Hellobee Boards


November POAS: TTC 6+ Months

  1. LoveHope

    kiwi / 689 posts

    @Kitkat: Welcome! Are the long cycles the reason you're starting Clomid?

  2. Kitkat

    apricot / 325 posts

    @LibbyLou: thanks! Tell me about it, never would have though I'd be wishing for more periods!

    @LoveHope: Thanks! that and the fact my doctor doesn't think I'm ovulating based on my charts I'll take it for two months and continue to temp and use OPKs. If it still doesn't look like I'm ovulating she'll do additional tests

  3. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @LibbyLou: how many more days till you test?

    @doxielove: lol, weve all be there! I keep telling my self to stay away from Google, but it's too addicting! Fx for you!

    @LoveHope: i had the exact opposite. The first month was TERRIBLE. The second month wasn't bad. Still a few headaches and other symptoms, but nothing compared to the first month.

    @Kitkat: wow, those are long cycles! Have you been able to see any opk surges or anything?

    I'm 7dpo and hanging out. Trying not to obsess over every "symptom."

  4. Kitkat

    apricot / 325 posts

    @Crystal: I actually haven't used OPKs yet; I'm going to start with my next cycle. I've only been temping, and my charts don't show that I've been ovulating.

  5. LibbyLou

    kiwi / 739 posts

    @Crystal: period is suppose to start Wednesday. So Wednesday-ish. I always test early. Just 5dpo now but I have short cycles. Looks like we are on pace to test close! Are you end of next week?

  6. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @Kitkat: hmmm... I hope they can figure out what's going on soon!

    @LibbyLou: yep! Friday probably. I'm trying to remember my previous pregnancy symptoms. My first time was so long ago I don't really remember anything besides implantation bleeding, and the last time I didn't even think I was pregnant. I hope I'll get surprised again!

  7. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Crystal: best wishes on this first cycle back at it. I'm sure you are feeling a mix of emotions.
    @mrsjd: welcome to our board. Good luck with the clinic. I hope this is the answer for you!
    @kitkat: welcome to you. It must be super frustrating to have such long cycles!

    I have narrowly avoided a D&C! That was my biggest goal. I know some of you are probably like "geez why didn't she just do it!" it was emotionally too hard for me after experiencing my D&E in December.
    At any rate I had a scan this week and my lining was under 10mm which is what they wanted. It only took 3 rounds of misoprostol to get there. Apparently I'm the first person to ever do three rounds in their clinic. My HCG is down to 29 and I hope next week I'm at 0. By the time I get AF and ovulate it may be time for my December 21st fertility appointment anyway. Looks like we will just TTC in new year.

    Good luck to you ladies testing in the next week!

  8. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @delight: that's great you got to avoid it! I know how important that was to you. The hcg game is terrible, i hope it gets down to 0 soon.

  9. HellOnHeels

    clementine / 899 posts

    @Amorini: thanks for the reply!! I'm sorry you had to go through all of that! I hope it all works out! My T4 was normal, was just my TSH that was above "normal range". I asked my GP and he said he agreed with the approach. I guess we'll evaluate in a few weeks when I do the blood test again.

    @Crystal: I could probably request to see another dr within the practice. I think I'm gonna see what happens come Dec when I see him again. A friend of mine sees him too and she said that he was rushing her at her last appt as well...

    @AmeliaBedilia: @LoveHope: That's what this doc said too, "anything under 2 is optimal". I was at 4.48 in Sept. So I would agree with treatment and meds, but you wait 2 MONTHS to tell me?! W.T.F. Hopefully both meds will help this cycle...

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!

  10. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    I think we have a few people testing this week?

    AF is expected Thursday. My goal is to hold out until Saturday, but that will probably all go to hell by Wednesday

  11. LoveHope

    kiwi / 689 posts

    @doxielove: Lots of good luck to you. Fingers and toes crossed for you!

  12. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    My ultrasound went fine today. The largest follicle is only 17mm, one slightly behind, and a few around 12mm and less. The largest one was 13mm three days ago, and he says they normally grow 2mm/day. The plan is to decrease Gonal-F to 12.5units tonight and tomorrow, repeat ultrasound Wednesday. Likely trigger Wednesday night and IUI Thursday. He thinks I will ovulate 2, maybe 3. This is later than my previous ones- I've triggered day 11-12, and I won't ovulate til the morning of day 15. I couldn't get my appointment for Wednesday until 8 (when I'm supposed to beat work), and I will miss a work meeting for the IUI. I don't like it, but having a baby is much more important. I have acupuncture this afternoon. I'm working on getting all my records to the new doc for a second opinion in one week.

  13. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @doxielove: The time before AF is expected is so hard! Good luck!

  14. LoveHope

    kiwi / 689 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: I totally hear you. I feel like I've been falling behind a but when it comes to work. I agree. Having a baby right now is my top priority.

  15. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    Aaaaand I'm spotting. I think AF is coming.

  16. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @doxielove: I'm so sorry!

  17. mrsjd

    clementine / 777 posts

    @doxielove: I'm so sorry.

    Today is CD 13 of my first Clomid cycle (I took days 3-7) and just had my first smiley on a digital opk in a LONG time. So I'm really hoping I actually ovulate. We DTD this morning and the day before yesterday. I figured we'll do tomorrow and the next day to be sure and then relax.

  18. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @doxielove: I'm so sorry. 😢

    @AmeliaBedilia: @LoveHope: I'm right there with you. Having a baby is my top priority right now, and has caused me to miss work more than I would normally do. Luckily, my boss is understanding.

    @mrsjd: FX!

    AFM, AF is due Thursday. I'm just hanging out until then. Hoping for good news, but certainly not expecting it.

  19. LoveHope

    kiwi / 689 posts

    @Crystal: I actually haven't told my boss yet but I think I'm going to have to. I've been missing days to go to appointments. Especially if I do IUI next cycle. Ughhhh why are things so complicated for some of us???!!!

  20. LoveHope

    kiwi / 689 posts

    @doxielove: Nooooooo. Ughhh so sorry lady.

  21. mrsjd

    clementine / 777 posts

    Cross-posted from the < 6 months group.

    I'd love to get everyone's take on when I will/have ovulated.

    I took Clomid, 50m, from CD3-7 for the first time this cycle. Yesterday morning (CD13) I had a smiley on a ClearBlue opk (not the advanced) using FMU and then I followed up with a mid-day 3 hour hold and it was also a smiley. This morning using FMU it was negative. I'll take another one later in the day today. Is it bad that it appears I only had one day? My EWCM also appears to be tapering off. I had a ton yesterday and less so today. We DTD yesterday morning and this morning so I think I've covered my bases, but I'm just curious.

    Presuming I ovulate today, my plan is to test Nov. 30 at the earliest.

  22. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    @mrsjd: I was under the impression a LH surge can last 12-24 hours, so that sounds about right (1 day of + opk). Good luck!!!! ETA - so, I'm thinking you ovulated on CD14, if your positives were on CD13.

  23. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    Cross post:
    My appointment was fine. The right side had an 18mm and either 14 or 15mm, then it took seemingly forever to find the left follicles-21mm and 16mm. Trigger tonight with ovidrel plus gonal f 100 units, then IUI #3 tomorrow. RE said the pregnancy rates are the same for IUI anywhere from 12-36 hours after trigger. He thinks I will ovulate 2-3. I'm going to try to meditate tonight. As crazy as it sounds, DH and I are wondering if the energy in the new house we are renovating might be better, so we might BD tomorrow night there. There is no furniture, no plumbing, light fixtures aren't in yet, so it might be an adventure.

    I have a second opinion consultation with a new RE Monday. We will probably go to ivf if this doesn't work, unless the new RE has a different recommendation.

  24. LibbyLou

    kiwi / 739 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: those numbers sound promising!! Ovulating 2-3! 😁 That's great. I would definitely try the new place. It couldn't hurt. Are you using preseed as well? I felt like that made a difference for us.

  25. LibbyLou

    kiwi / 739 posts

    Period is suppose to start today...it hasn't so I POAS. Ugh. I have had cramping for two straight weeks so I thought this may be it. Guess not. Damn.

  26. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @LibbyLou: Boo! Sorry to hear. How many DPO? Hoping it is just too early.

  27. LibbyLou

    kiwi / 739 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: 11dpo. I know I keep hoping that too.

  28. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: Good luck at your consultation at the new RE! At the very minimum, it may be reassuring to get a 2nd opinion!

    @LibbyLou: Ugh, so sorry!!!

  29. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @LibbyLou: might be too early.

  30. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    IUI#3 done. Post wash count was a little lower than before at 45 million, motility 65%. Then I got a chain text about God seeing me struggling and it will end now, and tomorrow (the day I ovulate) will be the best day of my life.

    Funny thing yesterday- a friend had to pick up something yesterday at my house, and upon leaving, says, "don't have kids, they're so much hassle and so expensive." Then I went upstairs and gave myself ovidrel and gonal F.

  31. LibbyLou

    kiwi / 739 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: congrats on IUI #3. Three is a lucky number! "Funny" about the text chain. I always am looking for signs. its human nature to do that! As for your friend 😐😐. People are always telling us they are envious of our life bc it seems we are spur of the moment to do anything. (Facebook life).

    I'm CD 1! That means I'm one day pregnant! got my new potential due date memorized, ready to get this done this month. I'm like my own science excitement. I know what didn't work last month, now what constants to keep and what to change?

  32. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: @LibbyLou: Why must people comment??

    DH and I got a quote for sliding glass doors last week. The saleslady was telling us about how green their installation products were (and safe for kids), and said "Do you have kids? You like here all by yourselves?! That must be so nice!"

    Actually, no. It's not nice to not use half your house. But thanks for assuming.

  33. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    @LibbyLou: Cycle twins!! CD1 over here. Love your outlook - "1 day pregnant" LOL. Are you doing clomid again?

    @MaryM: Ugh, I'm sorry. Some people just need to STFU.

    @AmeliaBedilia: Wishing you all the luck in the world this cycle!!

  34. LoveHope

    kiwi / 689 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: Good luck with this IUI.
    People honestly don't think before they say things. Makes me crazy.

  35. LibbyLou

    kiwi / 739 posts

    @doxielove: I am. I have pretty minimal side effects so why not. And lol at the "1 day pregnant". I have to think like that to get over my period starting!!

  36. LibbyLou

    kiwi / 739 posts

    @MaryM: we use half our house too. It sucks. We just put wood floor in the future nursery and if I accidently Call it to that to someone...oh boy. 100 questions of how I must be pregnant and not telling. Nope, just not pregnant!!
    People done mean harm, but are certainly clueless.

  37. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @LibbyLou: Yes! We are renovating and have nicknamed the two extra bedrooms something else to avoid this.

  38. doxielove

    persimmon / 1388 posts

    @Crystal: How are you doing? Any sign of AF?

  39. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @doxielove: AF started kind of last night and full blown today. Womp womp. Even as much as i try to temper my excitement, I can't help but feel at least a little crushed when it arrives.

    @LibbyLou: @MaryM: @AmeliaBedilia: we get that too. It sucks. I'm thinking about putting a desk in our spare and start calling it an office.

    Had my dr appt this morning. I had some strange results, so I need to see a rheumatologist My dr is also going to speak with the perinatalogist to see if there is any other testing recommended. He is also planning on reading up on the latest infertility stuff so we can discuss a treatment plan. I feel like he is really proactive, and I like it a lot better than the simply throwing clomid at me like my last dr did.

  40. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @Crystal: I had C move my sewing machine into the baby's room when we were both still off work, but I still call it the baby's room half the time. I haven't brought myself to really settle into it as a sewing room yet because I'm hoping we'll just have to move the stuff back out of there anyway.

    But I couldn't deal with it being empty

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