Hellobee Boards


November 2013 Babies

  1. Turd Ferguson

    pomegranate / 3160 posts

    Boo. Not much changed. We got a three hour stretch at the beginning, but then up again pretty much every hour again. So confused. She didn't really take anything from the bottle last night, maybe a half ounce, so I don't know if it's that. Maybe well try getting more/better sleep during the day. Who knows.

    I give up.

  2. Ash

    honeydew / 7909 posts

    @FarmWifeGina: glad to see an update and that things are going well!

    @lilteacherbee: love the selfies!

    @ms.janedoe: oh no! I was thinking about you - hoping it went better than it did. I noticed anbanan mentioned a sleep regression... Could it be that? Is she up to nurse or just awake?

  3. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    @ms.janedoe: We had an awful night too. Not only was he 5, 6 times? (I lost count) he had to be rocked back to sleep 3 different times, which he hasn't needed in weeks.

  4. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    Ugh! Little lady only nursed 3 times during the day Weds and 4 times yesterday. Both days barely once in the middle of the night. I have just been wrestling with her for the last 3 hours trying to eat her to nurse. She latched on twice for less than a minute and is now passed out again. She doesn't really take a bottle either. The doctor didn't call last night like I thought he was going to, so I think I am going to call and leave a message stating that while she seems to be in less pain/discomfort she is still super sleepy, only nursing 3-4 times a day (and their short when she does) and yesterday she projectile vomited twice! Wet diaper count is still good.

    @ms.janedoe: Sometimes when babies don't get enough sleep during the day, they can't sleep at night. Maybe working on the daytime sleep like you just mentioned will help your nights? Also, while moving her from activity to activity in theory sounds like it would tire her out (and probably does for some) maybe she got overstimulated and again couldn't sleep? Sounds like you just have to find that happy medium.

    My other thought, and this is just because this is where my experiences have always lead me, any chance she might be having reflux issues? I think you meantioned she naps better in the swing/bouncer (forgive me if I am getting my info concussed)? Those things have her moving and in an upright position which would help if she is refluxing. Does she do better when you hold her? Maybe she is just uncomfortable laying flat, resulting in her not being able to sleep?

    @Ash: Glad the shots went well! Hope today is an easy day for him too. Sounds like you have a good plan with the formula and I hope reintroducing breastmilk is a success when you get to that point!

    @FarmWifeGina: great update!

  5. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    Oh and all you mamas struggling with horrible sleepers, I just wanted to say I've been there. DS is finally starting to almost sleep through the night at just under 3, but most nights are still a struggle to get him asleep. It's tough! I've been in your shoes and know exactly what it is like...the best advice I can say is to do what you have to do to survive. This shall pass and one day things will fall into place. Don't give up, things will eventually "click" and you are all doing such a fantastic job!

  6. Turd Ferguson

    pomegranate / 3160 posts

    @Ash: She's just...awake. She'll start making little grunts and moans which I try to ignore, and that turns into fussing. If it's been longer than 2-3 hours I'll feed her but I usually try the pacifier first

    @ShootingStar: That blowssss. Yeah, I lost count last night too. We were up to nurse three times then there was one other time I had to rock...on top of the wake ups where I tried to jam the pacifier in her mouth and hope she'd fall back asleep. She never does fall back asleep though, she'll still be mussy, just sucking the pacifier (with her eyes closed). Sigh. Hope tonight goes better for you!

    @anbanan15: How long is she nursing for when she does? I'm so curious to hear what the doctor says!

    Yeah, I'm thinking she didn't get very good day sleep yesterday at ALL. I tried to put her in the RnP so I could nap, too, but she couldn't stay down linger than an hour or so. I might go back to nursing to sleep or putting her in the Ergo. Like you said, I'm in the "do whatever the hell you have to do to make it work" camp. I don't think it's reflux-related. She's back to sleeping in the RnP at night which, until recently, was working great.

    I'm thinking that it's just a phase--she IS a baby after all! Fingers crossed it passes sooner rather than later! DH is home tonight so I'm sure she'll sleep great and he'll be all, "What are you talking about? She sleeps fine!"

  7. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @ms.janedoe: She only nursed like 5-10 min on average, if she will nurse at all lately. Maybe once a day she will do a longer freakish feed.

    Oh it does sound like a phase then! My DH works weird/long hours and he never understood what I was talking about with DS either until he would see the stuff first hand (or hear info from the doctor).

  8. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @ms.janedoe: Ugh! I had really hoped last night would have gone better for you! Good thing she is such a cutie!

    @lilteacherbee: Love the selfies! You sure do have a great little companion to go stir crazy with!

    @ShootingStar: Oh no! Maybe just because his schedule is off from the past few days? Hopefully it will go back once he is in daycare full time?

    @Ash: Such a big boy! Sorry shots were rough

    @FarmWifeGina: Such a smiley baby! Glad things are going well.

    Here's a selfie of baby girl and me from this morning. Rocking the blue and orange in honor of this weekend's Super Bowl #GOBRONCOS!

  9. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @ms.janedoe: Was she sleeping better when she was in the bed with you? If I was in your shoes, I would do whatever to get some sleep. Sorry none of our advice helped

    @anbanan15: Hope you hear from the doctor and she starts nursing more!

  10. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @anbanan15: Bi-weekly weight checks sound like a good plan. Do you really have a baby scale at home? And you're so great for encouraging all of us first-time moms! You are doing amazing too as a mom of two!

    @ms.janedoe: It's totally a balance during the day of sleep and play. There really is no formula. Maybe your baby girl just loves being with her mama, she doesn't want to miss a minute! I hope you are right and she sleeps when your husband comes home, if only so you both can snooze and get some together time.

    @Ash: Go chunky baby! And yay for trying again with the breastmilk!

    @lilteacherbee: Those little pictures of you and Nathan are adorable!

    @FarmWifeGina: I love Rosie's smile Good to hear from you! And yay for making it a priority to still focus on you! Good luck with all of your doula and birth photography work

    I'm back on meds for another chance to knock out the thrush on my nipple. I went to the OB again yesterday and she did say I was healing. Which can be hard to tell with the stinging pain I still feel upon latch and after feeding. Thing is...I've seen the OB & 2 different lactation consultants and they all tell me something slightly different. I feel like their recommendations are as good as anything I can find on Dr. Google. So frustrating. I'm basically re-traumatizing my nipple every feed though. So the best way for it to heal would be to take a break on the left side for about 48 hours. But I don't want to do that for fear that my supply would tank. It's already never been super high because of this stupid thrush. And I STILL can't even think of pumping to help it out because I think that will injure it as well.

    I did read online though, that people who were treated for group B strep in the hospital tend to get thrush. Who knows if it's the truth - I don't need something to blame. BUT - I'm kind of pissed if that's the source of all of this madness. Because my baby came early, and it was the middle of the night, they didn't have the results of my Group B test from the week prior. So to be safe they treated me until the OB office was open in the morning and they could get those results. Turns out - I was negative and I was just treated for nothing.

    I don't know. I just want to feel better. I didn't think my whole maternity leave would be filled with so many doctor visits and so much pain. My right nipple gives me a glimpse of how wonderful breastfeeding could be. My left nipple tests my strength and threshold for pain every three hours.

    I just don't want to go to all formula. I really want to get through this and be able to attempt pumping again.

  11. mrs.shinerbock

    pomegranate / 3779 posts

    @NeekieRose: @lilteacherbee: @FarmWifeGina: Love the pictures. Your babies have the cutest expressions.

    @ms.janedoe: So sorry last night didn't go well after all of your preparation yesterday.

    @anbanan15: Hope you hear from the doc today.

    We just got through the 3rd leap and the 3 month growth spurt (I think.) We had a couple pretty rough nights and evenings where LO wanted to nurse every hour. It sucked because I don't really get much done in the way of housework or cooking during the day because she is not a great napper and when DH finally got home at night and I could get a few things done, she nursed constantly. But who can resist this face?

  12. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @stine_ciro: OMG soooo much hair! Really cute.

    @sweetooth: Ugh, hate that you are having such a hard time and getting different information from different medical professionals!

  13. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @sweetooth: I do! It's a portable baby/child scale (it goes to 330 lbs though so I guess anyone can use it?). I got it because weight loss/FTF is common with FPIES kids and I wanted to be prepared with DS, however he always gained a ton and we never used it.

    Hope this round of meds does the trick!

    @stine_ciro: So much hair!!! Love it

  14. Turd Ferguson

    pomegranate / 3160 posts

    @NeekieRose: Hhaaah, I know, that's what I told her this morning, "you're lucky you're so freaking adorable!!" Cute picture!!! Sadly, no, she doesn't sleep better in bed, that was a lot if my push to get her back in her RnP a few weeks back, we were both sleeping like crap! I almost wish she WOULD do great co-sleeping, I don't really have a problem with it!

    @stine_ciro: Congrats on making it through! You give me hope! Gaaah, too freaking cute!!!

    @sweetooth: Dude, I am so bummed for your nipple. I hope this time around knocks it out. Have you tried using a shield on that side at all (I can't remember if you said you have or not)? I know when my nipples got destroyedddd in the hospital I did bed up pumping, but I guess that pain was on the outside of the nipples and not inside.

    Thanks again for all the help these past few days. I'll try to ease up on my nighttime complaints... I also agree, @anbanan15: you're a kickass cheerleader!! Here's little miss mussypants from Wednesday (did I post this, I don't remember...sigh) and Tuesday:

  15. Turd Ferguson

    pomegranate / 3160 posts

    @anbanan15: I like your blanket.

  16. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @ms.janedoe: right back at you! And love the hair!

    I was all excited because MFM told me LO had so much hair on u/s, but she was born with no more hair than DS had and just really has some dark fuzz up there that doesn't seem to grow. Slightly jealous of your long hairs LO's.

  17. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @ms.janedoe: All that hair! She really is so adorable!

    I swear, Reagan's hair hasn't grown since she was born. At least it hasn't fallen out either. I can't wait for it to be long enough to put bows in!

  18. Turd Ferguson

    pomegranate / 3160 posts

    @anbanan15: @NeekieRose: Thanks! I don't think she's started to lose it/have it thin out too much, though I thiiiink she might be starting to on the back of her head where she moves it back and forth when she sleeps...that'll be funny looking!

  19. Maysprout

    grapefruit / 4800 posts

    These babies are so cute!
    LO is 3 months now and doing well but wanted to commiserate with all of you about night sleep. She's a lot better sleeper than my first LO and lets me put her down but I can't figure out when she's going to sleep at night and when she's going to wake me up every hour and a half.
    And whew she's a gassy baby, I feel bad it hurts her tummy and she likes to mainly poop with her diaper off, I think when we wipe her hiney it helps her release the gas or something.

    Well that's the bad stuff but everything else is good. Its fun having 2, they're really different in a lot of ways from each other so it's neat learning a new little personality. She's a really sweet baby and starting to giggle more. Started to give us a few belly laughs but not too many of those yet.

  20. Turd Ferguson

    pomegranate / 3160 posts

    @Maysprout: Yay for laughs! Good luck with the sleep...I obviously don't have any advice!

  21. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    Just knocked one of my pumping bottles over on my desk. And now my notepad has a nice milk stain. Such a clutz.

  22. Turd Ferguson

    pomegranate / 3160 posts

    Anyone started to lose hair like crazy? Gross. I had no clue it didn't start until like, 3 months in. Blaaaah. Also, I think I might be gaining weight...I eat...a lot...all day long. Oops. Can't wait for good weather to be able to go outside and walk!!

    Oh, also, any tips for giving the Vitamin D drops? It's such a stupid design, like, they're made to be added to a bottle or cup or something... Right now I just get a drop it two on my finger and mash it in her mouth abd hope some stays in!

  23. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    I'm getting frustrated. I snuck the boob in twice while she was sleeping and she nursed under 5 min each time. She's been sleeping all morning. When she is awake and I try to nurse her, like the 3 hours I tried this morning, she simply doesn't want it. It's not like she can't latch on or is crying at the breast, etc., she just don't want to eat. She will even latch on sometimes for like a second then stops...oh and she thinks she is funny!

    I weighed her on my little scale a bunch of times (total PITA BTW), both by herself and also from subtracting from my weight and got 12 lbs. If that is accurate (I know scales differ) she is down 2 oz since Tuesday.

    Still waiting for the pedi to call. The nurse kinda cut me off and all I got out was that she seems to be feeling better, in less discomfort, but she is only nursing 3-4 times a day...click. Err

    @ms.janedoe: I haven't noticed my hair falling out yet, but maybe that is because it was SO bad with DS? I had bold spots. We later learned that it was actually my thyroid being so messed up.

    The weight came off quickly with DS, but not so much this time. I've been eating the same 3 foods all month (buckwheat, carrots and pork every few days) and I don't think I've lost a thing this month!! I swear my boobs weight 20 lbs though...well 15 lbs in the one and 5 lbs in the other lol.

  24. FarmWifeGina

    pear / 1571 posts

    @ms.janedoe: Yep on the hair loss. And it's just beginning for me.

    @anbanan15: Oh my goodness, how frustrating!

  25. FarmWifeGina

    pear / 1571 posts

    @sweetooth: You are such a trooper, sticking with it like you are. That sucks about the Strep B antibiotics- I'd blame them too, just to find something to blame it on.

  26. Turd Ferguson

    pomegranate / 3160 posts

    @anbanan15: I'm bummed for you, lady. I hope everything is ok and your pediatrician gets back to you ASAP. Have you done a weighed feeding at a LC at all? I think those scales/weighing yourself with them can be tricky. I ordered a baby scale but it was different by multiple ounces every time, which sucks when a few ounces makes all the difference!

    @FarmWifeGina: How long does the hair loss usually last?? It's awful!

  27. FarmWifeGina

    pear / 1571 posts

    @ms.janedoe: I think it's different for everyone. Mine seems to last forever. Like, past a year PP. Which sounds crazy, but they say a woman's body is not balanced hormonally again until 2 years after giving birth, so I guess it could just be how my body handles all the fluctuation.

  28. Turd Ferguson

    pomegranate / 3160 posts

    @FarmWifeGina: Booooo. Super lame. I just always keep it up now. Partially because I shed hair too bad if it's down, and partially because LO will grab anything she can! Oh, totally freaked out the other day, I found one of my hairs wrapped around her tiny tie. It wasn't super tight yet it abutting, but ugh, scary! I also seem to find hairs stuck to her pacifier. Sick.

  29. FarmWifeGina

    pear / 1571 posts

    @ms.janedoe: Yeah, I have to keep an eye on fingers and toes too. Getting a trim seems to help though. It doesn't stop it from falling out, but it does something, makes it look healthier, I guess.

  30. ShootingStar

    coconut / 8472 posts

    @sweetooth: have you tried pumping to see if it's as bad as you suspect? You could also try a bigger flange, which made it more comfortable for me, even though it didn't *look* like I needed a bigger one. And if pumping is a no-go, what about hand expressing? It's not the most comfortable thing, but would probably have no additional nipple trauma.

  31. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    @ms.janedoe: I think the LC is my next step. She went from nursing great to this suddenly. She is still making enough diapers though so it's tricky.

    I'm supposed to work today for 4 hours. I'm going to see about not going in. I just don't think, on the off chance she is hungry when I'm gone and then she actually takes a bottle, that it's going to help things. My mom is watching her and I know she really has to work with her to even take a bottle at all.

  32. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    Doctor said she is still symptomatic for intussusception so he wants to see her and we may be headed to a pediatric surgeon.

  33. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @anbanan15: OMG, am I remembering correctly, I thought you said they did an ultrasound and ruled that out?

  34. NeekieRose

    persimmon / 1386 posts

    @ms.janedoe: @FarmWifeGina: Ugh...I haven't noticed any hair loss yet so I thought that I was out of the window. I have really thin, fine hair. I can't afford to lose any!

  35. anbanan15

    grapefruit / 4681 posts

    They are admitting her to childrens

    @NeekieRose: they did but he felt that what I'm describing is still symptoms of that. He wants the ultrasound repeated by a pediatric surgeon since the person who did it tues is used to working on adults and may have missed it. He said she should not be falling alseep like that (she did during exam).

  36. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @anbanan15: Hugs to you and to your baby girl! I hope you get answers and she's doing just fine.

  37. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @NeekieRose: @ms.janedoe: @stine_ciro: I love all of your pictures!

    @stine_ciro: who could do housework with that cutie staring back at you!

    @NeekieRose: @anbanan15: @ms.janedoe: @FarmWifeGina: @ShootingStar: thanks you guys

    @ms.janedoe: I haven't tried a nipple shield. No one has ever suggested it to me in all of my appointments. And the latch we have right now is good so I fear messing that up. I know...heal myself? Or mess with the feedings? I feel like I can work through this pain. I just don't want to have more troubles, you know.

    @ShootingStar: my OB and the LC did suggest hand expression. Maybe I will give it a try this weekend. I've only ever really gotten little drips when I do it that way. So it feels like I'd never get any sort of accumulation. And it's probably fear that's keeping me from trying the pump again. I do have a larger size flange that I could try.

  38. Turd Ferguson

    pomegranate / 3160 posts

    @anbanan15: Thibking of you!!! Keep us updated for sure.

  39. Cara M. 17

    clementine / 825 posts

    @ms.janedoe: You must be so freakin exhausted. Hope you can at least enjoy some coffee! And OMG the hair loss! Mine is coming out so badly and I had no idea it started this late!!!!

    @stine_ciro: oh my goodness, that hair! So adorable!

    @anbanan15: That's the blanket we used for DD at the hospital!

    @sweetooth: We can be bad left nipple sisters! Mine is still healing and I gave up on the shield. Can you try hand expressing on that side to maintain your supply?

    We don't have nearly as bad sleep issues as some of you other mamas, but lately DD will not go back to sleep after her 4/5 am feeding. She is just wide awake. Hoping this doesn't last much longer bc I go back to work on Monday!

  40. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    @anbanan15: oh no, thoughts and prayers to you Hope everything turns around soon!!

    @ms.janedoe: gosh, she's precious!!!

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