of only doing short naps and I did the same thing. If he woke up after 30 minutes I'd let him fuss or play for the duration of an hour. 9/10 times he went back to sleep and sometimes slept for another 1-1.5 hours. I knew he was tired.

  16. twoofeverything

    kiwi / 643 posts

    @ChelseaRose: How long did it take him to re-settle and go back to sleep?

  17. MamaMoose

    GOLD / squash / 13464 posts

    @SLR: My LO is definitely more uncomfortable with unknown men then unknown women. I think at day care she's used to seeing a lot of other women but it's not very often that she's around men other than her daddy. My parents were here this weekend and she definitely warmed up to my mom much faster than my dad. But but the end of their four days here she was perfectly happy to go to either one of them. I remember @MrsJacks once saying on here that a little stranger anxiety is a good developmental sign to her so I try to remember that when she is having a clingy day : )

  18. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @twoofeverything: 10-20 minutes. Sometimes he just plays or talks to himself and other times he kinda yells a little like, "Hey mom I'm awake. Come play with me."

  19. SLR

    clementine / 824 posts

    I think we've got our first case of pink eye. E woke up with a crusty eye today so I asked the daycare if they had any cases going around. They said there had been a few and that they'd call if it started to look worse. No calls, but when I picked her up this afternoon the other eye was all goopy. I'm looking at her sleeping on the monitor now and I can already see the gunk oozing out. Ugh, I have a feeling I might have to miss work tomorrow.

  20. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @SLR: oh no poor baby girl, get well soon!

  21. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    How are all the November bebes? My LO is sooo close to crawling.. he can do all the actions, just not at once! It is so cute watching him inchworm/roll/pivot around. We had a weekend trip to the in-laws and he was such an angel and even fell asleep in the car seat without crying at all (LOVE the convertible, this is a first for us!)

  22. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    Charlotte got her first tooth! I was expecting a nightmare, but she's her usual, happy self! Eating, sleeping,etc as normal. Got a lot if good quality time with her this weekend so I'm happy about that. Im loving this stage!

  23. MamaMoose

    GOLD / squash / 13464 posts

    @scg00387: M is doing great! Working hard on sitting unassisted (she can do a good thirty seconds totally unassisted with hands off the floor!). She also loves the inch worm move when she's on her belly. However she still refuses to remember that she knows how to roll from her belly to her back so after a while on her belly she fusses to be rescued. She is getting very skilled at rolling/reaching/scooting to get what she wants. Apparently at school the other day she used her boppy for leverage and rolled over to another baby and stared him dead in the eye while she stole his toy! My kid is a bully!!

    @highwire: Congrats on C's first tooth. For the sake of my nips I'm hoping M is like her mama and is a late teether!

  24. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @highwire: I'm happy to hear that her first tooth was easy on both of you!

  25. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    @MamaMoose: Hehe!

  26. immabeetoo

    honeydew / 7687 posts

    @highwire: glad your first tooth was smooth and easy! @MamaMoose: haha, I like a girl who goes after what she wants!

  27. SLR

    clementine / 824 posts

    Wow, these babies are growing up too fast! Teeth? Crawling?!?! I’m not ready for this!

    No teeth here yet, but that’s a-ok with me too. Nursing has been challenging enough lately with the constant distraction; I’m a little scared to add teeth to the mix.

    E has been loving sitting lately and has gotten quite good at it! We were at a playdate with about 8 other babies her age on Saturday and the other moms were so impressed by how well she can do it. At times, she can do several minutes on her own going between tripod sitting and totally upright, no hands. I have to say that this made me feel pretty good because I feel like we’ve been lagging on all of the other milestones. I know all babies are different, but I was beginning to feel like we were on the late end for everything. She still can’t roll from front to back, but the doc said not to worry – she is plenty strong and could do it if she really wanted too.

  28. twoofeverything

    kiwi / 643 posts

    Good to "see" everybody! Teeth and crawling? Seriously? These babies are getting so big!

  29. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    Happy First Mother's Day!!!!!

  30. travelgirl1

    cantaloupe / 6630 posts

    @ChelseaRose: Happy Mother's Day to you too! Did you get anything nice?

    Happy First Mother's Day, mamas!

    A got me a huge 'mom' mug, some chocolate and an adorable card that she drew in - love!

  31. ChelseaRose

    persimmon / 1161 posts

    @travelgirl1: thanks. I don't know yet. We're on the west coast and it is only 7:45am. Baby just went down for a nap and husband is still sleeping. We are goin over to my parents' house later, so we'll see. Hope you're enjoying your day!

  32. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    Happy First Mother's Day my fellow Nov mamas!!

    I got to sleep in, had a delicious brunch made by DH, and he/ds got me beautiful peonies and an engraved MOM/first mother's day photo frame. Took some shots yest on the DSLR to fill it in!

    Then, my mom came over around dinner time and we ended up having an indoor picnic (weather destroyed DH's surprise plans to take us on a picnic at the local metro park I grew up going to every week!)...

    We did MD with the ILs on Saturday and bbQed.

    Overall a great wknd!

  33. lindseykaye

    pear / 1992 posts

    Glad to read you had a lovely first Mother's Day @travelgirl1 @ChelseaRose and @mrsjyw! Hope everyone else had some good time with their babies, some sleep, and little of any other obligations

    I slept in while DH took LO to the store where she 'picked out' flowers for me (or was held up to the display where he chose the bouquets she grabbed first). Then after they came home I fed her in bed and she took her first nap snuggled with me while I slept even longer! Yes! After that we relaxed at home, played around and got ready for having a few friends over to eat burgers and say goodbye to one who is moving.
    Ellora was a sweet charmer and had a great time though she did get very tired at her normal bedtime. DH said our goodbyes to everyone while I did bath and bedtime with the little lady. Then I did a whole lot of nothing (aka TV watching) while he cleaned up the kitchen and house from the cookout. a perfect day!

  34. DillonLion

    GOLD / eggplant / 11517 posts

    Had a good time over here as well! Tried out a new adult Sunday school class at our church which we both loved. And C did awesome for the first time in the church nursery.

    All three of us took a nap AT THE SAME TIME in the afternoon! That is definitely a first. And then I naturally woke up just as C started stirring in her room. Perfect timing.

    She got tired earlier than usual, so we put her to bed and DH and I were able to relax for a long time yesterday evening.

    I got a gift card for a massage (YES!) and some luxurious lounge pants and flowers.DH is getting me something else when he gets paid on Wednesday.

    Overall, lovely weekend and awesome first mother's day!

  35. MamaMoose

    GOLD / squash / 13464 posts

    So glad you all had lovely Mother's Days! I didn't get to sleep in much but LO won't tolerate not being with me when she knows I'm available so it wasn't hubs' fault. And she really was in a sweet sweet mood all day despite having the sniffles so I didn't really mind.

    She also impressed me this weekend by fully mastering sitting up unassisted. She getting so big! I'll post a pic on the pic thread since that's gold.

  36. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    Happy Mother's day to everyone Hope it was a great one.

  37. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    How are all the babies? Time is flying by... sigh... I feel like she's not a baby anymore in some ways! L is sitting up better, no interest in crawling, her fav food is banana, and STTN is still hit or miss...

  38. kodybear

    pear / 1616 posts

    @kml636: LO is doing good! growing up too fast for sure. she's making alot of new sounds these days. she's not crawling yet but def on the move by rolling and pivoting. and she still doesn't like food much. she'll tolerate it but doesn't seem like she's enjoying it at all. the gagging has decreased at least tho! hah sad

    no teeth yet, but i can see the tip more and more. just curious, since i think most of your LO's have teeth already, did it happen overnight or was it gradual?

  39. kml636

    pomegranate / 3225 posts

    @kodybear: L has two teeth. It was gradual for her. I'm not sure how much it bothered her, but we blamed all fussiness on it!

  40. lindseykaye

    pear / 1992 posts

    @kodybear: Her teeth seemed to be 'coming in' for months but then once they broke through they were fully in within a couple days.

    @kml636: It didn't seem to bother LO for a long time (but there was so much drool from the start) until within a couple weeks of them erupting. However we blame all the fussiness on her teeth, too!

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